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ImageSource updating in Image component => empty image, when launched from tablet

I can't update an Image in a MAUI for Android app : the previous image is replaced by a white box. I use .NET 9. Here is the code to update the whole component: [RelayCommand] public async Task My(...
lolveley's user avatar
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when I upgrade MAUI to version 9, I get this error message : The type or namespace name 'MauiWinUIApplication' could not be found

I have built a demo projet just to display a bitmap with Skiasharp. Nothing special : public partial class MainPage : ContentPage { SKBitmap mybitmap; public MainPage() { ...
Belight's user avatar
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SKImage loading image but drawing it as blue, when it has yellow color

Issue When drawing a PNG image, it is drawn with a blue tint. Code updated to include how the canvas is created SKImageInfo info = new SKImageInfo(2000, 2000); SKBitmap bitmap = new SKBitmap(info); ...
X3R0's user avatar
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(SOLVED) System.NotSupportedException and System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException while implementing SkiaSharp in .net Maui

Hello i was implementing skiasharp on .net 8.0 Maui and i constantly receive System.NotSupportedException and System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException. I am trying to understand why i keep ...
Jazz_And_Blues's user avatar
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.NET MAUI SkiaSharp SKCanvasView crash when size > 0

this is my first .NET Maui-App and I hope this is the right place to ask. Right now I have problems using a SKCanvasView from SkiaSharp (Version 3.0.0-preview.4.1) in .NET 8 on Windows 11. Despite ...
Ridnok983's user avatar
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Amazon Linux 2023 and SkiaSharp compatibility issues

My Project is .net core 6 MVC,I use the SkiaSharp package for image compression,The program code is as follows,The version of the relevant installation package is SkiaSharp(2.88.8)、 SkiaSharp....
TS MP's user avatar
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OxyPlot.SkiaSharp.Wpf zooming if using a touchscreen

I am using a PlotView from OxyPlot.SkiaSharp.Wpf in a WPF application running on a touchscreen device. How can I zoom? I know that I can zoom with a mouse using the scroll wheel, +/- keys or using the ...
h.m.i.13's user avatar
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How to convert an ImageSharp Image<> to a SkiaSharp SkImage?

I've got an ImageSharp Image<Rgb24> image which is already loaded in memory, and I need to convert it into a SkiaSharp SkImage object to pass into a library that I'm using. I'd like to use the ...
Webreaper's user avatar
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Decoding an Image with SkiaSharp Results in 90% Black Image

As described in this question, I'm working with the Fortnite API to retrieve an image of their map and some coordinates to place a point on that map. Here's the map image, for reference. As shown in ...
muttley91's user avatar
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How to draw Skia Svg Path with stroke and fill, but with different stroke color

I want to draw a path using skia in my maui project, but I want to use a different color for the stroke then for the fill, for example I want to draw some path with a black border and filled with red. ...
GuidoG's user avatar
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What's the performance difference between an SKPath draw and individual line draws?

Technically I'm using SkiaSharp but this is a general Skia query. Let's say I have hundreds of points and I'm drawing straight lines or arcs between them. I could either iterate over each one doing ...
Iain Stanford's user avatar
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How can I apply non-affine transformations to 2D framework elements in WPF?

Historically, WPF is not able to support 2D non-affine transformations out of the box. Typical solutions require setting up a 3D scene. Of course, I'm trying to avoid creating a 3D scene in my ...
Cody Hubbard's user avatar
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Why is my FOV Perspective Matrix4x4 looking Orthographic (DotNet and SkiaSharp)?

Brief overview, you can image I'm drawing points of a 3D schematic onto a Canvas, think CAD. I have points in 3D XYZ Vector3 coordinates, and I've got a model, view, projection matrix all setup. I've ...
Iain Stanford's user avatar
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Blazor Hybrid app and SkiaSharp performance improvements

I am trying to make a simple Maui Blazor Hybrid application that would load a picture, and I would be able to adjust brightness in real time. I managed to do it manually just using simple < img >...
DemiGod's user avatar
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Skiasharp is not working on linux platform

I integrated SkiaSharp to generate images within my .Net 8 application . While developing the project on Windows, everything functioned correctly in the local environment. However, upon deployment to ...
Gouthami Shivakoti's user avatar
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.NET MAUI Windows 9.0 Preview 5 on Windows/WinUI 3 crashes when using SwapChainPanel via SkiaSharp after a while

The Problem We are using .NET MAUI 9.0 Preview 5, .NET SDK 9.0 Preview 5, and SkiaSharp 3.0 Preview 3.1 in our game, GnollHack. SKGLView of SkiaSharp uses SwapChainPanel to render GPU accelerated ...
Tommi Gustafsson's user avatar
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Silk.NET window flickering when using SkiaSharp

My goal is to create SkiaSharp canvas in Silk.Net window. It is simple program to change rects round borders. When I running my code, my window is flickering. My code: using Silk.NET.Windowing; using ...
AlexeyBobrovich's user avatar
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SkiaSharp.SKBitmap as alternative to System.Drawing.Bitmap doesn't work as expected

I have a working c# code that create a System.Drawing.Bitmap: byte[] logoBytes = decodeBase64SafeWeb(json["logo.png"].ToString()); using (Bitmap bitmapold = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(new ...
RiB's user avatar
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.net MAUI How to get DPi/PPi cross platform

Get DPI/PPI Hello, How can one get the DPI or PPI in Maui for every platform? I could only find DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Density, but this gives me only the scaling of the display like 1,2 and so ...
macaroni's user avatar
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c# Skiasharp finding SKEncodedImageFormat from image read from a Stream

I'm hoping someone can help. I have an image as a byte array read from a stream. I don't know the format of the image, which could be one of many. I want to use the c# SkiaSharp nuget library to read ...
Nikjw's user avatar
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SKBitmap resourceID = SKBitmap.Decode(stream); is throwing a System.ArgumentNullException:

SKBitmap resourceID = SKBitmap.Decode(stream); is throwing a System.ArgumentNullException. I tried changing the names, but it's not working. I can't understand what the error is. Please tell me. Here'...
Omak's user avatar
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How to draw a interactive dynamic image with .Net MAUI Graphics

I want to create an interactive image (tree) in .NET MAUI (Graphics), where customers can hang their fruits on it. To realize this, I played with a grid view, but that didn't really work out. My ...
E75's user avatar
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Facing the DllNotFoundException with SkiaSharp.dll while converting the document as a PDF after using the hosted AWS service path

We have deployed the ASP.NET Core Web API with AWS Lambda. While using the hosted AWS service path in the fetch API to invoke the server for saving the document as pdf processing, we faced the problem ...
Janaki Raman's user avatar
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mapsui - SkiaSharp error in SkiaSharp.SKPicture in a revit addon

When I use mapsui in a standard wpf mvvm c# project, everything works fine, but when I try to use the mapsui map in a revit addin, I get the following error: Method not found: "SkiaSharp....
Sebastian's user avatar
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How to Create GPU SkImage in a Background Thread and Draw it on a Main SkSurface with OpenGL and Skia?

I'm integrating Skia with OpenGL and facing a multi-threading challenge. I need to create a SkImage on a GPU in a background thread and render it on a SkSurface in the main thread. How can I safely ...
zeus's user avatar
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Maui- Wait CarouselView scrolling is done - The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first

I defined a CarouselView with the use of left and right arrows. The problem is that in my views, there are graphic elements which take quite a long time to load. When I press the scroll arrows several ...
Cedric Duffort's user avatar
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how do i bind a skiasharp animation based on a string in maui?

i'm creating a weather app and i get as a response from the api the status of the current weather. since it's a string i could store it in a public string currentWeather with the [ObservableProperty] ...
Lass's user avatar
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How do I create a gradient transitioning colors from outside to inside of a path using Skia (Skiasharp)?

I am trying to draw a gradient that transitions from one color at the outside of a path to another color on the interior of a path all the way around the path using SKiasharp. I've been playing with ...
Peter Nelson's user avatar
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Using maui and SkiaSharp to crop an image for a user profile image. unable to center correctly

I have an image with an overlaid Ellipse target that I want to create another image from. The purpose is to create a user profile image. Can pan in all directions and zoom in/out. I can create an ...
user3248381's user avatar
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SkiaSharp image created on Azure DevOps pipeline is different to image created locally with the same code

I have a unit test which compares at least the bitmaps created by the test and a bitmap saved in the test project - which has been the output of the same test, but only run locally. It is expected, ...
Robert's user avatar
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Comparing Text Rendering in Skia: SkCanvas's drawSimpleText vs. SkParagraph's drawParagraph

Why does painting the text "💯" on an SkSurface using SkCanvas's drawSimpleText method result in the emoji not being painted, while using SkParagraph's drawParagraph method prints everything ...
zeus's user avatar
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Selecting Optimal Color Space for SkSurface

I'm currently working on a cross-platform application for iOS and Android, and I'm using Skia to handle graphics rendering. When creating an SkSurface that represents an app window, I'm uncertain ...
zeus's user avatar
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Font in SVG not rendering in PDF using Svg.Skia

My goal is to generate a PDF from an SVG, but I am having trouble getting custom (.otf) fonts into the output document. I'm trying to load the custom fonts with an ITypefaceProvider, so that the ...
kthuis's user avatar
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How to make AVIF codec a dependency of ASP.NET Web project with SkiaSharp?

It looks like SkiSharp supports Avif. I'm on Windows 10. I see in this PR that the Avif enum value was added to the SKEncodedImageFormat enum. However when I run the code below with ...
RonC's user avatar
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How to Convert Xamarin ImageSource to a Format for Pixel Manipulation (e.g., SkiaSharp or GDI)?

I'm working on a Xamarin.Forms project where I need to perform pixel-level manipulation on images loaded through Xamarin's ImageSource. I'm looking for a way to convert the ImageSource to a format ...
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MeasureText SkiaSharp vs WinForms

I need to measure text height and width using SkiaSharp. This is my SkiaSharp code: SKPaint p = new SKPaint { Typeface = font.Typeface, TextSize = font.Size ...
dcddc75a2fc64ba's user avatar
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SKBitmap manipulation issue in Xamarin.Forms with SkiaSharp

I'm working on a Xamarin.Forms project and utilizing SkiaSharp for bitmap manipulation. I have a code snippet that directly manipulates an SKBitmap obtained from an ImageButton source, and it works as ...
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Translating WinForms Drawing Code to Xamarin.Forms Without SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs

I came across the following WinForms drawing code that I need to adapt for use in a Xamarin.Forms project. However, the code is originally written within the SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs event handler in a ...
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Fastest way of drawing lots of circles in SkiaSharp

I'm using SkiaSharp in WPF to draw some custom charts that show lots of points in a scatter plot like in the image below : I'm currently doing this with the canvas.DrawCircle method, but performance ...
wforl's user avatar
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Maui.CSharpMath.SkiaSharp Canvas trying to draw too large bitmap

I am using Maui and library CSharpMath.SkiaSharp and MathPainter from there too create latex formulas. I have an editor where the user enters latex. Using MathPainter, I draw the latex formula as a ...
Death_Dealer's user avatar
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Error when running/initializing QuestPDF on docker container

I have a .net core application, which uses QuestPDF for generating PDFs, inside a linux docker container. If the container starts, QuestPDF does a dependency check, which fails with following error: ...
Björn Sturzrehm's user avatar
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Render xaml content to bitmap

I work with avalonia and skiasharp in c# project. Is it possible to render xaml content (userControl) to bitmap? This is my xaml: <UserControl xmlns="" ...
oknevermind's user avatar
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SkiaSharp canvas in ScrollView is still scrolling when drawing

I cannot find a solution to this what seems a simple issue. I have created a simple skisharp finger painting area which is at the bottom of a scrollview in android Xamarin Forms. this works how ever ...
TryingAgain's user avatar
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SkiaSharp convert SVG to PNG - image doesn't fit the canvas size entirely

I'm trying to convert a SVG image to PNG using SkiaSharp and return a PdfSharp XImage object with the image so I could add it to the PDF page (since PdfSharp doesn't directly support SVG format). This ...
developer82's user avatar
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SkiaSharp resizing image - high memory usage

We are using .NET 7 web MVC application and SkiaSharp 2.88.5. We have LoadImage controller action which receives imageId and scaleFactor parameters and scales the image according to the scaling factor....
Aleks Vujic's user avatar
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Publish videostream from animated frames in c# application

I have a c# program that renders frames on a canvas using SkiaSharp. For this I use simple functions as canvas.DrawRect(). But instead of drawing the result each frame on an image, I would like to ...
emillio5's user avatar
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What is the preferred way of loading Lottie files from internal folder in a .NET MAUI app?

I am in process to migrate Xamarin Forms project to MAUI. I am stuck with SkiaSharp lottieFiles json load issue. In my app, i download json lottiefile at runtime and save in a app's internal folder. ...
JSB's user avatar
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Blazor Webassembly: System.TypeInitializationException

I have a problem with static classes from image processing libraries in blazor webassembly. As soon as i use one i get a TypeInitializationException like in this screenshot: ...
TheOne1997's user avatar
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How to display an image from an API in Blazor .NET 7?

I have two microservices. One generates images and the second (Blazor) recieves this image. I want then to display that image WITHOUT saving it anywhere (I have bytes of that image and SKBitmap, ...
Iw4n's user avatar
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SkiaSharp - scale image down and reduce quality (and hence image size)

We are using .NET 7 and SkiaSharp 2.88.3. We have the following controller action which is used to retrieve a .jpg or .png image from disk and scale it according to scaleFactor parameter (1.0 means ...
Aleks Vujic's user avatar
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