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-1 votes
2 answers

.ppk derived from .pem key works but .pem don't in MobaXterm or file transfer programs

I have an ec2 instance and it .pem key file, which I want to use for transfer files from my local machine to the server I tried to connect the instance by using: mobaXterm with .pem file (before ...
gonzalez.ivan90's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can't use/debug SSH auth with Git for Windows

I am using Git for Windows on Windows 10, I use GitExtensions as my GUI. To authenticate to various Git repositories, I use putty/pageant and I load up my keys into it. GitExtensions somehow works ...
masiton's user avatar
  • 167
8 votes
1 answer

How to connect to a remote server using PuTTY generated key

I'm trying to connect to a remote server using Remote Explorer extension in VSCode but when I use putty generate private key private.ppk I get an error Could not establish a connection to When I ...
Shadow Walker's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Generate SSH Putty private pair using C# RSACryptoServiceProvider class

I need to create Putty supported SSH RSA keys pragmatically using C# language. I have explored we can create public/private keys using C# inbuilt class RSACryptoServiceProvider. The putty keys format ...
Venkateswarlu's user avatar
38 votes
1 answer

"Unable to use key file "...\id_rsa" (OpenSSH SSH-2 private key)" when authenticating with PuTTY [closed]

I have setup custom SSH keys on target Linux host2. I'm able to passwordless ssh from Linux host1 to host2 using the below command. ssh -i /app/misc/myssh_keys/my_id_rsa myuser@host2 I then copy ...
Ashar's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

How can I add an already generated SSH key to git bash?

I have an SSH key saved in D:/keys folder. I want to add it to my git bash. All the tutorials I found is how to generate SSH key using gitbash and load it to github/gitlab. I generated my SSH key ...
Samiul Alam's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

connect to a play-with-docker instance via putty

i'm trying to connect via putty to a play with docker instance i've tried: port 22 ERROR: ...
pinale's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

SSH Key connection on Debian VPS with Windows cmd

I have a Debian VPS on which I have installed SSH keys. I would like to connect to it with Windows cmd and not Putty. To connect I use : ssh $USER@$SERVEUR -p $PORT -i C:\Users\Path\to\my\key.ppk ...
Antoine's user avatar
  • 55
1 vote
1 answer

Git Extensions Authentication Error

I just downloaded git extensions. It is configured to use putty that comes with the installation. I used putty to create a private and public key and I have the agent started and I have added the ...
user2676271's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

connect via putty to google instance

it is long story but to cut short I need to reset plesk admin password, which you cant reset from forget password to do that, I loged to SSH then I became root - sudo su command then I applied sudo ...
kerem's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How can I get connected via SSH in Putty?

Vagrant ssh from the machine itself works. All I have to type into the machine is vagrant as a username and I got in the vagrant built machine. I have to put inside here vagrant ssh and it works ...
FortuneSoldier's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Link to ssh key when using git on windows

I want to use an ssh key when using git from a Windows machine to a Linux server. I have ssh keys already set-up and can connect via ssh through PuTTy. How do I tell git to use this key to connect via ...
holmeswatson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Understanding SSH private and public keys with PuTTYgen

I used PuTTy keygen to create a public key. I copied the public key into and sent to developer who put the key on server(vps), so i can clone a repository. When i created the public key i ...
user892134's user avatar
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1 answer

Registered SSH Certificates in Windows

I tried to connect to Ubuntu Server from Windows 8 using PuTTY. At first, it asked me some registration of key. I accepted the pop up request. After that whenever I access Ubuntu Server there will be ...
sunleo's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

What is the best place to store my private keys?

I recently started to change my SSH remote connections from password-authentication to SSH-key authentication. What's the best place to store my private keys? In the Cloud? External HD? Thank you.
mjquito's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Unable to connect to Linode with public/private key

I am unable to connect with Putty and WinSCP with my public/private key generated from Puttygen. I have pageant running in the background. It is telling me that the key is refused by the server :( See ...
Sticky's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to convert mac pem ssh keys to windows putty style on shell?

How can mac ssh keys (id_dsa pem file) be converted to windows putty style (ppk) on shell?
Manuel's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How can I get PuTTY to stop asking for a PW after SSH keys created?

Using Git Bash, I established SSH Keys and disabled password requirements for root: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config PermitRootLogin without-password Then restarted server. Git Bash logs in fine: ...
Eric's user avatar
  • 71
2 votes
3 answers

Putty fatal error Disconnected: no supported authentication methods available.

I am connecting to a Ubuntu server via Putty and keep getting "Disconnected: no supported authentication methods available. Server refused our key." I am able to connect as ubuntu (superuser) but not ...
user1789529's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Can linux ssh private key files be used unchanged in putty on Windows?

I have been connecting to my site from a Mac using ssh. My Mac is dead. Now I have my key files but need to use Putty on Windows... 1 - Can I take my id_rsa file and rename it as private.ppk and use ...
Dizzley's user avatar
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