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Why is my plot showing slanted temperature and precipitation data?

I am trying to plot temperature and precipitation timeseries over a certain period. When I print the dataframes (containing the columns date and t/p respectively), the values look alright. But when I ...
Lydia Seebauer's user avatar
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How to prevent content from overflowing in a skewed div element?

I encountered an issue where the text extends outside a skewed div. I managed to straighten the text inside the paragraph, but this caused the text to overflow from the div. .leftStyle { ...
Pranshe's user avatar
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How do I skew the left and right sides of a divs border?

Can anyone tell me how to skew a border? I have a skewed div and wish to skew the border on the left and right sides with it. I've tried various methods, tried google, and found nothing. Is this ...
user21821015's user avatar
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Image Position Misplaced with the Custom controls after Dragging (interact.js integrating)

I have these script that integrate dragging with interact.js but after integrating i cannot get the position of the image right after dragging using interact.js. Here is the screen recording gif of ...
setiawanfarlin's user avatar
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Skew One Corner And Add Border Radius To Opposite Corner with gradient

How can I make this design in CSS? enter image description here I've tried everything, but the gradient of the pseudo element overlaps the main text. span { border: 2px solid #FFC402; border-...
Мухаммед Али's user avatar
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Creating a vector of in which Mardia's b1p can be saved

i want to create a vector that have 'q0' rows and 1 column with N repetitions. My minimum working example is: library(Matrix) library(psych) library(MASS) set.seed(10) N0 <- 2 n0 <- 5 p0 <- ...
hamna ehsan's user avatar
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Skewing or shearing Points on a 2D plane - Xamarin C#

I'm hoping to get some advice on the best way to achieve a keystoning effect which honours the individual points within the Grid, and not just the Grid itself. I have a rectangle (Grid) that has ...
Mike's user avatar
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Convert skewX and skewY to skew-angle and skew-length

I'm parsing transform skewX and skewY to output skew-angle and skew-length – both in degrees. What I have is this: const handleSkew = ({ skewX, skewY, }: Readonly<{ skewX: number, skewY: number ...
Johan Martin Aarstein's user avatar
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Should I turn my skewed data into a normal distributed data before using MinMaxScaler or StandardScaler?

I have a dataset with a couple skewed variables that with the use of sqrt() function turns them into a normal distribution variable. I have read somewhere that I should have a normal distributed ...
Rodrigo Silva's user avatar
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css skew element and keep max-width

If I distort a container with the skew property, then the short corners are inside the original dimensions and the long corners are outside. This can be seen in diagram 1 with the blue box. diagram 1 :...
ulbiopro's user avatar
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Implementing Latin Hypercube sampling from skewed distributions in Java

I have 5 parameters represented by skewed discrete distributions. I want to do Latin Hypercube sampling from these distributions. Most of the examples I could find on the internet use LHS from normal ...
camo's user avatar
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An elegant for-loop for iterating through data frame columns

I intend to handle skewness of a few columns in a data frame using this code: upper_limit = df['column1'].mean() + 3*df['column1'].std() lower_limit = df['column1'].mean() - 3*df['column1'].std() df['...
Mariya Ivanova's user avatar
2 votes
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BracketError: The algorithm terminated without finding a valid bracket. Consider trying different initial points

# Stats from scipy.stats import skew from scipy.special import boxcox1p from scipy.stats import boxcox_normmax numeric_features = df_train.dtypes[df_train.dtypes != "object"].index ...
Shahed Iqbal Chowdhury's user avatar
-2 votes
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Make product card control in WPF

I'm trying to reproduce these product cards in WPF. This is the result I want to get: I have managed to create the card but I have problems when trying to skew the rectangle that is on the card, this ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Is it possible to achieve negative X-Skewing without cropping in Python PIL?

Im working on to transform images using X-skew using the following code from PIL import Image def x_skew_image(input_path, output_path, skew_factor): # Open the input image input_image = ...
kal's user avatar
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what is the meaning of skew in write skew or read skew

I am learning database transaction in DDIA, There are two concepts of skew in this book, one is unbalanced workload with hot spots, the other is timing anomaly, I can not understand the meanning of '...
jaeger's user avatar
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Is the skew parameter from lmfit models like SkewedVoigtModel() absolute or relative?

It's unclear to me from the documentation for lmfit's Skewed-type models like (SkewedVoigtModel()) if the skew parameter returned from the fit is absolute or relative. In this sense I mean, if I have ...
F2Sphysics's user avatar
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How to make a image fulfill a div that has a ::after with skew

I want the image to go all over this element, but I can't figure it out on how to accomplish this. I am trying to achieve this layout: Desired design But right now, I am stuck at this point: Actual ...
Jonathan Yont's user avatar
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Is it possible to calculate a matrix transform function with given points?

I have a div that i want to project on a svg path. This path has 4 points (just as a dom-element) but is not a rectangle. I've tried GSAP FLIP but this transforms to the boundingbox of the path. https:...
Koen Verbruggen's user avatar
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how to slant image and div in one side only in html using css

i have a website, where i am trying to create a section where there are 3 columns, 1st column is a text box, second and third is an image, i want to slant the first column on right, second column left ...
TBC's user avatar
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Making left border skewed without affecting right border and the image fit the border without getting skewed as well

I tried to make this border shape for hours and not getting the desired result. I have tried using transform: skewX(20deg) and clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 50%, 100% 100%, 50% 100%); This ...
IrvineKinneas's user avatar
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Transform skew child divs but also keep them inside parent container

I have a parent container width 3 (or more) child div's including images. When I skew my child divs they are bigger than the parent div so they are not nicely skewed. I want to achieve this: I have ...
Nikerstriker's user avatar
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Calculating values of preceding N days

I have following panel data, with dates, identifier codes, and returns. There are missing dates (non-trading days), but i've omitted that in the example data for simplicity. DATE ASSET_CODE RET 1990-...
datgoaltho's user avatar
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css3 from squared image to trapezoid without x rotation

I'm trying to transform a square div with a background image to a trapezoid. I would like to make it in 2D, pretty much the same way the "Distort" tool of Photoshop does. Basically, all I ...
Bachir Messaouri's user avatar
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Sampling from a mixture of two Gamma distributions

My intention was to generate samples from two mixed and heavily right-skewed Gamma distributions using the package called bmixture. Some examples are provided at
iGada's user avatar
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Show Multiple Responsive Full Height Skewed DIV inline with Straight Background Image and Text inside DIVs [duplicate]

Well, Thanks for the duplicate Link but it is different from that and was not answered there. I am trying to make a slider or a background DIV with full height as per parent DIV where I will have the ...
Muhammad Hassan's user avatar
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How to get skewness and kurtosis using Julia

I'm working on pointcloud lidar data. I want to calculate skewness and kurtosis to distinguish road from ground. My current intensity column looks like this in plot Is there an implementation on ...
F612's user avatar
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2 answers

Modifying CSS to produce 6 circle sectors

I found some code here: which makes 12 circle sectors using rotate and skew CSS (e.g.transform: rotate(30deg) skewY(-60deg); ). I want to modify the code ...
Robin Andrews's user avatar
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Drawing from a Laplace distribution using Scipy yields negatively skewed density

When I make draws from a Laplace distribution with mean zero and scale drawn from any distribution that maps into the positive orthant, the resulting empirical distribution is negatively skewed, ...
Michael's user avatar
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how to create running skew (constant updating skew of increasing set of numbers from a start date) pine script - stock trading

I recently had help creating a running ave/mean of ROC from a start date on a stock price chart. Thank you mr_statler for creating a working code. I would now like to do the same thing by creating ...
lvbx9's user avatar
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Fit of increasing sinusoidal function

I want to make a sinusoidal fit to my data. I got it working for a constant amplitude, see the Figure below and my code: Besides that, my data is also slightly skewed to the right. Is it possible to ...
Dante van der Heijden's user avatar
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Spark Window Function Null Skew

Recently I've encountered an issue running one of our PySpark jobs. While analyzing the stages in Spark UI I have noticed that the longest running stage takes 1.2 hours to run out of the total 2.5 ...
evyamiz's user avatar
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Why do we have different values for skewness and kurtosis in MATLAB and Python?

Following are the codes for skewness and kurtosis in MATLAB: clc; clear all % Generate "N" data points N = 1:1:2000; % Set sampling frequency Fs = 1000; % ...
LearnerABC's user avatar
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Imperfect pixel when using CSS skew

<-- see image with imperfect pixel here. When using skew in CSS I get a imperfect pixel where the skewed grey border meets the grey bottom border. Looks like some sort of outline or box-shadow. ...
Kip's user avatar
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The content inside skew component is overflowed when the content has long text

I'm creating a component using skew transform (for making shape). In order to make the text inside skew is unskewed, I use the reverted deg value However I'm facing with the problem that: when the ...
akigureum's user avatar
3 votes
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Spark AQE not helping with dataset skew join

I'm facing a problem in spark where 2 skewed datasets takes too long to join. One(or two) of the datasets has skewed data in it and it's used as the join column. So I enabled spark AQE in the hope of ...
Michael_Van's user avatar
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2 answers

css top tilted skew with background-image

enter image description here I want to make a similar effect to this one not changing html code , using only CSS , In HTML i have got only one div with class "square" , Thank you for your ...
Kacper Radzik's user avatar
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Greenplum distribution

There is a table with a random distribution CREATE TABLE schema.table ( col1 int4 NULL, col2 int4 NULL, col3 int4 NULL ) WITH ( appendonly=true, compresstype=zstd, orientation=...
Владимир's user avatar
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Python create list based on letter index of existing list

So I am trying to work on a script which allows me to take a text file, rotate the layout 90 degrees and keep all the letters in the correct orientation (as opposed to having the letters turn sideways)...
sarahParker's user avatar
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How do I remove skewness from a distribution?

I am working with the most famous Credit Card Fraud Detection dataset which includes 28 PCA transformed columns. I'm dealing with the most skewed feature of all which after running the following ...
Sergio Rivera's user avatar
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Putting the Skewness formula in R

I need to put the attached skew formula in R and I have been having trouble calculating it. I cannot use base packages so the only way to do this is by creating the formula in R. Does anyone know if ...
John Dough's user avatar
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Spark Last task takes time to complete

I am having two parquet files 1st one is of 10 GB and 2nd is of 800 MB. I was executing below query in azure databricks on spark cluster and storing result into DBFS. val
sai m's user avatar
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transform: skew causes gap between elements in Firefox

When i use transform:skew it results in a gap between divs in Firefox but not Chrome. Edit: I've animated the height of the divs to make the gap more visible, because it's not visible at all values. ...
DvdRom's user avatar
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How to fit a mixed model with a skew normal distribution in python?

I am not sure if this is the best place to ask this so if not, please let me know, however I am using StatsModels to create a mixed effects model that assesses the relationship between a factored ...
user's user avatar
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Is there a way to correct for skewness caused by the control group in R?

I am working with a research data set where we exposed groups of small fish to a stressor and then sampled them at different timepoints to get an idea of how their cortisol (stress hormone) levels ...
Toni 's user avatar
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Why does pandas.DataFrame.skew() return 0 when the SD of a list of values is 0?

Background Let's think, there is a list of values which presents activity of a person for several hours. That person did not have any movement in those hours. Therefore, all the values are 0. What did ...
Md Sabbir Ahmed's user avatar
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Transform skew without changing element position

I have created the following markup (an example to demonstrate) with a CSS skew transform: .wrapper { height: 100px; width: 200px; position: relative; background-color: orange; } .inner { ...
code's user avatar
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Why Numba does not work when I'm calling a function over and over into another?

I have a code to calculate skewness over 100 matrices or more. The matrix is actually a directed percolation. I defined 2 functions. the first: doPercolationStep() defines how does this random matrix ...
zeinab's user avatar
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Skew One Corner And Add Border Radius To Opposite Corner

How to reproduce this shape using CSS ? How to shift the top-right corner ? <span>Shift top-right corner</span> <style> span { border: 4px dashed blue; border-radius: ...
Naourass Derouichi's user avatar
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How to draw the diagonal line between two div's

How to draw this diagonal line between these two div's ABC and XYZ <div class="row"> <div class="abc">abc</div> <div class="xys">xyz</div> &...
user4148466's user avatar

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