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2 answers

is there a way to hover over a text and show some other text? which is in another div

So i saw these post 1 and this one for hover on div to change another div 2 on which you hover over some image and it shows the text I tried doing it with text and it works just fine. Now i tried to ...
Me Kool's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to create an element that appears when a different element is hovered on AND follows the cursor?

Goal As the title says, I'm trying to have two elements, element A and element B. I want to have element B to only show when element A is hovered on, but I also want element B to follow the cursor ...
Fun840's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to show Link/DIV on hover with moving up the upper div?

I'm trying to build a Team section on a Website. I have a Div with an Image and Name of the Person. When I hover over the name, I would like to have a link to appear on its place and move the Name ...
tommy borowski's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

jQuery show on hover, hide when mouse moves away

I have a div that I want to work similarly to a hamburger menu. When mouse hovers over #Nnav, .dd should appear and then disappear again when unhovering. I don't know what is missing, but the div is ...
A.Noot's user avatar
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1 answer

Showing menu on mousemove – stay on mouseover

I have a menu that only shows on mousemove. I want it to stay displayed when the mouse is hovering the menu area. I have the following code for now, not sure how to change it to fit my needs. var ...
Julien's user avatar
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1 answer

showing index in jQuery

$(document).ready(function() { $('ul li').hover(function(event){ $(this).css({ 'background':'pink', 'height':'75px' }, function(event){ $(this).css({ '...
schoolfood's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to show hidden DIV on li:hover only with CSS? [duplicate]

I want to show hidden div ".menu1_element_1", when mouse is hover the li ".menu1_butt_1". Only by CSS, not jQuery. Is it possible and compatibille with all webbrowsers ? jsFiddle DEMO html <div ...
Patrik's user avatar
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5 answers

Hide text on hover and show an image

I made a button with some text in it and I want the text to disappear on hover and an image to appear in its place. Here is the HTML code: #facebook { width: 200px; height: 50px; border-...
lil buda's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

CSS hover over <li> and reveal hidden <ul>

Here is my code as simple as possible for convenience. #hidden { display: none; } #visible:hover + #hidden { display: block; ...
Все Едно's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

CSS show div on hover not working

I can't get the div to show on hover over the other div. I'm sure I'm missing something really basic. .sidebarRightWork:hover .description { display:block;} .description { width:100%; height:100%; ...
user2252219's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

How to always show submenu in vertical menu with this js file?

My question is if anybody knows what to change in the following js file to always show submenu on the vertical menu , meaning to show the submenu on page load and stay shown whether i hover on it or ...
Paula's user avatar
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3 answers

CSS hover on divs will show or hide other divs

I'm sure this is possible but I can't get it to work, I want to create a banner with 4 slides and 4 buttons underneath it. The first slide should show initially until you hover over say 'button 2' ...
Chobbit's user avatar
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3 answers

jQuery hover (show-hide)

I work on popup menu in jQuery with show/hide. I want to make a green rectangle for my example clikable too. Example: $(document).ready(function(){ $('.rectangle1')....
user123456's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Showing/hiding content with jQuery

I have content in a div that needs to be displayed only when I have a specific element in my page. This is my css code: .my-div { display: none } This is my jQuery code: $(document).ready(...
Jane's user avatar
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2 answers

How to show hidden content when hover in CSS

As the title says I want to show a hidden span "box" when hovering an image, but I can't get it to work, so I was hoping you guys could figure out my mistake. HTML <span class="DDAA__bg"> <...
Tobias Madsen's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Jquery stop queueing while animation is not finished on hover

I checked out a few posts and tried to put either stop() or filter(':not(:animated)') to avoid queueing up animations on my hover but it doesn't work. The page won't load anymore everytime I try to ...
Malane's user avatar
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1 answer

CSS tooltip not showing on top of all elements (no javascript)

How do I show a tooltip on top of all HTML elements? <div class="wrapper">Lorem ipsum dolor <div class="tooltip">Lorem ipsum dolor</div> </div>...
Vitaliy Hayda's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Jquery hover show hide with multiple related items

First of all: I am just starting to work with JS/Jquery. So please excuse any potential rookie mistakes. Now to the issue. I have an item(a) with an hidden item(hidden_a). When i hover over item(a) ...
Steve's user avatar
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1 answer

Show text on hover using just JS

I tried a CSS solution but won't work (I believe this is a bug with the software or server I'm using). Now looking for java solution. Put simply, I wish text to display on hover. Here's what I've ...
Bainn's user avatar
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1 answer

hover effect doesn't work

$(function () { $(window).scroll(function () { var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scrollTop != 0) $('#header').hide(); else $('#header')....
wcodavid's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

jQuery Show/Hide doing something strange, hiding wrong element

So, I've written a snippet of jQuery that makes sense to me, but it's doing something that I had not intended it to do. On a navigation bar, on rollover, I want a little image to appear underneath ...
realianstanford's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to apply a hover element in jQuery to two divs with show and hide functionality?

There is some flickering when I use the show and hide functionality on my divs. I'm using the following code now: $(document).ready(function(){ $("#tekstvanitem-1").hide(); $("#thumbnail-1")....
leonidus's user avatar
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1 answer

jQuery delay show on hover

How can I delay the hover showing the "preview" div? function showPreview() { $(this).closest('li').find('.preview').show(); } function hidePreview() { $(this).closest('li').find('.preview')....
JV10's user avatar
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Troubles doing span:hover

First of all sorry for my poor English : Well I have this CSS span.favoritos {position:absolute;left:550px;visibility:hidden;} span.favtitle {position:absolute;top:-20px;left:450px;visibility:hidden;...
ditoje's user avatar
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1 answer

Jquery Hover show/hide issue

Im trying to setup so that when you hover over class .object1 -> in turn should reveal .obj_1 when you are not hovered on it, it should hide .obj_1. I may be a little off in my code, thanks for the ...
Cam's user avatar
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1 answer

css and Jquery show hide sticky submenu

I have a navigation with a horizontal sub-nav that needs to be a sticky on child pages. I have all of that working with CSS, but the issue is that I need the sticky ul on the child pages to be hidden ...
codeprokanner's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Problems with hover CSS

I would like to show an img when i hover over another but nothing is happening. Any advice on what i can do to change the code **HTML** <div id="container-collection"> <img class="...
user1404437's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

jQuery: Show only one, not ALL on hover

I was wondering how I could make my script only apply the effect to the current List Item being hovered on instead of every List Item in the Unordered List. Script: <script> $(document).ready(...
Michael Ecklund's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can't figure out how to use $(this) correctly in jQuery to get hovered element

So I have several DIVs called achievement, and each one contains a span called recent-share. WHat I would like to do is have each recent-share hidden at first, and the have it appear when the parent '...
Parker's user avatar
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2 answers

Jquery Form - show/hide/stay visible on writing on input area

I have researched this for about 3 days non-stop and I'm starting to feel real despair. Also I have to say that I'm quite a newbie with JQuery, I only do small things now and then. So, here's the ...
Kit's user avatar
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2 answers

jQuery hover effect

I'm trying to have this effect Meaning you have different links, on hover the corresponding text appear below. Is it possible to achieve this using jQuery? Thanks for helping
user561404's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

jquery: only show one div when hover

Hey guys, i'm having a problem with this little script. When i hover over the div "item" both divs shows the "dark-overlay". But i only want the dark-overlay there's inside the div i hover to show. ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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2 answers

jQuery 1.3.2 and IE 8 problem with hide() and show()

Can someone tell me please why the following example work in Firefox but not in IE 8? Only content_1 work correct in IE 8. Thx vijey. <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $("#...
vijey's user avatar
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