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Poor Performance when display a degenerate dimension next to other dimension

I have a table with "Open Order" records which stores the orders still under delivery and also containing customer IDs and Product IDs for that Order. for Customer and product IDs I already ...
emad ahmed's user avatar
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Microsoft Analysis Service (SSAS) - Unable to create a database

Create DB is failing with the below error for SSAS OS - Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Datacenter =================================== Internal error: An unexpected error occurred (file 'pcserialize....
Krups's user avatar
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How can I show the last opening period for each project in my project dimension hierarchy using MDX ( Tail function)?

I have two attributes hierarchies in my dimension [Dim Project]: Project Code Opening date Project A with 3 opening date : 2023-01-01 , 2023-01-02 and 2023-01-03 Project B with 2 opening date ...
tarikqazza's user avatar
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Customer wise sales on month wise using MDX query

I have MDX query fetching last 3 months data based on customer names/previous month sales<>0. Please note to calculate previous month sales, i am using parallelperiod in cube calculation hence I ...
kpsr's user avatar
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How to use multi level hierarchy names in MDX query

I need to use the dimension field under the 2 hierarchies i.e., one hierarchy under another hierarchy in the MDX query. Am having the below hierarchies/data in my cube: I need to use the highlighted [...
TAMILARASAN R's user avatar
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Type mismatch error occurs while casting string values to date type in MDX query with some blank rows

I have a string-type dimension in my SSAS cube having the date values along with some blank values and please find the screenshot for your reference. I am trying to convert these values into Date ...
TAMILARASAN R's user avatar
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IIF() function not working properly while using multiple times in single MDX query

I need to get the aggregated values based on two conditions using single MDX query Am having below data I have created two calculated functions using IIF() function in a below query WITH ...
TAMILARASAN R's user avatar
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IIF() function not properly working while using in MDX query

I need to get calculated measure values based on conditions. Am having the below data in my cube I have created below calculated measure using IIF() function IF([Title] = "Sales Representative&...
TAMILARASAN R's user avatar
4 votes
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How to sort records in MDX query when numeric expression is used with TopCount function

I am trying to sort the Top 201 records in my SSAS cube either ascending or descending based on requirements in my C# code. Here I a using Adventure Works Database, where [Reseller Order Count] is ...
Sathish G's user avatar
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Display table names

I have a tabular model cube with Compatability Level SQL Server 2016. I assigned the columns and the measures in two different display folders. When analyzing the cube with Excel, the columns and the ...
hana's user avatar
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How to use date range in IIF function in MDX Query

Am having 2001,2002 and 2003 years of data in the SSAS server. Without using where clause and filters I need to get the aggregated data using the IIF function in the MDX query for a particular date ...
TAMILARASAN R's user avatar
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Getting the total value in all the rows

I'm using the calculation below to calculate the sum of the amount for accounts >= 200 And the problem I have is when I visualize Account with Account total with excel, it gives me the total amount ...
hana's user avatar
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Adding WHERE condition in "Calculations" tab of SSAS Cube Designer

I have an existing calculated measure in my SSAS cube [Total Hours]. The expression for this is: ([Measures].[working Hours] + [Measures].[working minutes]/60) I have to create a new Measure by ...
SQLNEWBIE's user avatar
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Issue in Partition in SSAS tabular model with DirectQuery Mode

I am trying to create a sample partition to a tabular model database in DirectQuery mode, and I got the following error after setting the filter and trying to import: "Failed to save ...
Techchamp Pgm's user avatar
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Date table in SSAS Tabular model not working

I built an SSAS Tabular model cube and created a date table using calendarauto(). I have marked it as a date table and created a relationship with the fact table using the date column, and both ...
hana's user avatar
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Number or Results and WITH MEMBER Calculation interacting weird

In our MDX Queries, we use a template like the following WITH MEMBER . SELECT SUBSET . FROM (SELECT . FROM .) a lot. What this particular query should do (and does!) is list all product variants ...
Ralf's user avatar
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Set SQL browser connection to SSAS

I am trying to make a SSAS cube, but I have a connection error. The SQL browser service if activated
Ricardo Tovar's user avatar
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non shrinkable memory in SSAS Multidimensional keeps growing

analysis services non shrinkable memory is up to 48Gb . Does anyone know how to shrink this back down, or what might cause it? it keeps growing by the day.
Naoufal Touailat's user avatar
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SSAS MDX: Time Calculation with a date range

In my cube, I have a Scope statement for the Previous Year Same Period [PY SAME Period]. ([Time Calculations].[PY Same Period]= Aggregate( CrossJoin ( {[Time Calculations]...
xanhdieu's user avatar
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Performance consideration and design a dimension that partition a cube

As we know When a cube is built, tuples are created by dimensions and some aggregations applied. Know I faced with a special type of dimension that it's members aren't collectable. For example please ...
DooDoo's user avatar
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How to process dynamic partitions in SSAS

How to process dynamic partitions in SSAS Hello Everyone, I am new to SSAS, here is my case, I have a view table i.e., dbo.table which is having data from 2016 to 2018. By using dbo.table view i ...
Chandana Puppy's user avatar
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How to get list of DataTables metadata used in SSAS DSV?

I was wondering if there's a simple way to extract a list of all the tables description from the Data Source View at SSAS? I've been so far been playing around with this simple DMV-query to get the ...
Chris A.'s user avatar
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How to retrieve a measure from SSAS tabular project using DAX script in SSMS?

I have a tabular project with one fact table and few dimension tables. The fact table Fact1 has a measure called Number_of_Children. How to retrieve that measure using EVALUATE statement is SSMS? ...
BenThomas's user avatar
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Slice a measure based on only one attribute in SSAS Tabular

I am trying to create a measure which should slice the value based on only one dimension in SSAS tabular. e.g the cube has a measure Population. and it has dimensions Country and time the data is ...
nishta sharma's user avatar
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SSAS OLAP create a dimension with dynamic attributes

It is possible to create a dimension in a OLAP cube where the attibutes of this dimension are dynamic? For instance, today I can have the attibutes A | B | C | D and tomorrow I can have the ...
Ricardo Castro's user avatar
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XML for Analysis parser: The restriction version is not recognized by the server

TITLE: Query Designer I've just started to teach myself SSAS. I am using SSDT 2015 with a 2012 database. I've created my first cube and I've been able to process and deploy the cube as well as view ...
Juan's user avatar
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SSAS Cube Filtering Data

I've working on SSAS cube creation first time on real data(Although had little hands on experience on AdventureWorksDW08).I also have gone through the details for creating basics cube and all but have ...
Jitesh Vacheta's user avatar
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SSAS MDX Get Dimension Attribute base on other attribute dimensions and a dynamic measure

I am currently experiencing a problem because I need to dynamically associate an attribute of a dimension in my multidimensional cube based on a calculation performed on the cube itself. Based on the ...
Ricardo Castro's user avatar
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Convert Dimention name values into key values in MDX

I have two questions: My date dimention values are names instead of key. Is it possible to display key values for the date dimention in MDX. I know I can go inside the dimention and change the ...
sam's user avatar
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Calculating Percentage of Cancelled Orders in MDX

I am new to MDX Queries. I am currently trying to calculate the percentage of orders cancelled. The status code for cancelled orders is 3. But it's proofing so difficult for me. I've searched online ...
CBDNet Ray's user avatar
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How can we get the usage of measures and dimensions in SSAS cube?

We are struggling to find the usage of measures and dimensions in SSAS cube. Objective: To have a statistical dashboard to find the unused or most used measures and dimensions. I have got help from ...
Vikas Gupta's user avatar
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MDX Calculated Measure to get Cumulative Sum from First Month to Last Month of each year

I would like to get Cumulative Sum from Jan - Dec for each year Something similar to Below But replace First Month and Last Month with the current year data. I have data from 2014 -2017 Sum( [...
SKenneth's user avatar
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one to many dimensional relation ssas

Need your help or suggestions over my case here in SSAS modeling I am basically struggling with 4 tables, Customer, CustomerPhone, CustomerEmail, CustomerBusinesses. Providing the sample data below, ...
Harsha's user avatar
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SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR for only values in current year

I'm trying to show the value from prior year for products. I only want the products that are present in the current year to show. What I would like: Product SamePeriodSalesLastYear 1, ...
ISW's user avatar
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Check SSAS Version

We have installed Analysis server 2016 but when we check the version by connecting to SSMS it still shows 2014 version. Are there any settings that need to be done after installing 2016 version?
SKenneth's user avatar
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SSAS Data Source View Relationship

I need to get all the relationships in my SSAS cube Data Source View between Fact and Dim tables. I've around 15 Fact tables and linked dimensions to it. Is there any MDX query to get the relationship ...
Arvind's user avatar
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I'm new to SSAS and can you guide me I have Cube refresh fine no errors when checked cube last date update show todays date! Also verified dim_DateTime dimension where ReportingPeriod field show all ...
chandra's user avatar
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mdx query to calculate average between date range

I am hoping to get some help to calculate the average between date ranges. Start date would be the time dimension and end date = start date - 13. Or is there a way we can use iff statement to ...
SKenneth's user avatar
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Analysis Services – Errors when trying to remove a User who is a Server Admin

Getting following error when trying to remove a user from SSAS Server Administrator. The following system error occurred: No mapping between account names and security IDs was done. (Microsoft....
Iam_NC's user avatar
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SSAS Processing Slow - SQL Server 2012

I have two SQL Server Agent jobs that run XMLA to process SSAS objects in a SQL 2012 SSAS server. ProcessCubeFull This runs after the related SQL database has been reloaded from scratch, this is a ...
Jonathan Roberts's user avatar
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Omitting measures values related to unknown memeber

I have a dimension attribute which has either 1 or 0 and few measures which are count, sum or average. I don't want to display values of measures which are related to attribute 0. Ex: Attribute Name: ...
Zerotoinfinity's user avatar
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Getting getdate(), datediff in SSAS (MDX) query

We have a MDX query which looks like this: WITH Member [Measures].[Z] AS (DATEADD("H",-1,[X].[Y].Member_Caption)) SELECT { [X].[Y].Children } ON Rows, { [Measures].[Z] } ON Columns ...
Chetan Kulkarni's user avatar
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SSAS - Ignore "attribute key not found" error

I have a cube which is unable to process anymore because of a missing key in a dimension. The process cube action kept returning the following error message: The attribute key cannot be found when ...
DenStudent's user avatar
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Calculated measure for multiple date hierarchies

I have a calculated measure which I am trying to get to work over multiple hierarchies (Year-Quarter-Month-Date) in my date dimension using scope. The measure works fine on the Fiscal Hierarchy but ...
mhep's user avatar
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How to add calculated member which shows total Gross value?

How can I add calculated measure in SSAS which shows in attached image? Image
Nikunj's user avatar
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Distinct Count on Integer Column breaks on Negative Value

Nightly we process our cube, and last night we had a failure during processing. The error code of interest stated: Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The sort order specified for distinct count ...
Josh Jay's user avatar
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SSRS 2012 total of a percentage measure

I have a percentage measure calculated in SSAS tabular and its correct. But when i use it in a report i face the following problem (in all percentage measures). the values under male and female (...
AinzOwlGown's user avatar
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User Name Who Processed SSAS cube

I tried with an MDX query to know the user name who processed the cube. SELECT LAST_DATA_UPDATE FROM $system.mdschema_cubes But this will not work. Is there a way to know the user name who processed ...
bipro's user avatar
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SSAS Link 2 Fact Tables together - how?

I have an SSAS which has a number of fact tables inside - each using "Regular" Dimensions (in the Dimension Usage Tab). This works fine in isolation, now I need a little more breadth from the Cube. ...
user3735855's user avatar
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CUBE error Process [closed]

Im trying to Process SSAS cube, its deployed correctly. but I got list of errors through process the cube : Error Examples: OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Login timeout expired; HYT00; A ...
Aziz Altamimi's user avatar