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Deployment of Tabular Model Fails in Visual Studio 2022

When I try deploying my tabular model on visual studio 2022, it shows validating credentials and then DEPLOY FAILED with no error message of what made the deployment failed. How do I fix this please. ...
Lawrence's user avatar
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Cannot map the input column, 'Date', to the lookup column, 'Date', because the data types do not match

I'm getting this error: TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio Cannot map the input column, 'Date', to the lookup column, 'Date', because the data types do not match. Data type in SSMS Changed type to date, ...
emmaS's user avatar
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Adding new columns to the fact and dimension tables after the SSIS project deploying to the database

I need to know what are the methods that we can add new columns to the fact table and dimension tables to the data warehouse after the SSIS solution deploying to the database. I have developed the ...
Sanjula Dissanayake's user avatar
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How can I generate an entity–relationship (ER) diagram of a SQL data warehouse (dedicated SQL pool) database using Visio?

How can I generate an entity–relationship (ER) diagram of a SQL data warehouse (dedicated SQL pool) database using Visio? Trying to create dedicated SQL pool (Synapse Analytics) db schemas ER ...
krishna N's user avatar
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Inserting Frequently Updating fact tables to the data warehouse

I create the data warehouse using SSIS and SQL Server. The data source for the data warehouse is Microsoft Dynamics GP ERP data. In that, there is a table called SOP10100 and SOP10200 (Live Sales ...
Sanjula Dissanayake's user avatar
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PostgreSQL as OLAP setup

I am trying to setup postgresql to use OLAP benefits as my current OLTP db is no more required, hence i want to move it to OLAP system for genrating reports as there would not be much transactions ...
Amit's user avatar
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SCD TYPE 2 Implementation

Needs to implement SCD TYPE 2 Table in SQL server. Which insert new record and update timestamp if Threshold Values changes for particular Band. If no changes found then doesn't touch the entry. Band ...
Gaurav Jan's user avatar
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Azure Synapse Analytics - Dedicated Pool - Create user - Incorrect syntax near 'PASSWORD'

I'm trying to create a Contained Users in Synapse Dedicated Pool using the below command create user [username] with password = 'Comple@xPassword@123' default_schema = 'dbo' It's failing with the ...
Prawin's user avatar
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How to set default time zone for SQL Warehouse in Databricks?

I want to change the default time zone for SQL Warehoue in the SQL Persona, in Databricks. When I try to Edit the SQL warehouse settings in the "SQL Warehouses" section, I am not able to ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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Invoice header and invoice line fact table extraction question

I have a question regarding the best practice regarding the loading of invoice header and line data inside InvoiceLineFact table. I am following the Kimball recommendation where I bring all the ...
stevo92's user avatar
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SSAS "The Subscription identifier is invalid"

We switched from a SQL server 2017 to a newer SQL server 2019. We deployed all our SSIS-packages in the same way to the newer server. Since then we have often the same error on processing-tasks like ...
Basssprosse's user avatar
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Generate a number for a combination of columns in SQL Server

I have a requirement to generate an ID field for a combination of a few fields in SQL Server. Let me give you an example. I have a table like below Brand Owner Source Pip People Online whip People ...
Cody's user avatar
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Querying a Galaxy Schema in data warehouse

I have a galaxy schema that looks like this what I want to extract from this schema is data from dim1, dim 2, fact1 and dim 4. I have written this code but I am not sure if it is correct. lets ...
rexhi's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Can we use spark.sql on any other database tables other than Hive tables?

Currently our databases are hosted in other databases . We are thinking to execute the process in SPARK by using JDBC connectors. Is it possible to use SPARK.SQL statements after we connect the ...
Rahul's user avatar
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Dimensions inside FACT table?

I am in the process of building a warehouse and I am unsure how to handle a certain element. We have a query that returns a table of "Quotes" a quote is basically when we have provided a ...
SQL_Kid's user avatar
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Many-to-many from relational design to dimensional design

This is my database design: I make a data warehouse a with 2 fact table design as you show : I want to add Order dimension but the problem is that there is bridge table between product table and ...
zouhair zouita's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add a column based on the table which the data come from in SSIS?

I have two source tables: Ext_Agreements ABS_Agreements both have the same columns : "each table have different data this is just an example" ID, START_DATE, ...
Guissous Allaeddine's user avatar
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Data warehouse design for parking lot - date and time dimensions

I came across a data warehousing practice question. I tried to think of various ways to design this but I'm not sure what the best practices are. The question deals with designing a data warehouse for ...
MJoy's user avatar
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How to fit a separate table in data warehouse model?

I have a table named AWARENESS_MEETINGS with name and date of the meeting as an attributes, it's not related to any other table in the database. I am designing a data warehouse model, I can't fit it ...
Guissous Allaeddine's user avatar
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Filter overlapping date ranges with latest "Valid from" date

I have a table with price lists that specifies the price of an item in a country for a specific time period. The issue with my table is, that there are overlapping price lists for the same item in the ...
Rubrix's user avatar
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Optimize a Group By that is done on a joined table in Azure SQL Data Warehouse

I've been working at optimizing a query that I've been given, I'm curious if there is any way to speed up the following query that I have. This isn't the exact query that I am using but I think it ...
toubi's user avatar
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Why can't we use data warehouse directly instead of database?

I am learning the Hadoop and came across the HIVE. And I learnt that HIVE acts a data warehouse for analytical queries. If data warehouse is aggregation of multiple data sources, why do the companies ...
Ramana Reddy's user avatar
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As a part of initial load testing or incremental load testing do we validate audit fields?

We are performing initial load testing and incremental load testing on target tables in datawarehouse. so do we validate audit field values in initial load test or do we validate audit fields values ...
Naruto Uzumaki's user avatar
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Is there any equivalent is there for 'sp_refreshview' in Azure Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool

Is there any equivalent is available for 'sp_refreshview' in Azure Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool? When i tried , it shows below error. Since VIEWS WONT GET UPDATED AUTOMATICALLY, is there any other ...
Arulmouzhi's user avatar
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DWH Reload data

In monthly increment loaded DWH I have task to create process to be able reload random month in the DWH. Lets say reload data for February 2021 in existing DWH. If I reload data for February 2021 on ...
ALdo's user avatar
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Can we implement a table with data from another table that has the same ID but not the sime size in SQL?

i have table 1 (SERVICE) (ID_Service , ID_Vehicle ) and Table 2 (FACT) (ID_Veh , ID_Parts , Quantity ) i want to copy ID_Service to table FACT where ID_Vehicle=ID_Veh and affect to the rest Columns ...
Ranya Hfayedh's user avatar
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Updating of Fact tables

I have a flatfile resources that were extracted into facts and dimensions. Some dimensions also comes from db resources. The transformation process is set on as needed basis (if there are new/updated ...
zysirhc's user avatar
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Dimension model (recursive / hierarchical) for Data Warehouse

I'm having difficulty connecting a dimension table (recursive/hierarchical) to a fact table as there are concerns/issues to deal with: The dimension table belongs to a parent-child relationship ...
zysirhc's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to replace primary key with surrogate keys during ETL?

Have a question that is haunting me for some time. How in practice looks replacing primary keys with surrogate keys during the ETL process? Like what is the workflow - is it just assigning new ...
DaneVaughn's user avatar
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What is the diff between Full table vs Delta table vs Incremental in dwh oracle

I am trying to understand the concept Full Table vs Incremental Table vs Delta table and in principle in order to simplify (faster loading process) the daily ETL loads is it a good practice to use ...
Data2explore's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I replace "?" with NULL in SSIS expression?

There are ? in my data columns and I have to replace them with NULL. In my SSIS package.
zara rana's user avatar
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ORA-00904: "S"."AIR_TIME": invalid identifier

Why does this code show invalid identifier when sum is used in distance and air_time column? When sum is not used this statement process successfully but using sum I get error? I need to use sum for ...
Aaheana's user avatar
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what are the steps I need to perform to clean the data if data into the dimension/fact table improperly loaded

Suppose there is a scenario where there is a data loading process into the fact table\dimensional table, and after analysis found that 100 millions records are being improperly loaded, what are the ...
Abhishek Mitra's user avatar
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Create durable key in Data Warehouse

In dimension Project, there is business logic that Project Number and Project Name can change over time. Unfortunately, I cannot get any durable key directly from the source system. Is there a way how ...
ALdo's user avatar
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Dynamic SSIS package to load N tables from Oracle to SQL

We have N tables on Oracle server and we wanted to load all those tables from Oracle to SQL server. We are creating dynamic SSIS packages for same which will take the Oracle ServerName, DB name, ...
Ajit Medhekar's user avatar
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How to find unused rows in a dimension table

I have a dimension table in my database that has grown too large. With that I mean that is has too many records - over a million - because it grew at the same pace as the linked facts. This is mostly ...
Hanneke Debie's user avatar
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Historical Load SCD2 In Kimball model involving multiple source tables

I am keen find an efficient design solution, that Ralph Kimball's model propose to handle historical load of SCD Type 2 dimension, involving multiple source tables, without using a PIT Table. The ...
DataGuy's user avatar
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tempdb usage at Azure SQLDW

Can I track or get a report every 30 minutes to sum the tempdb usage by user id for AZureSQlDW? Any suggestions are highly appreciated Thanks, Cherishma.
princy's user avatar
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Map data with CTAS in SQL Server from source with different column names to existing SQL table

Scenario: Is source table SourceData (Name, Number, Date) Is existing table ProdData (ProdName, ProdNumber, CreatedDate) Requirement: Dont import from source if already exists in prod data!!! ...
user3462947's user avatar
4 votes
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Set a variable dynamically within a SELECT statement

I have an SQL database with several SAP data tables and an SQL statement which looks like this: SELECT DISTINCT AFKO.PLNBEZ AS 'Material', MAKT.MAKTX AS 'Material Number', AFKO.AUFNR AS 'Order', ...
nopassport1's user avatar
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Should I apply type 2 history to tables with duplicate keys?

I'm working on a data warehouse project using BigQuery. We're loading daily files exported from various mainframe systems. Most tables have unique keys which we can use to create the type 2 history, ...
Bjoern's user avatar
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How slow is Slowly Changing Dimensions?

How often dimensions change in a slowly changing scenario? I'm looking at SQL Server Temporal tables for Slowly Changing Dimensions (Type 2). Some of the dimension tables update quite frequently (...
RaviLobo's user avatar
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Should this table be a dimension table or a fact table in a data warehouse

The above Table has call center employee shift/target details OperatorID, User_Name as Operator Name, Team_Id, Team Name the Operator belongs to, FTE = number of days employee works in a week.(...
Sai Abhiram Inapala's user avatar
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DATEDIFF overflow

I am using the following code in azure sql datawarehouse SELECT cast(DATEDIFF(ms,cast(Start as datetime2),cast(EndTime as datetime2) ) as float) AS [total]--difference to be ...
Pradyot Mohanty's user avatar
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Best practices for fact table that depends on two processes

I am building a star schema for an online business. One of the key processes is email newsletter signup. But the analysis depends on two processes and I can't figure out how to model it the best way. ...
user3505886's user avatar
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Unable to publish DB project on Azure SQL Data Warehouse

With Visual Studio 2019 (already updated to the latest version), I have created a new SQL Server Database Project connected to an Azure SQL Datawarehouse Database. I imported all the object already ...
Lorenzo Benassi's user avatar
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Transfer Tables from One Azure Datawarehouse to Another of Different Subscription

I want to transfer some tables from one azure datawarehouse to another azure data warehouse. But main problem is that both are under different azure subscription. Could anyone told me the source and ...
Puneet Khandelwal's user avatar
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How do I combine multiple tables? (First has data from this month, second has all other previous data)

I am looking to create a query that shows shipping number, the container ID, the tracking number, the location it was last moved to, what time it was moved, and who moved it. Here's the issue. We ...
Gary Goldsmith's user avatar
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Not able to get the dbname, rolename, userid, last access date, read/write access for a Snowflake target table

As a part of auditing in my project and I need to find the db name, user name, last access date, read/write access, role name for the tables present in the Snowflake target. Can someone please help me ...
Manan joshi's user avatar
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Azure SQL Data Warehouse: max size of varchar type

I am new to Azure and I have this field in my table in Azure SQL Data Warehouse: [AnnotationText] varchar(MAX) NULL, Based on what I read from
kee's user avatar
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