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java.sql.Timestamp to Date Conversion in Oracle SQL

I have run into this weird Timestamp to Date Conversion issue in Oracle SQL. Here is the SQL statement: String INSERT_SQL = String.format("INSERT INTO AUDIT_TASK (%s, %s, %s, %s) VALUES (...
rightCoder's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

DateField Vaadin Component with SQL Date

So, I have a property SQL.Date in my POJO class. I want to bind it using Binder from Vaadin Component, but always returned like this: Property type 'java.sql.Date' doesn't match the field type 'java....
Aroli Marcellinus's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Parsing SQLDate, java.util.Date and LocalDate

I'm very confused working with dates could someone point me in the right direction on for the code below, it throws the following exception: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException:Invalid value '11' for ...
Ashford Tulgaa's user avatar
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2 answers

SQL between two dates statement using java string

I'm trying to collect data from a table and then run a between two dates statement. The statement is created in a java string and then used by a resultSet variable using statement.executeQuery() with ...
Nick Karaolis's user avatar
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Java date to sql date

How can I store a specific date from java to my database? (Not only the date today, but also some dates that the user wants to specifiy) try { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new ...
meatno's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Converting java.sql.Date & java.util.Date to org.joda.time.LocalDate

I am trying to carefully and meticulously clean up some of my older (production) code. One thing I am trying to do is convert all my usages of java.util.Date to LocalDate and DateTime. However, I ...
ryvantage's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to parse String to

I have a String String s = "01 NOVEMBER 2012"; Then I want parse it to sqlDate. And insert it into the database. Is it possible to parse that string to sqlDate?!?! Yup, sql date format is "yyyy-...
Jason Amavisca's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a Java lib that can evaluate SQL style date functions from a String?

I'm looking for a way to read a date command from a text file and evaluate it. As an example consider this MySQL command: DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) Something similar to that will be in ...
CrazyPenguin's user avatar