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SIM7600 and ESP32-S3 can't get long HTTPS requests

I'm trying to make a module that both works with WiFi and SIM7600 module. The module receives a long (~300 KB) JSON file from an HTTPS server and saves it to flash memory. The function that works with ...
Barkın Sarıkartal's user avatar
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Sending and Receiving AT Commands with a NUCLEO-F042K6 to a SIM7600G-H Modem

Let me preface this question with the statement that I am not, by any means, an expert in embedded systems engineering but a humble student trying to learn on the fly for a project that will ...
Leigh Smith's user avatar
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What am I doing wrong trying to create MQTTS connection to Azure IoTHub with SIM7670G modem

I am trying to use a T-SIM7670G S3 from LilyGo ( to connect to an Azure IoTHub, using AT modem commands. I am unable to start the MQTT service, even ...
Anes's user avatar
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Connecting ESP32 to Azure IoT Through GSM

I have been trying to connect my ESP32, which is connected to SIMCOM's SIM7600 GSM Module, to Azure IoT Service. Connecting to Azure IoT Service over WiFi was rather easy because there were already ...
İsmail Altay Ataman's user avatar
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How to use Azure SDK for C on ESP32 with 4G modem (SIM7670G)?

I have created an application on an ESP32 (S3 Wroom) that uses the Azure SDK for C for provisioning to an IoT Hub using the Device Provisioning Service. Here I used the WiFi connection. My board is a ...
Anes's user avatar
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why is sim7600 number from clip different depends on sim card

im trying to setup python script where if someone is calling, it will answer the call depended on if number is allowed. but when call is comming, CLIP service sometimes offer number in like : CLIP: &...
marek's user avatar
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SIM7600 module sends 'CLOSED' after CIPOPEN command send

SIM7600 module sends 'CLOSED' after CIPOPEN command sending. Sometimes it is responding as +CIPEVENT: NETWORK CLOSED UNEXPECTEDLY Why it is sending CLOSED and what are the commands we need to send to ...
Pavani L's user avatar
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Sending long JWT tokens in a HTTP request in sim7600

I am using sim7600 module to make a GET request to a HTTPs site. The endpoint requires Tokens for authentication. The token is sent via HTTP parameters with the following AT command. AT+HTTPPARA="...
user1175197's user avatar
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+CME ERROR: retry operation when trying to set call fowarding

I am encountering an issue with my SIM7600E module. Whenever I try to execute the command "AT+CCFC=4,2" or 'AT+CCFC=0,3,"{number}",129,1', I receive the error message "+CME ...
Milan Bültmann's user avatar
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4G Hat for Raspberry Pi Zero trouble

I am currently trying to set up a 4G hat [SIM7600X 4G HAT(B)] for my Raspberry Pi 0, and I am following the guide found here: I have followed all ...
user24770823's user avatar
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Unknown error sending SMS with SimCom SIM7600 module

I need to send SMS message with the SIM7600 module. When I tried some weeks ago, the module was able to send message normally, but from yesterday the module answer with "+CMS ERROR: Unknown error&...
LoreBart's user avatar
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SIMCOM 7600G-Pcie Audio Writing Blocked if Data written when call ends

I just wrote a C# application that waits for a call and picks up the call from the SIMCOM 7600g-Mini pcie module. I have also connected to the Audio USB Port that is also available when connected, and ...
Abdullah bin Amir's user avatar
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Garbage values when reading from a sim7600 module using jetson nano

I've got a python3 script to run on a jetson nano board and to that board, there's a sim7600 module connected. All the connections are being made correctly, and the voltages are what's expected. The ...
Ângelo Galvão's user avatar
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Reading multiple blocks from a CoAP block-wise transfer on SIM7080G modem

Problem: The SIM7080G modem can detect there are multiple blocks in a CoAP response from a server but is only able to read the first block. AT commands used: AT+CCOAPINIT AT+CCOAPURL="coap://coap....
Heigre's user avatar
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Increase CoAP receive package size beyond 579 bytes on SIM7080G modem

Problem: The SIM7080G modem is only able to receive a CoAP packet of maximum 579 bytes from a CoAP server (579 bytes total packet size, 566 bytes payload), even though the server sends a larger ...
Heigre's user avatar
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Trouble Communicating with SIM7600X 4G HAT via Minicom on Raspberry Pi

I'm having trouble getting my Raspberry Pi to communicate with a SIM7600X 4G HAT using Minicom. I can't seem to input any AT commands into Minicom or any other terminal emulator. Here's a summary of ...
James Hayek's user avatar
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How can I get data from the /dev/ttyS0 port on the SIM7600E-H Rpi 4 model when the internet is on?

When I want to receive data via GPS, the /dev/ttyS0 serial port is busy and I cannot receive data. I cannot make calls or SMS. I can receive GPS data when the internet is turned off. I would like your ...
Hüseyin KOÇ's user avatar
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SIM7600 Module: "Connect socket failed" error after several successful HTTP requests

I'm using a SIM7600 module with an Arduino for cellular communication. I can successfully make a few HTTP requests using AT commands (AT+HTTPINIT, AT+HTTPPARA, AT+HTTPACTION), but after successful 5 ...
Fawaz's user avatar
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sim7600 MQTT connection loss GNSS enables

I am using Lilygosim7600e-h to get the GPS location. After getting it, I am connecting to the internet using pppos_example using gsm internet (TCP) to send the GPS data to the mqtt. but signal drops ...
Sandeep Kumar Mallu's user avatar
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No audio on voice call with SIM7600G-H M.2 4G HAT

I'm trying to place a voice call using a Raspberry Pi 4 and a SIM7600G-H M.2 4G HAT using minicom and AT commands. I can actually call my mobile phone and pick up the call, this workes fine. I have a ...
DinuTheHuman's user avatar