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SolrCloud in an enterprise Openshift environment

Preface: I work in an international corporation with over 400,000 employees, 10,000 of them in IT alone. Needless to say, in such an environment, many things are highly structured and many ...
ByteBandit's user avatar
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Is it possible to reuse Solr 8 schema.xml, solr.xml, and solrconfig.xml in a Solr 9 installation?

`Is it possible to use the schema.xml file instead of the managed-schema provided by Solr 9, while also using solrconfig.xml and solr.xml from a Solr 8 installation? Since we rely on a static schema ...
user23462470's user avatar
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Solr file-based spellchecking does not detect correctly spelled words

I have a working Solr v9.4.1 installation, to which I want to add file-based spellchecking. I want to add file-based spellchecking so that I can identify search terms that are correctly spelled, even ...
landru27's user avatar
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Trying to finish scrape specific data from websites for my Solr search engine for my Django project

I am trying to finish the backend (Django) of my Solr search engine. I defined my fields in, created my Solr core, configured my schema.xml and rebuilt my index. A little backstory ...
Corveloper's user avatar
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solr split the shard data equally in to 2 shard

I have a collection with compositeId router with 5 shards. One of the shard contains around 20 million documents. is there a way to split the shard further into 2 shards having roughly equal documents?...
user2163880's user avatar
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Using the mm parameter in SOLR Nested Boolean query [closed]

I am wondering how can I add the minimal_should_match parameter to SOLR Nested Boolean query? I tried the next syntax, but it didn't work: { "query": { "bool": { "...
Rougher's user avatar
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How to configure SOLR to detect encoding on fields of type 'string'

We have a system that has Solr 8.2 as suggested, but we would like to use a more recent version. On the 8.2 version all fields are correctly encoded, but on 8.11 or 9.7 fields of type string breaks ...
Claudio Weiler's user avatar
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Fix for Apache Solr 9.7.0 Windows Start-up Issues

Problem When trying to start Apache Solr 9.7.0 on Windows using either basic start command or cloud example, you might encounter these errors: With basic start (.\solr.cmd start): Failed to parse ...
404rorre's user avatar
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SOLR Synonyms.txt path

enter image description here I dont know why I cant run this schema and why it says that it can't find the my_synonyms.txt. When I use synonyms.txt it works even though I don't have any file named ...
koaLaMoucho's user avatar
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Solr cell-level security

Is it possible for Solr to support cell-level security (think Hbase visibility labels)? Was thinking there might be a way of structuring a Solr document with child documents that contain fields with a ...
user2868410's user avatar
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Solr equivelant of isnull() or coalesce()

using solr 9.7.0, trying to write a solrj query for: isnull(field1, field2) in daterange So far, Chat GPT has me doing: if(exists(field1) field1:[2022-02-01T00:00:00Z TO 2022-02-01T23:59:59Z]) or if(-...
tom's user avatar
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Solr schema - complex type

I am trying to create a Solr schema that stores fields with more complex types. For example: { "sessionId":413431, "sessionName":"Test Session" "gameDetails&...
Tsvetoslav Tsvetkov's user avatar
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The response to the first HTTP request in a TCP session takes much longer with Solr 9.x

After we updated to Solr 9.x, we noticed that the first get/post request on a new TCP session takes much longer compared to older versions of Solr (we tested Solr 6.x and 8.x) - but only if this first ...
BLitzba's user avatar
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Issue: Spark-Solr Connection Stalling with No Errors on Execution - CDP 7.1.9

We're attempting to execute a basic Spark job to read/write data from Solr, using the following environment: CDP version: 7.1.9 Spark: Spark3 Solr: 8.11 Spark-Solr Connector: opt/cloudera/parcels/...
BigD's user avatar
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solr admin ui not loading

enter image description here Although the Solr service is running, I am unable to access the Admin UI. We confirmed that Solr is active and listening on port 8983, but attempts to reach the Admin ...
CİHAN DÜRMÜŞ's user avatar
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How can query Solr using a boolean query parser?

I'm trying to retrieve results from Solr using a boolean query parser. The query is simple now, but I'm planning on adding more queries to retrieve the intersection of the queries. The query I'm using ...
sbrattla's user avatar
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Restoring Solr backup with different number of shards

I was wondering whether you can restore a collection from a backup with different number of shards. In other words, is there any way to restore a collection with a different number of shards to the ...
jguerra's user avatar
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Modify index field in Solr

We have a requirement to search content by tag name using search box. We are using SXA search box and search results component. We have a multilist field in page items called tags. Tags are already ...
Sarika Niture's user avatar
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Solrj with Solr 9.7, SolrClient create nested docs without using InputDocuments?

I see that you can easily create nested documents in solar like this: But there is another API that uses the @Field annotation that I ...
tom's user avatar
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Facing error while Enabling SSL in SOLR 9.6.1 with Zookeeper 3.8.1

I'm using SOLR with zookeeper in Ubuntu 24.04.1 server, installed SOLR with 1 shard, 2 replicas and 3nodes of zookeeper(localhost) and all are running in same server with basic solr authentication. ...
Vivek R's user avatar
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install solr on docker container, ubi9

I am trying to build the SOLR program into UBI9.. below is the Dockerfile Dockerfile FROM ubi-9:latest ENV SOLR_USER=solr ENV SOLR_HOST=solr RUN mkdir /opt/src COPY /solr-9.7.0-src.tgz /opt/src ...
xxestter's user avatar
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Confirming Dynamic Core Discovery in Solr 8 Legacy Cloud Mode and Changes in Solr 9

I’m currently working with a Solr 8.11 SolrCloud setup that uses legacyCloud=true in clusterprops.json. I’ve noticed that in this setup, Solr dynamically creates collections and cores upon startup ...
BrTkCa's user avatar
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Incorrect result using Dense Vector Search Query result in sorting

I am using dense vector search in solr for querying. I want to use this score for sorting in the below mentioned sort function - sort function: x*score+(1-x)*somefield where x is some value assigned ...
Ruchika Kundu's user avatar
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Zookeeper data for solr-cloud is not saved after docker compose down

I have 3 solr-cloud containers (one of them for loading configurations, it stops right after executing the command) and one zookeeper. services: solr1: image: solr container_name: solr-3z ...
saphonova's user avatar
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How do I do a 'terms' JSON facet query on a Solr DateRangeField

I have a Solr index with one of the fields being a solr.DateRangeField, object_production_year_range_dt. I have added some custom field definitions to my schema: <fieldType class="solr....
Costyn Van Dongen's user avatar
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Does spark connector fetch results in parallel

Suppose I use spark connector to connect to opensearch. If I run a search query and result is big. Does spark allows us to get the results in parallel from multiple executors, or, it is something ...
user2988877's user avatar
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Mongo Jdbc connection solr [duplicate]

i am trying to connect to mongo using mongo-jdbc driver but connection fails for solr dataimport handler. Below is the error Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.mongodb....
Shruti shajil lal's user avatar
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Apache Solr 9.7.0 Basic Authentication: "Error 401 Bad credentials" when starting Solr

Configuration Details: Solr version: 9.7.0 Java version: 17 Operating System: Windows 10 Authentication Method: BasicAuth Problem: I am trying to set up Basic Authentication for Apache Solr 9.7.0 on ...
Prajwal gunjal's user avatar
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SolrJ not working with Zookeeper ACLs. Error message "KeeperErrorCode = NoAuth for /live_nodes"?

I am new to Solr and Zookeeper. I set up a Solr Cloud cluster with Zookeeper in Docker. For implementations Im using SolrJ. I used the CloudSolrClient to communicate with Solr Cloud. Everything worked ...
yan-huck's user avatar
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Application search utilizing apache SOLR triggers stall error in a random pattern

Keep getting the SOLR stall error in a random pattern, Came across this forum for fields in spatial search had to be compressed before indexing...does that mean, solrconfig.xml change to make slave ...
Udit R M's user avatar
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Solr backup not getting created for two collections out of three

I have Solr cloud version 9.5 with two nodes. I am trying to take Solr backup using the Solr backup API Bakup API - '
teji's user avatar
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Solr - C# query appending "s" to sort field

Our sort order is not working correctly, and I found it's because the solr query being generated ends with sort=date_tdts%20desc - when it should end with sort=date_tdt%20desc (note the extra 's'). ...
Erica Stockwell-Alpert's user avatar
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Lenient matching on repeating digits in Solr search

I have Solr documents that need to provide some leniency on repeating character matches in specific cases. As an example, I have inputs such as these which currently have their numbers tokenized with ...
Christopher Schneider's user avatar
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Setup Solr in Docker and connect to Postgresql db in Docker

For a proof of concept, I need to set up Solr in a Docker container and a Postgresql DB also in a Docker container. Then I should connect both, so Solr can get the data from the Postgresql DB. I'm new ...
anvbis's user avatar
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How does Solr Join perform keyword search?

I want to understand how Solr join works. Assume, we have these documents { "groupid":"test01", "uniquekey":"test_01", "content":"test join query ...
Ritesh Kumar's user avatar
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solr search from nested object

I am using solr as search engine and saving some details as nested child object field type is text-general available_from_date and available_to_date is timestamp i am trying to get details based on ...
Shibon's user avatar
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Long Solr query with ps and pf takes about 5 seconds to run which was about 50 ms in Solr 8

I have query similar to: q = X AND (A OR B OR C) Also, we use the following request handler for our solr requests: <requestHandler name="/product-search-en" class="solr....
Bikas Katwal's user avatar
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Apache Solr query with a 120 seconds elapsed time

our application performs searches against different cores present within a Solr Cloud architecture hosted on three servers. On some rare occasions we log some queries with an elapsed time of 120 ...
user1047400's user avatar
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Is there a way in Solr to return true result counts with auto-suggestions?

I have a Solr v9.5 service set up to allow users to search a corpus of end-user content. I have looked into three ways to implement auto-suggestions which show the user the number of results they ...
landru27's user avatar
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Solr causes problem with and without hashtag in command line parameter

Hello I've some problem using solr. In command line solr.cmd post -c my_core my_path the error is PostTool: WARNING: Response: <p> Searching for Solr?<br/> You must type the correct ...
user16761658's user avatar
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Have Solr also log when Lucene performs a segment merge

I'm looking for a way to know when a segment merge happens in Solr. My current approach is via the logs, but JMX would also be fine if that's possible. I've tried adding the following to the log4j2....
KoenDG's user avatar
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How to Specify Managed Resource Path in Solr

How do I specify the default path to managed resources files in solr. I am using synonyms via managed resources api and it creates the synonyms config file under /var/solr/data/collection1/conf/...
Baama's user avatar
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Getting "Cluster not found/not ready. Expected node '/aliases.json' does not exist." error on Solr Cloud

We are trying to upgarde to Solr 9.6.1 and Zookeeper 3.7.1. But when connecting to Solr from Java using SolrJ Api we are getting below error. Cannot connect to cluster at cluster ...
noble's user avatar
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Solr delete multiple synonyms at once in managed resources

How do I do a bulk delete of some synonyms in the Managed Resource Api. I find it strange that the documentation only talk about about how to delete synonyms one at a time. It will be quite sad if we ...
Baama's user avatar
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Issue with creating CloudSolrClient instance in Solr 9 along setting 'ConnectionTimeout' and 'SocketTimeout' properties

In SolrJ 8 we are creating org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient instance by setting properties ConnectionTimeout and SocketTimeout CloudSolrClient.Builder builder = new CloudSolrClient....
noble's user avatar
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TYPO3 Solr: disable no_cache param in links in result list?

TYPO3 10, Solr 11.2 and PHP 7.4. also observed in: TYPO3 11, Solr 11.5 and PHP 8.1 The links in the result list container are appended by a &no_cache=1 variable. How to disable this? In the ...
Stefan Padberg's user avatar
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ApacheSolr 9.6 Trying to Index the document Using SolrJ cleint I am getting the error

I am using Solr-core 9.6 jar and Apache Solr 9.6 version. Simple Java method to index the document into the Apache solr 9.6 public void postData() throws SolrServerException, IOException { ...
Nageshwar Addanki's user avatar
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Solr - Hadoop theory of data writing

I'm wondering how the data writing actually works. In a Solr cluster that saves the indexes onto hadoop datanodes, if I instruct a shard splitting how is the data managed? let's say that I split a ...
Roberto D. Maggi's user avatar
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Solr sorting : multiply the bf score with a field

I have docs in my index, where every doc has a field popularity, which is a float. What I want: multiply the field popularity by the score value (computed using bf) and order the docs by popularity * ...
user3718371's user avatar
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solr error SolrException: Error loading solr config from C:\SOLR\solr-9.6.1\core_name\conf\solrconfig.xml Please check your logs for more information

Being new to solr, I recently came across this error in my Solr Admin UI: core_name: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Could not load conf for core core_name: ...
Shubham1212's user avatar

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