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3 answers

Is it possible to hide or show links in laravel after login

I am new to Laravel. I am now able to register users, log them in. But after login, I don't want to display register and login pages. I want to display logout link. This is easy for me with core php. ...
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image don't show up with laravel 8

berita.blade.php img src="{{ asset('/img/'. $berita->foto )}}" height="50" width="50" alt="" srcset="" BeritaController.php public function ...
fhia's user avatar
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1 answer

Missing required parameter for [Route: rekap.laba] [URI: rekapan/laba1/{tanggal}] [Missing parameter: tanggal]

Hello i have a problem in my code to show a detail from data-tables, the error say "Missing required parameter for [Route: rekap.laba] [URI: rekapan/laba1/{tanggal}] [Missing parameter: tanggal]&...
Uswatun Hasana's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Show Data After Login in Laravel

After successfully login from auth, I wan to show the data from database. But I got an error like this. Undefined variable: barangs (View: C:\xampp7\htdocs\example-app\resources\views\barang.blade....
Shabrina Nurdiani S's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

show data from 2 tables laravel 6

I have a problem showing data from 2 tables with an id, in laravel 6. My tables are "users" and "companies". users id name last name companies id company address id_user Model ...
cami08's user avatar
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2 answers

How to hide a button until a selection is made in the dropdown in jquery?

I have three dropdowns on the page. Upon selecting a value in the first dropdown, the other two dropdowns gets populated. Now, I want to have a button appear upon making a selection in either second ...
HAM's user avatar
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2 answers

Jquery not showing button

Trying to show the submit button when the login fails, but unable to show it. My Code:- <html> <head> <script src="" ></...
koceca's user avatar
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1 answer

Call to undefined relationship [users] on model [App\Team] laravel 6

Hey i am pretty new in coding and laravel.I am trying to build an app here i think i messed it up but cant find a way around it.I am getting Call to undefined relationship [users] on model [App\Team] ...
Ripperakos's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't show another checkbox by clicking a checkbox dynamically & individually

I have a first checkbox with a list of several schemas. Want I want to do is simple: When I check a schema, I want to make appear his individual div "list-right" right below, which is ...
Hashka's user avatar
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2 answers

How to count and show duplicate in php string? [duplicate]

To create a ranking, I would like to count and then show duplicate entries in a string <?php $orgasql = "SELECT organisateur FROM events "; $orgareq = $bdd->...
Sagaroth's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Show/Hide records PHP MySQL

Since i can't find anything about this, i thought i should ask for help here. I'm working on a table (PHP/MySQL) which currently looks like this:
Tim's user avatar
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2 answers

Show/Hide div id from input value form previous page

I find it difficult to solve this problem. I want to use the form input data data from the previous page to show or hide a particular div id. <form action="" method="...
Link Network's user avatar
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2 answers

Hide form and show div

So I have this <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $error = "test"; } ?> <div id="first" class="1"> <form action="" method="post" id="myform"> <p> &...
Vesselina Taneva's user avatar
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Show / hide php mysql results with loader

I have MySQL database results. I want to show 3 rows and then hide rest. When the user clicks to load more data then to appear all rows. The problem is when I click show more, then only one more ...
perastikos1's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Show data from database in ajax

I want to show data from database into ajax. function Data_Table() { $.ajax( { url: "<?php echo site_url('admin-spot/company/FieldTable')?>", type: "GET", dataType: "JSON", success: ...
Gusti Erlangga's user avatar
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How can i show only certain columns of data table in sql?

I created table in php and want to show only some of column names in this table. I used SHOW Statement, but it shows all columns. This is my code: $result = mysqli_query($con, "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ...
MetalCat's user avatar
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1 answer

Show/Hide rows with JQuery AND scrolling to anchor

I have a question about toggling rows with JQuery. In fact, the toggling works, but when I click to toggle, the page always jumps to the top of the page. When I have a long list, the row is showed, ...
ArVie's user avatar
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Show content if user_type is equal to X

I have a question. How can you show content on a webpage if a user type is equal to value admin? I want to show content only if the user had user_type admin. I've this code rightnow but it isn't ...
Rayvano's user avatar
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hide/show php checkbox by id like www.anysite.php?id=10

I have a form and a checkbox. By click on the checkbox, a div within some other divs will show up or hide. This works! But, if i visit my page with an id like xxxxx.php?id=10, the checkbox is checked ...
robsn's user avatar
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Display Media in show action

I use Sonata to make an app and I am facing some problem with MediaBundle. I Have two entities : Product & ProductImage Inside Product I have this : /** * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="...
TTIOT's user avatar
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show cities from state id in database PHP

I'm trying to make a php website in the register page I user must choose the state (select input) then the cities input will appear after he chose the state. this is my work but not work, I need ...
Algeria Programmer's user avatar
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1 answer

mysql php jquery hide show select

I know a little bit of PHP programming, but none of JQuery. I have build a <select> dropdown menu with data from MySql db. But now I want a button or something next to the <select> option,...
Jaesen's user avatar
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2 answers

Add foreign key to request Laravel

what i am trying to achieve is : User create a Delivery by a title input, When the user send the request i want to get the users_id to add it to delivery table as a foreign key. Here is the deliveries ...
Abdel Maimouni's user avatar
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Display image from database in Php page

I try to make online quiz with images questions, and i need your help/advice. My images is stored on database where have an id "image". My upload works fine, image is stored on database...but i can't ...
Diaconu Eduard's user avatar
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Showing categories and their respective subcategories in a specific html structure

<ul> <li> <a href="">Category 1</a> <ul> <li><a href="">Subcategory 1</a></li> <li><a href=""&...
Pablo De Luca's user avatar
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3 answers

fetch data from a table having foreign key in yii1

I have a table name business and second table address. Business table has attributes, id,buisness name,image and address table has attributesaddress_id,business_id,street,city,house. In my business ...
Usman Iqbal's user avatar
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2 answers

If on this site don't show This? [closed]

I have a problem showing some piece of code on all pages but one, how can I achieve this? I have this droplet, that is showing on all pages, but I would like it to be shown on all but the first page. ...
Roych's user avatar
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2 answers

how to show/hide div based on selected option's id?

I have this vehicles invoice form with 5 rows. each row can be a different vehicle but if a car is selected, it shows you a second select list to chose its color. here is my javascript: <script&...
user1362473's user avatar
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php popup window issue

i have three popup windows, that are supposed show if the $_GET variable $message is: changeSuccess or changeSuccessMenu or changeSuccessEvent. The problem here is that even if this value is ...
Jojo01's user avatar
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<PHP> The images doesn't appear when I use include

I want to make the images to appear from another directory, instead of copying the whole images folder. The images folder bath is correct <img ...
Ahmadz Issa's user avatar
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show message success when confirm a form by ajax & jquery

when user write her email for Newsletters, i want to show them a suuccess message newsletter.php <?php $templates="templates/"; require_once 'includes/'; //require_once '...
Elham Homayoon's user avatar
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1 answer

text show and hide with button php/js

How can I apply the multiple texts? With a text it works: <dl> <dt> <img class="empfehlung-bild" style="max-width: 300px; height: auto; float: left; margin-right: 15px; ...
Lukbec's user avatar
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How can I use MySQL statement 'show index' with PDO?

I am trying to use PDO and prepared statements to get the primary key of a table. From other questions I saw that this is possible when executing something like this: show index from TABLENAME where ...
Panayotis's user avatar
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Show text if date is today

I need to show (today) text if date is today. How do I do that! I tried everything but cant find the right anwser that's why Im asking here. Here is the piece of codeI have right now. $mod_list.= '&...
Roych's user avatar
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3 answers

Php style show function

Hi guys I want that on click of the button "show" the following inputs became visible, can someone help me? <input id="show"type="submit" value="change" > <input id="oldpass"TYPE="text"value=...
afk1's user avatar
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1 answer

How to create pagination to display array using "for" loop?

for($i=0; $i<sizeof($allTags); $i++) { if($allTags[$i]!='') { $qa_content['custom'.++$c] = '<article>// <div class="custom.." <header><a href=...
Power's user avatar
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1 answer

Show More and Show less in PHP

I really need help to show only 90 words or 400 characters of text from MySQL database. Currently my code shows everything and i was hoping to truncate and give the reader the option to see more or ...
user4853436's user avatar
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How to show dropdowns with selected options if form is submitted and have validation errors

I have a form with radio buttons first. When you choose a radio button, it is shown different dropdowns for different radio buttons. They are dependent dropdowns. First I hide them all. It's working, ...
ci_lover's user avatar
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Output Users ISP on Webpage

I am trying to display users ISP. I managed to get their IP and their hostname but I'm having trouble displaying only their ISP. The PHP code I used for hostname is: <?php $hostname = ...
Razzie's user avatar
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Display field set based on dropdown selection yii 2

I am new to javacripting and Yii2 Framework. Can anyone please help me just to display a set of field values depending on the dropdown selection. For example, I have in dropdown "If you are a student ...
TechNet's user avatar
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POST data is not submitted a situation where I have two alternating forms chosen with show() and hide()

I have 2 forms in a program whereby the second form when showed and then filled up but the keyed-in information never get captured by the POST variables. Upon click Submit on 2nd form it always go ...
GoCoogs's user avatar
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CKEditor will not show echo function

I implemented Ckeditor into my blog , and I have an "Edit Page". In that page I want to get the text that I wrote so I can obviously edit it, problem is it doesn't show up , like the rest of the text ...
Badina Filip's user avatar
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curl result within a div not show up

I hope someone can help.. I'm trying to get shipping information from other site. The tracking result is fine on the original site by using But when ...
Aris's user avatar
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Show checkbox array values

i'm trying to loop inside my checkbox array and show the value of each element, but its returning 0, and the real value are emails. (**** and (thatian**** These are my ...
Lucas Rodrigues's user avatar
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3 answers

MySQL Data show by php. If select show selected data, If no select; show whole data. How can I do this?

This is a blood donation web site. If anybody want to see his areas donor; he select blood-grp, district and area. But if he do not select area field, He see nothing. But I want He see whole districts ...
S M Nahidur Rahman's user avatar
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Uploading an image of any format and showing it irrespective of the extension codeigniter

I have a folder where Im uploading images of different format.The file extension can be jpg/png/gif. Eg : id_proof.png id_proof.jpg id_proof.gif but the file name remains the same.Now how ...
Gafoor's user avatar
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How can I call a php script from another file and display it on the current page? [closed]

I'm working on a custom contentlocker, where I display contents based on: Mobile/desktop platform, the operating system and the country of the user. I'm stuck at the part where I want to show the ...
Snowlav's user avatar
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jQuery .show() multiple tags with the same name

I have my jQuery code setup so when a span is clicked, the is hidden and an input box is shown it its place. From here the input box can be typed in and the value is passed back to the . My problem ...
tomantford's user avatar
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Fill a php array with the content of other php arrays

I've been searching for a while now to accomplish my question, so I decided to ask it here. My problem. I've filled 2 arrays with content from a database like this: $query = "SELECT table_1, ...
dynero's user avatar
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Show content Jquery

I'm trying to show content from a gallery in a #showcontent div. Currently i have this set up The Js <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('.gallery-item').on('click', function(...
R3dn0l's user avatar
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