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WPF .Net update Progress Bar while loading Classes

I am creating a WPF MVVM Application where I have a Main Window and different Pages displayed in a Frame. I want to add a Loading Screen with a Progress Bar which updates while the Instances for the ...
CarMaster4451's user avatar
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2 answers

ShowDialog and UI interaction in BackGroundWorker Thread

After 2 hours of researching, i still couldn't find a solution to my problem. The task I do is process some files in the BackGroundWorker thread. However, sometimes I need to use ShowDialog to let ...
Sabz's user avatar
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Can a BackgroundWorker join (link to, access, invoke, become) the STAThread

I'm not super familiar with what exactly the STAThread does (is), so I'm not sure if my question is even properly stated. I have a process running in a BackgroundWorker thread that copies the ...
sergeidave's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating New usercontrol with BackgroundWorker Fail

I've looked around google cause i need to mutithread as my program lags whenever it attempts to load a gif and load a usercontrol at the same time. Rather, the gif hangs and the the page suddenly ...
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WebBrowser navigating inside a STAThread within a BackgroundWorker understanding

I was struggling finding a good title as I already solved my problem. I just need an explication of how I solved it ... because I am diving into stuff I just discovered today and it may not be clear ...
Al_th's user avatar
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Using main form as Parent to a new form created on different thread

I have a main form that runs a BackgroundWorker thread. While the worker is running I "freeze" the main form and wait for it to finish while showing its progress. In one on the scenarios the worker ...
Yoram's user avatar
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wpf threading, thread must be STA

I have a window(say main window) with a frame which has a page in it. A button on the page opens another window(say popup window). Now i am trying to invoke a method in the main window from a button ...
Sartaj Singh Gill's user avatar
32 votes
5 answers

How can I make a background worker thread set to Single Thread Apartment?

I am creating an automated test running application. In this part of the application, I am working on a polling server. It works by constantly polling the web server to determine when a new ...
KallDrexx's user avatar
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