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How to load last 7 days into a string(list)

I'm trying to create a program that watches and searches for any logs within given dates. How can I load the last 7 days in DATE format (YYYY-MM-DD) to a string/string list, or via SQL, or Qt/C++. ...
ifteapotsareforteawhatarepots4's user avatar
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SQL behaviour when using string literal vs using date literal

Suppose I have this two queries: SELECT * FROM payments WHERE created < DATE '1967-01-01' SELECT * FROM payments WHERE created < '1967-01-01' And created field is a date field. I would like to ...
Hey jude's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Why does subtracting NOW with DATE column give nonsense numbers?

Hello everyone, i have a problem with the subtracting a DATETIME column with todays DATETIME. One of the columns has the HireDate (Date of hiring a certain employee). I want to know how many Years ...
samss04's user avatar
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Count of Employee only when first_stamp is between a window of start_dt

I want a count of emp_id only when firststamp date is in a 21 day window depending on startdt. However, I want to count that empid, only when the firststamp either 7 days before the startdt, during ...
user20391531's user avatar
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Is there a way for me to specify the date function in MySQLWorkBench so that I won’t get an error message?

I tried to create a table, this is how I set it up: CREATE TABLE emp_tab ( empno NUMeric(10), name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, job VARCHAR(50), manager ...
Anna Quoc Nguyen's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can we use arithmetic operators (+, -. *, or /) on date functions in mysql?

I am learning mysql and I am stuck in the following question. Can we use arithmetic operators (+, -. *, or /) on date functions in mysql? Can someone help me out with it?
Anshul Gupta's user avatar
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Getting average of count(column) grouped by date, but meeting certain conditions

Data sample: dtime id 2021-01-01 06:00:00 1 2021-01-01 06:00:00 2 2021-01-01 06:00:00 3 ... ... 2021-01-01 12:00:00 1 2021-01-01 12:00:00 2 2021-01-01 12:00:00 3 ... ... ... ... 2021-01-12 ...
fseixas's user avatar
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Taking month and year from column and showing last date of the month and year

So i have 2 column Year and Month and I want to take the month and the year to show in the new column and showing the last date of the month Example : Year column = 2019, 2020, 2021 Month Column = Jan,...
Michael's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Retrieve MySql Records Within a Specific Month but Less than the current year and Less than the current Day

I have a number of MySQL records with datetime records. Lets just say they are in a table called my_table and they include the following records. ID Date 1 2021-04-02 2 2020-04-13 3 ...
CRAIG's user avatar
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how to add 30 min to date values in sql so they change correctly?

there is a timepair table. It has columns : start_pair end_pair 08:30:00 09:15:00 I need to shift it by 30 min - how to do it? 8:30 becomes 9:00. update set start_pair = date(start_pair) + minute(...
ERJAN's user avatar
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Showing a row for every minute based on start and end time

I have a table that looks like below: task_id start_date end_date t1 2020-05-01 8:00:00 2020-05-01 9:45:00 t2 2020-05-01 8:30:00 2020-05-01 9:00:00 ...
jesse1990's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

How to find data for last 20 tuesdays

I want to find data for the last 20 Tuesday. Date value 2020-03-03 01:12:15 5 2020-02-25 07:12:15 13 2020-02-24 08:12:15 1 2020-02-...
ashishmishra's user avatar
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Check if dayname of the date is in the dayname column data

I am trying to get the where clause condition to check dayname is in the list of column data. For example, if today is Monday and the database column has 'Monday, Tuesday', then return True. ID | ...
Rachel's user avatar
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2 answers

SQL query: A view which gathers from today last month and 2 month in advance

I'm amending a current query which I run on a fairly regular basis for a membership team looking at recent expiries. The clause in that query is: and date_expiry between '2019-11-01' and '2019-12-31' ...
Punter's user avatar
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Find employees who haven’t worked between certain times based on ‘clock ins’ and ‘clock outs’

I have a “clock in” table for employees with attributes start time and end time. Each employee clocks in and clocks out when they start and finish work and the table is similar to this: Employee_no ...
user avatar
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Response time of two messages in the same chat

The scenario A chat_channel can have multiple MESSAGE_ID which is displayed on separate rows. INSERT INTO messages_tbl (message_id, chat_channel, user_type,...
Callum Jones's user avatar
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Delete from Mysql table where datetime is older than datetime of another item

I have some difficulty to get my MySQL query right. The current status is like this: I have a table containing Todo's with a datetime field changed_at (set to current datetime on insert/update) I ...
NKnuelle's user avatar
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Need to subtract some hours from given timestamp in hive

Input: unix_timestamp('01/15/2018 15:26:37', 'mm/dd/YYYY hh:mm:ss') Expected output is 4 hours delay from above utc input time i.e 01/15/2018 11:26:37 I know that there is date_sub function in hive ...
Bhuvi007's user avatar
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How to calculate age based on date of birth in mysql?

My date of birth format is : 2017-Feb-15 when I am using the following query, it's not working select (year(current_date)-year(dob)) as age from user or how to current 2017-Feb-15 into 2017-02-15 ...
Sarita Sharma's user avatar
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Insert into table by filtering date from another table?

As a overview we are trying to analyse one kind of eCommerce delivery business, where our today's business depends on last evening and today's morning orders And our business team defined the below ...
rajkumar21's user avatar
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3 answers

How to optimize mysql group by with DATE_FORMAT

I have a sql. select count(id) as total, DATE_FORMAT(create_time,"%Y-%m-%d") as create_date from table_name group by DATE_FORMAT(create_time,"%Y-%m-%d"); Then Definition of column ...
dai's user avatar
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Date Functions in MySQL

Looking for some help regarding mysql date functions. I am looking to show data for a time period of today to 8 days ago (I have been using this line of code in mysql WHERE TIME > CURDATE() - ...
KCh's user avatar
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3 answers

Get latest record from database based on month and date

I'm trying to get the latest record from a table based on the date. My date format is mm/yyyy. I've tried using MAX(date) but it's getting the record based on the month only. I've also tried using ...
Kent's user avatar
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Get Birthday data date wise [duplicate]

I have a dob(DATE) field in table which stores birth dates of users. now i have query to get users who have birth date in this month is as follow SELECT * FROM register WHERE MONTH(dob) = MONTH(NOW())...
user avatar
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MySql Convert Date from STR_TO_DATE date_format

How do you convert the following date Mar 7 2017 1:26:46:886AM to 2017-03-07 01:26:00 select DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE('Mar 7 2017 1:26:46:886AM', '%b-%d-%Y'), '%Y-%m-%d'); I keep getting null
user3525290's user avatar
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Why do two MySQL dates in 1582 appear to be the same but comparison result is false?

I know that Gregorian calendar started on Oct 15th 1582, and during the transition from Julian calendar, 10 days had been dropped. When I'm doing this query: SELECT STR_TO_DATE('1582-10-05', '%Y-%m-...
Ziv Gabovitch's user avatar
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2 answers

How to compare two dates in MySql exluding the weekends(SAT,SUN)

I want to find the difference between two dates(dateStart, dateEnd) only for weekdays that are Mon - Fri in MySql query. Here is my query which compares two dates and gives result if a week or more ...
Awais Ahmad's user avatar
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How to convert OLE Automation Date to My sql date

How to convert OLE Automation Date to a Mysql standard date type?
anuradha's user avatar
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MySQL get records for monthly invoice taking different length of months into account

I have a database table called subscriptions. Each row in the table has a created_at date, from this day on, every month (afterwards) the subscription must be invoiced. So on 2017-05-29, all ...
Timo002's user avatar
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MySQL selecting week number and year causes problems with last week of year

I have a large dataset spanning several years and I am having problems getting a string such as "53-2016" (week 53 in 2016). My query is: SELECT date, DATE_FORMAT(date, "%v-%Y") AS week, ...
Developer's user avatar
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JSF: Insert String Date Of Month-Day-Year Into Mysql

I have Date in my java blue print that is format as month-day-year. This is the code for it public String getFormattedDate() { return new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").format(dueDate); } I ...
Ahamed's user avatar
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How to copy changed format of date to another column in same table MySQL

I've got one table with two columns, one timestamp with timestamp and second with date in '%Y-%m-%d' format. I need to get timestamp from timestamp column, convert it to '%Y-%m-%d' and put it into ...
Boris Akimenko's user avatar
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IFNULL on DATETIME doesn't work with comparisons

I have the following schema: CREATE TABLE test ( colA DATETIME, colB DATETIME ); INSERT INTO test (colA, colB) VALUES ('2017-01-01', NULL); Here's some SQL I'm trying to run on this schema: ...
neubert's user avatar
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How to convert a string 'YEARWEEK' with STR_TO_DATE to a correct date?

I am trying to convert values like 201701 to 2017-01-01 which is the first day of the first week of 2017, I have tried this SELECT STR_TO_DATE('201701', '%Y%v') because DATE_FORMAT(DATE, '%Y%v') ...
Iharob Al Asimi's user avatar
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STR_TO_DATE returns null in SELECTbut throws an error in UPDATE

I'm trying to convert strings in one column to dates in a second column. The dates have varying timezones, so the STR_TO_DATE function chokes a bit. createdTime : Thu Oct 08 09:28:18 MDT 2009 I can ...
Indigenuity's user avatar
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Insert Date and Time only if > = Current Date

I have a field appointment_date and appointment_time and datatype is date and time respectively. The table name is appointment. What our teacher wanted was to be able to add appointment ONLY if it is ...
Connie Varley's user avatar
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Convert MMM-YY string into Sortable Date Format

So I've gone around the houses a bit with this and not got it to work... I have a SELECT query which contains a VARCHAR column (alloc_mth) with dates in the MMM-YY format (e.g. Jan-15) which I want ...
spcurtis81's user avatar
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How to change date format inside table in MySQL?

I want my DateOfBirth inside a Table to be displayed in dd/mm/yy format. I know we can retrieve dates in different format. But how could I change the format in the table itself?
Vipul Kumar's user avatar
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Get the currently online employees using MySQL

I have employees working in different shifts and weekdays. Their shift details are saved in workshifts table in the following format. WeekDay - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, ...
Uma Ilango's user avatar
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How to use current date in mysql query?

I have a database that contains a column with type - Date. I also have a query with the date inputted as static which works fine but I would like to use todays date in the query. any recommendations? ...
user3620142's user avatar
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Pair to spend longest time in a single Sql query

I have a long table with following columns: Id(Serial), FirstName(varchar15), LastName(varchar15), StartDate(date), EndDate(date) and the entries are like: * 1, Amar, XoXo, 2009-07-01, 2014-05-23. *...
Amar's user avatar
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Grouping DATETIME by DATE in MySQL and showing the last record of the day

I have a group of currency quotations that change every hour or so. For the sql results in this particular example, I only need the last available record of each day of the last 30 days in yyyy-mm-dd ...
Andres SK's user avatar
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Curdate() Vs current_date MySql

What is the difference between curdate() and current_date in MySQL?
Bharanidharan's user avatar
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How to subtract to previous year, but add months in MySQL?

I am new to procedural programming and mysql, but suppose I have a function PrevMonth(in_date date, in_mn_count int) The first is a date and the second is an integer which is expected to be the number ...
user2966637's user avatar
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how to get the last three months of last year using mysql?

How would I go about retrieving records from the last three months of the previous year? I was thinking it would be: Date_add(curdate() , interval '-1 2' year_month)
user2966637's user avatar
42 votes
5 answers

How can I use SQL's YEAR(), MONTH() and DAY() in Doctrine2?

I want to perform a query which would look like this in native SQL: SELECT AVG(t.column) AS average_value FROM table t WHERE YEAR(t.timestamp) = 2013 AND MONTH(t.timestamp) = 09 AND ...
dialogik's user avatar
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MySQL query to update records with incremented date

I am trying to get the latest date in a database, and based on that date update every record that has a NULL date, increasing the date by 1 day. I can get the latest date by using the Latest Date ...
doitlikejustin's user avatar
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How to use curtime() to check in column with now() structure? SQL

In my DB when a new user register I use now() for the column date_added (I need the exact time of registration). Also I store the user ip in column ip Now I need to check in SQL if there is already ...
Petar Stoyanov's user avatar
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MySQL Index on date field

I'm using MySQL database. In that i'm having sales datas in one table and i've created an index for the Date column (i.e) OrderedDate. The datas are retrieved fast when we use the query like SELECT ...
CarlJohn's user avatar
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Mysql DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) 24 hours or weekday?

I am trying to get the total amount of registered users per day. At the moment I am using this: $sql = "SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) < lastModified" ...
alex's user avatar
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