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Invalid use of std::ranges / std::filter

Below is a minimal example of an attempt to use the std::ranges library to look at a map<int,...> and return only the first elements such that the int is contiguous starting at one. However, the ...
Aedoro's user avatar
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How to copy values from array to array of structures?

In the code below I could use convenient syntax of std::ranges::transform to copy values from array of structures (AoS) to structure of arrays (SoA) (in this example, just one vector). Is there a way ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
3 votes
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In what situations does `ranges::for_each` work but `for (auto&& elt : rg)` fail?

Given the following C++23 code (Godbolt): template<class R, class T> concept container_compatible_range = std::ranges::input_range<R> && std::convertible_to<std::ranges::...
Quuxplusone's user avatar
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Why is the type of the return value of ranges::count_if dependent on the input range but only in Visual Studio?

The following succeeds with GCC and Clang but causes an error when compiled with Visual Studio: (compiler explorer link) #include <functional> #include <algorithm> #include <ranges> #...
jwezorek's user avatar
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I meet a bug about std::views::adjacent_transform,so i want figure it out [closed]

int main() { vector<int> nums{-15,19}; auto d = nums |std::views::chunk_by(std::ranges::less{}) |std::views::transform(std::ranges::...
Yan's user avatar
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1 answer

Not every view is a borrowed_range, but is every borrowed_range a view?

view does not imply borrowed_range For example transform_view is not a borrowed_range, see: Does borrowed_range imply view? As it is cheap to copy, does it ...
dwto's user avatar
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2 answers

How should a coroutine accept a const range?

I want to implement a coroutine that accepts a range and keeps it intact (modules const reference). Let coroutine_foo be a coroutine: How would you implement its signature? Since it is expensive to ...
dwto's user avatar
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C++20 ranges - How to store a composed ranges view in class member

How can I store a C++20 ranges composed view as a class member? I tried with the following code which works with in general, but if I put the struct into a header, GCC warns me that splitter::view has ...
CsorvaGep's user avatar
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Make similar structs be convertible in C++20 or C++23

I'm trying to get a constructor that accepts ranges, either vectors or arrays of a user defined struct. I'm using std::convertible_to<> The compiler error message is where I call the constructor....
pacmaninbw's user avatar
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Single-element range

Given a function that accepts a range, for example: void f(const std::ranges::range auto& r); Sometimes I have only one element that I want to pass to the function. There are multiple ways of ...
Alex O's user avatar
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What is the ideal way to customize the separators and brackets for formatting ranges?

In C++23, we can use std::print directly to print ranges thanks to P2286: std::vector v = {10, 2, 42, 15}; std::println("{::02X}", v); /* 02X is the format spec for elements of range */ ...
康桓瑋's user avatar
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Is there a wrapper for function call for std:::generator?

Is there an existing wrapper to call a function for std::generator like in the code below? Although mine works just fine, I don't won't to reinvent the wheel, since code would be more complex for ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can std::ranges::enumerate enumerate any possible valid C++ array?

Once I asked whether std::ranges::views::enumerate uses the wrong type (long) for indexing on GCC, but apparently that's not the case, because std::views::enumerate is specified to use ...
Enlico's user avatar
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How to filter vector before applying std::ranges::minmax_element? [duplicate]

When I try to filter std::vector elements before applying std::ranges::minmax_element by some reason I get the std::ranges::dangling which is hard to handle and can’t be used to get the access to the ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

std::ranges::sort not working with non-default operator<=>?

I have a case when struct type needs non-default operator<=> - just not all fields are important when defining order of objects. struct A { int a; int b; // not important when ordering ...
PiotrNycz's user avatar
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How do I output to a file via Ranges from C++

I have a simplified analogue of netgen in C++. In one pipeline, I need to output to a file the coordinates of those nodes (as a container std::array of three elements) that fall inside a sphere of a ...
Fuhrer_BMSTU's user avatar
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What is the purpose of putting function objects in a copyable-box or movable-box? [duplicate]

In the C++ ranges library function objects, such as the ones stored in transform_view and filter_view, are put in an exposition-only type called a copyable-box (until C++23) or movable-box (since C++...
Bernard's user avatar
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C++ vector constructed directly as range argument not working as expected

This is different when I construct a vector directly as an argument vs. using one defined as a variable, can someone explain why? #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <...
John Graham's user avatar
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Dynamically allocated multidimensional arrays in C++

With the recent developments of C++ do we have some common solution for multidimensional arrays which sizes known at run time only and which don’t change during execution? I found only the Elegantly ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
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How can you use std::views::zip with std::ranges::for_each?

With C++ foreach loops we can write: void process(int i); ... for(auto i : items) process(i); With ranges in C++20, this can be written as: std::ranges::for_each(items, process); With std::views:...
jozxyqk's user avatar
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4 answers

How to return a range::view in a std::expected?

Is there a way to return a range::view in a std::expected construct? For example, in the pseudo code below, what can I write instead of the rangeType? std::expected<rangeType, error> get_range() ...
yannick's user avatar
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How to keep a passed in temporary vector from getting taking by std::ranges

I have this function: template<std::ranges::viewable_range T> auto foo(T&& ts) -> size_t { auto moves_ts { std::forward<T>(ts) | std::views::all }; return ts.size(); // ...
mheyman's user avatar
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Preserving std::forward_range during chunk transformation?

encode below is a dumbed down version of a transformation I am working on (run it on godbolt): #include <array> #include <iostream> #include <ranges> int main() { static ...
nilo's user avatar
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How to write custom forward range iterator working with C++20 ranges

My original question How can I write a C++ class that works with C++20 std::ranges library? Origin of my problem I tried to write a facade class with iterators in C++. But my compiler (clang++18) told ...
user-1's user avatar
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How to properly read data from a stream with C++20 ranges library?

With C++20, new ranges library was introduced to present an alternative way to deal with sorts of sequences (rather than simple for/while cycles and <algorithm> approach with iterators). It is ...
ivanovmp's user avatar
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Using range-based for loops and range adaptors with non-copyable input iterators

While the legacy C++17 named requirement InputIterator requires the iterator to be copyable, the new C++20 concept std::input_iterator does not. But I tried to use std::views::drop(1) on a custom ...
Boris Dalstein's user avatar
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std::views::chunk, std::views::transform, inputs ranges, and ill-formedness

Consider program 1: #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <ranges> #include <sstream> int main() { std::istringstream iss{"\x{01}\x{02}\x{03}\x{04}"};...
nilo's user avatar
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Using ranges::transform to write to uninitialized memory for trivial types

I have a question regarding using std::ranges::transform to write data into uninitialized memory. Consider full example: TLDR: Is the following code valid? auto ...
Vaibhav Awale's user avatar
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Am I misunderstanding how `std::views::cartesian_product` is supposed to work?

Edit: see also a connected question. I have tested the following program on godbolt: #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <ranges> #include <sstream> int main() {...
nilo's user avatar
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About preventing errors in use of Range adaptor objects

The code below compiles, but is meaningless and clearly indicates that the programmer made a typo: std::vector a{ 1, 2, 3}; auto x = std::views::take(a); auto y = std::views::drop(a); ...
Pavel's user avatar
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How can I create a custom C++20 view (like std::ranges::views::filter) [closed]

I am looking for a clear resource or tutorial on how to create a custom view in C++20. (like std::ranges::views::filter). I have checked Microsoft and cppreference documentation but couldn't find ...
Yarin0600's user avatar
6 votes
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How do I reuse a C++23 `std::generator` instance as a range in multiple range expressions?

I'm trying to learn C++ ranges. As far as I can see, the simplest (and the only, short of implementing a custom range view class) way to create a range view object that generates a custom sequence is ...
intelfx's user avatar
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Why is it done in std::ranges that I can't split the range that I got from join with transform

Why is it done in std::ranges that I can't split the range that I got from join with transform Why doesn't this code compile and how can I fix it while still using the declarative approach with std::...
sha512sum's user avatar
2 votes
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C++ 20: trying to return std::ranges::view from a function

I am tasked with investigating performance improvement of some legacy C++ code, by leveraging CPP20. One potential area of improvement I see is this pattern in the hot path. std::vector<...
Dr Phil's user avatar
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Is it legal to dereference end() on std::views::iota?

I found some code that dereferences end() from an iota_view. I asked the author about it and they pointed out that end() of an iota_view where Bound and W are the same type is iterator{bound} and ...
Hesky Fisher's user avatar
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Unexpected runtime benchmarks with C++20 ranges

Here 'myData' is a vector of integer. I filter only even numbers from this and transform these even numbers into string. These are stored in a vector and returned. This function is called and we call ...
Shakti Malik's user avatar
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std::views::split copies the pattern instead of making a reference

According to cppreference, std::views::split call signature ( ): template< ranges::viewable_range R, class Pattern > requires /* see below */ ...
Pavel's user avatar
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How to implement generator that can be used with ranges views

I'm using C++20, and I'm trying to implement a custom generator. I'm reusing an implementation of the Generator from here: This example ...
Dmitry Kuzminov's user avatar
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Clarification on How Rvalue Ranges Become Owning Views in C++ [duplicate]

I need some clarification: The reason functions 1 and 2 are considered OK is because when the initial range is an rvalue (either a temporary object or an object marked with std::move()), the ...
Sam's user avatar
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Questions about ranges::distance implementation

I'm reading ranges::distance source and don't get the idea that: Why is the struct __distance_fn final? What is the purpose of void operator&() const = delete (source) I know that a final class ...
DoZerg's user avatar
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How to sort descending with cpp 20 ranges projections

Say I have a Person class like this. class Person { friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Person &operand); public: Person(std::string name, std::string ...
VivekDev's user avatar
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Parallel for_each without container with non-constexpr std::views::iota [duplicate]

I'm looking for a replacement for std::vector<double> data(n, 0); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ data[i] = func(i); } which can be called with std::transform with a parallel execution policy ...
Gergely Tóth's user avatar
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Using zip_view piped into a filter_view

I am getting compilation erorr while trying to zip two vectors and apply and filter as below. #include <range/v3/all.hpp> int main() { std::vector v1 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}; std::vector v2 = ...
Shakti Malik's user avatar
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Implementing take_while_inclusive (or std::delimit): views::take_while but including element missing predicate

I was working on a simple parser using std::ranges. I was trying to parse ints in a string until all were converted or one failed by doing something like: try_parse_ints(str) | take_while(is valid int)...
fourmisnuee's user avatar
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Why do the std::ranges algorithms have overloads for taking iterator-sentinel pairs?

I'm currently designing an API for a new library, trying to model it after the std::ranges algorithms. I notice that in addition to taking ranges as parameters, these functions have overloads to allow ...
splicer's user avatar
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stack-use-after-return with projection to a member inside a ranges pipeline [duplicate]

I have a struct containing a member int: struct S { int i; }; and a function that returns an instance of this struct, constructed from an int: S f(int) { return {42}; } and I'm using this ...
cigien's user avatar
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Is there a way to get projection to zipped vectors std::tuple without lambda?

As shown in the code below I can sort zipped vectors with std::ranges::sort, using lambda to specify that sorting should be done by the first vector. Is there a way to use projection, specifying the ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
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Underlying Reason for Why ranges::filter_view is Modifiable but ranges::transform_view is not

I've been exploring C++20 ranges and views and used the website to dig into the details. I noticed something interesting about how filter_view and transform_view behave differently when ...
Sam's user avatar
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Why cannot I generate pairs of numbers from a std::views::iota in c++ 20

I wrote the following function to generate pairs from input ranges. template <typename Range> requires std::ranges::borrowed_range<Range> auto pair(Range && r) { // Creating a ...
bradgonesurfing's user avatar
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Why the type of the iterator to `std::views::transform` does not seem to be a deterministic type?

I want to get the type of the iterator to the const-casted contents of the vector. I thought I can use decltype for it. Apparently it is not that simple. #include <ranges> #include <vector>...
Adam Ryczkowski's user avatar

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