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Assign Mysql show command result to a variable

How can i assign only table value to a variable as i want to use it in an if condition later on show open tables where `table` = 't1' and in_use >0; Result: Database table In_use name_lock Ai ...
Farrukh zaman Khan's user avatar
2 votes
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Call to undefined relationship [users] on model [App\Team] laravel 6

Hey i am pretty new in coding and laravel.I am trying to build an app here i think i messed it up but cant find a way around it.I am getting Call to undefined relationship [users] on model [App\Team] ...
Ripperakos's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

select only ONE column from the query: "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `DB`"?

is possible select only ONE column from the QUERY: "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM DB" ?? I want select ONLY 1 or 2 columns from result obtained in the QUERY: SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `DB` I need ALL tables ...
VyR's user avatar
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3 answers

mysql: show databases doesn't show any databases

I am new to using MySQL on a Mac. I am trying to show all the default databases but nothing is showing up when I use the command "show databases". I have tried uppercase and lowercase. As well as ...
darrah001's user avatar
1 vote
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Show/Hide records PHP MySQL

Since i can't find anything about this, i thought i should ask for help here. I'm working on a table (PHP/MySQL) which currently looks like this:
Tim's user avatar
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Show / hide php mysql results with loader

I have MySQL database results. I want to show 3 rows and then hide rest. When the user clicks to load more data then to appear all rows. The problem is when I click show more, then only one more ...
perastikos1's user avatar
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How can i show only certain columns of data table in sql?

I created table in php and want to show only some of column names in this table. I used SHOW Statement, but it shows all columns. This is my code: $result = mysqli_query($con, "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ...
MetalCat's user avatar
1 vote
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mysql php jquery hide show select

I know a little bit of PHP programming, but none of JQuery. I have build a <select> dropdown menu with data from MySql db. But now I want a button or something next to the <select> option,...
Jaesen's user avatar
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2 answers

Can we use functions like concat() group_concat() in show statement?

For instance I run command mysql> show tables; Tables in DB a b c d I want to use it such as concat('drop table ', tablename, ';'); So that my result set would become drop table a; drop ...
Rohail Abbas's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Trying to put SHOW DATABASES to a combobox in C# gives me list of System.Data.DataRowView

I was trying to put a list of databases from mySQL server, to a combobox in C#. when i click on a button to fill it, it gives me list of "System.Data.DataRowView" instead of values. Can u tell me ...
money152's user avatar
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Showing categories and their respective subcategories in a specific html structure

<ul> <li> <a href="">Category 1</a> <ul> <li><a href="">Subcategory 1</a></li> <li><a href=""&...
Pablo De Luca's user avatar
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Change column name for SHOW queries

In MySQL, is there a way to change the column name for SHOW queries? For example, SHOW GRANTS FOR 'guest'@'%'; returns one column called Grants for guest@%. SHOW CREATE TABLE ... ; returns two ...
Leo Galleguillos's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I use MySQL statement 'show index' with PDO?

I am trying to use PDO and prepared statements to get the primary key of a table. From other questions I saw that this is possible when executing something like this: show index from TABLENAME where ...
Panayotis's user avatar
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3 answers

MySQL Data show by php. If select show selected data, If no select; show whole data. How can I do this?

This is a blood donation web site. If anybody want to see his areas donor; he select blood-grp, district and area. But if he do not select area field, He see nothing. But I want He see whole districts ...
S M Nahidur Rahman's user avatar
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How can I retrieve and display images from mysql in a JSP page? [duplicate]

How can I retrieve and display images from mysql in a JSP page? I want to read database and display all image by id . Result is : [B@4b8c5b6c I think I need to use servlets How do I write this ...
kbry's user avatar
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MySql - Get Column Names where Value is 1

My MySql Table looks like this: | id | picID | name_Gina | name_Tom | name_Liz | |----|------------|-----------|----------|----------| | 1 | DSC057.jpg | 1 | 0 | 0 | | 2 |...
user2987790's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

MYSQL show uncounted

I've two tables in MySQL: tracks and ratings. I want the query to count how much ratings there are per track, that's why I use the following: SELECT t.*, COUNT(*) as ratings FROM tracks t, ratings r ...
Steven's user avatar
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How to show previous 3 inputs in mysql

So i make this code: SELECT * FROM `data` WHERE `id`=(select max(`id`) from `data` WHERE `cat`='$data[cat]' and `id` < $data[id]) So... how can edit it.. to show not only one result, but the ...
Nicox's user avatar
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MySQL : Slow show databases;

We are currently using a MySQL Server version 5.5.35 x86 - Win64 When we run the command : SHOW DATABASES; As root user : 2640 lines in 0,125 sec. (+ 0,015 sec. network) As user with ...
Ydakilux's user avatar
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Show sub-data in each data with php

I'm trying to solv this issue. I have this php code. <?php if (count($Modulos)>0){ for ($x=0; $x<count($Modulos); $x++){ // SOME CODE, to define variables $...
Jhonatan Sandoval's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

mysql_query("SHOW DATABASES") doesn't show my database

I am testing a local page using xampp. Searching how to fix a "No database selected" mysql error lead me to testing this out: mysql_connect('localhost') or die ("Connect error"); $res = mysql_query("...
Adocad's user avatar
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I have two Triggers on Mysql Database, but I can list one only with SHOW TRIGGERS

I created two triggers for MySQL database. But I want to get the trigger names and statements, but when I try I get back one array of one trigger only with code: $TriggersOfArray = (mysql_fetch_assoc(...
Perjés László's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to build a dynamic MySQL INSERT statement with PHP

Hello This part of a form is showing columns names from mysql table (names of applications installed on a computer) and creating a form with YES/NO option or input type="text" box for additional ...
Michal's user avatar
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There's any way to change the column name on SHOW TABLES?

I need to make the following Query on VB.NET to a MySQL Server SHOW TABLES FROM BaseX Currently returns "Tables_in_BaseX" But I want that the column name be a specific word. There's any way to ...
E_Blue's user avatar
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Jquery display text from mysql

Maybe someone can give me a little help. I modified a jquery to appear as i wanted, you can see it here: But i need display text from mysql DB, so ...
user2415711's user avatar
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click image list form mysql show div and hide other all image

I have an issue you would like to ask for help. I have an issue you would like to ask for help. I have an image list from mysql (img1, img2, ... imgn) I want to click on each image, it will show a ...
Dũng IT's user avatar
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Show one specific column assigned by ID in MySQL and PHP [closed]

I have a database called "tekst". There are 3 columns: id (autoincrement), date (timestamp), tresc (text) and the site: index.html. I want to paste code like that <?php echo "$id1"; ?> ...
Grzegorz's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Show specific column by ID in MySQL and PHP

I have problem (i think for you is simple to solve) with PHP and MySQL. I have database, that call "tekst". There is 3 column: id (autoincrement), date (timestamp), tresc (text) and the site: ...
Grzegorz's user avatar
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PHP Array doesn't show all the data from database

I have a very basic and simple script that should display records from my database. The problem: it doesn't show all the records. I've tried it even with the most simple mysql ($sql="SELECT * FROM $...
Jeffrey van Zwam's user avatar
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show checkbox data mysql

I am having some minor errors and was wondering if anyone could help! I am creating a attendance system for a college. This Scenario: Student logs in successfully and then wants to view his/her ...
Jasjoot Muhdar's user avatar
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Show 1 factory (individual) on page when factoryname is clicked

i have a searchfunction for factories. when i search for a factory and click on the name (a hyperlink) i want to show the individual factory on a new page. You can see it here: http://kees.een-site-...
Kees Sonnema's user avatar
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Show individual database record based on the given id

I still can't get it to work it's a bit tricky for me as a codeigniter newbie. please help me. I am working with codeigniter and now i want to show my factories one by one. I made a search function ...
Kees Sonnema's user avatar
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In PHP and Mysql, how do you execute a Mysql statement and display the results before the loop is finished?

I have the following code below. The goal is to execute a select statement, display the results and then execute the statement again. I can't get it to work properly. When the code is executed ...
user2127554's user avatar
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Codeigniter Message: Undefined variable: query

SOLVED! thanks to Fabio i realized that i missed something in my index function of my controller. i am working on a view that show's me the data from the database. Now i get the error: Message: ...
Kees Sonnema's user avatar
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Upcoming event script

I am trying to make a script which shows upcoming event (single one). Here is what I have: Joomla, an extension where you can add an event and a calendar of that extension that shows those events on ...
Baseckas's user avatar
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3 answers

Show without last commas on categories

I have this code: <? $kate=mysql_query("select category_id from movies_cat where movie_id='$ids'"); while($cat=mysql_fetch_array($kate)){ $kate2=mysql_query("select name_cat from ...
mp3alese mp3alese's user avatar
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display categories and sub categories readmore page

I'm beginner ( PHP & MySQL ) , I Have Problem With my Code In my website I created unlimited categories and subcategories - Table - > catid catname parentid 1 | ...
ahmedhassan's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Show procedure/function code in MySql

Is there any options to view stored procedure/function code in MySql same as like "sp_helptext procedurename" in sql?
User129's user avatar
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Show more info on database item

I need help with a php page that shows information from a mysql database concerning buildings around a town square. I want it set up so that the addresses are the only thing displayed at first. Then ...
user1617875's user avatar
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How to "show databases" which belong to a specific user in MySQL?

"show databases" shows all databases where you (logged in user) have some privileges. Is there a way to show all databases where user "xxx" has some privileges? Edit: I have an user "mickey": mysql&...
toktok's user avatar
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Jquery show and hide items issue. Blank spaces

I have a site that displays multiple items extracted through PHP from a MySQL table. Then I have a filter by color (checkboxes show the different colors and by clicking on them the following jquery ...
samyb8's user avatar
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(PHP) Get repeated data (MySQL) from a value in a dropdown list and show it in a table

I have a file that has a dropdown list with a set of values (matricula) from a database (movimentos) what I want is when I select that value in the dropdown list it searches the database for repeated ...
Fabiotp91's user avatar
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HTML, PHP AND MYSQL pictures next to each other

So let's say that I have a number of images on my server, uploaded by users. Each picture also has a row in the database containing information like filename, category, filesize, extension and ...
Student's user avatar
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how to show all records from a specific mySQL row - except duplicates?

Is there any easy way to show all records from a specific mySQL row - except the duplicated ones?
user1227914's user avatar
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I need to write the column 'Create View' of SHOW CREATE VIEW in to a temporary table. Note that i cannot use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA because the create view statement there is a little bit different ...
Maximilian Ruta's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Show users with any privileges to database. MySQL

i have to select all users with any privileges to database (e.g. database 'mysql'). Any suggestions? Thanks.
Michał Skóra's user avatar
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PHP Mysql Table information

This works: $result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM `someDatabase` "); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo $row[0].'<br>'; } And I get the database tables just fine. Is it ...
coffeemonitor's user avatar
3 votes
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Informix equivalent to mysql's SHOW CREATE TABLE

Is there any equivalent to MySQL's SHOW CREATE TABLE <tablename> in informix? I would like to run it in the SQL Manager on the Server Studio and would also like to obtain information about a ...
ramo's user avatar
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How to select an entire database and display all the information

Is it possible to select all the tables from a database (not knowing their names) and displaying them? My friend has a mysql server but he doesn't have phpMyAdmin installed and he's begging me to ...
Aistis's user avatar
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54 votes
5 answers

Only show tables with certain patterns in mysql "show tables"

There are too many tables in a db. how can I only show tables with certain patterns? Or is there a way I can do paging like "| more" in shell command?
user398384's user avatar
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