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2 answers

Spark streaming from kafka topic using scala

I am new in scala/Spark development. I have created a simple streaming application from Kafka topic using sbt and scala. I have the following code build.sbt name := "kafka-streaming" version := "1....
Abdul Manaf's user avatar
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sbt unresolved dependency for spark streaming Kafka integration

I want to work with the Kafka integration for Spark streaming. I use Spark version 2.0.0. But I get a unresolved dependency error ("unresolved dependency: org.apache.spark#spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11;2....
ngi's user avatar
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How to define Kafka (data source) dependencies for Spark Streaming?

I'm trying to consume a kafka 0.8 topic using spark-streaming2.0.0, i'm trying to identify the required dependencies i have tried using these dependencies in my build.sbt file libraryDependencies += ...
user2359997's user avatar
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spark streaming + kafka sbt compilation

I have an example with spark streaming + kafka. It works well from IDE. but when I try to compile it by SBT from console, like sbt compile. Have got an error. The Main class: val conf = new ...
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