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Why does an R Shiny Datatable lose changes between cell edits? [closed]

Given the following code: library(shiny) library(DT) # Define UI ui <- fluidPage(titlePanel("Test Page"), DTOutput("strings")) # Define server logic server <...
Illuminerdi's user avatar
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Access the value of a DT selectInput inside a shiny module

I'm developping a Shiny App with various panels that I each separate into their own modules. One of them uses a DataTable with selectInput on various cells and whose value I need to access inside this ...
EnisKarra's user avatar
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DataTable not diplaying correctly after being updated

This question is a continuation of my previous one about Re-binding the SelectInput of a DataTable after being updated. So, I made quite some progress on this app and I have reached a result that ...
EnisKarra's user avatar
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How do I keep the new table order for recalculation when using RowReorder extension?

I have a datatable with a calculated column. I would like the RShiny user to be able to change the order of rows in this datatable and have the column recalculate based on the new table order. Using ...
anonanonan87's user avatar
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Save changes made to a reactive dataframe via Shiny datatable in the DT package

Please help. I have a follow-up question on this post. How to edit and save changes made on Shiny dataTable using DT package What if the datatable dataset was a reactive dataframe. How would I be able ...
Fave_11's user avatar
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How to toggle a cell and remove it for further calculation within a shiny app

I am creating an app whom the goal is to compute rowmeans and coefficient variation (by rows). Each id got 3 measures. The user must be able to remove one or two values if the cv is too high (8). I ...
VincentP's user avatar
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How to render either a table or a graph selecting the option from a table

I have this minimum working example. My goal is to select from the table an option of a table or a graph, and display it. On the following approach, when you open the app, if you select table or graph ...
skull_caveat's user avatar
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R shiny datatable with numericinput interactivity issue

I want to create a table in RShiny with numericInput so that user-supplied values can be used immediately. I followed the code HERE, but as the variables (car models) changes, it stops printing the ...
Abbas's user avatar
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How to create a Shiny-app that selects from multiple dfs, edits one and downloads edited data

I try to create a shiny app in which one can choose from different dfs. Then one can edit values in the table. At last I would like to download the edited table. Each step for itself , edit and ...
Barchivar's user avatar
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Subset the datatable by multiple user input filter separated by comma

I am trying to build a small shiny app but I don't know where I went wrong. I am trying to get multiple user input via text area to filter my table output. Moreover, i want to control the columns to ...
Anjelica_T's user avatar
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shiny datatable editable for reactive data source

I just wanted to make the data (displayed in the shiny datatable) selected by user editable and eventually to save the user's updates to a file (e.g. such as an excel file), see the testing code below:...
ifendo's user avatar
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track closest values in a table Shiny r

I am building a Shiny App that does random simulations of some stuff in three ways and saves the results in a table. I want the table to (1) fill the cell green for the closest value to the correct ...
Jake L's user avatar
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Need help figuring out the logic error within a reactive dataframe

I have an app here where if the values in column 2 and 3 are different then the column 3 row gets highlighted using the DT's formatStyle function. However, at the moment I see all the mutated values ...
WannabeSmith's user avatar
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Error in make.unique: 'names' must be a character vector when switching tabsetPanel in shiny

In the example below I get following error many times printed when switching back and forth between radio buttons iris and About- Warning: Error in make.unique: 'names' must be a character vector [...
AOE_player's user avatar
7 votes
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Wide datatables causing scrollx to scroll back when applying filters

I am able to render a datatable in my shiny app. However, whenever there is a wide table, the horizontal scroller gets back to it's initial position when you apply filters on the columns in the back. ...
AOE_player's user avatar
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how to save changes before adding new column R shiny reactive datatable

after editing existing cells, how do i make the cell values stay edited and not reset to original when i add a new column? tried using reactiveValues without success. below is the reproducible code,. ...
tycheo's user avatar
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how to display dynamic tabPanels with DT inside multiple nested modules

I really need help on the following code, I use 2 nested modules to display sampledata in multiple tabPanels (inside tabsetPanel) by certain columns, but the table is not display, I cant found any ...
jonekeat's user avatar
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Using R shiny with Leaflet and DataTable with reactive object

I have made a very simplified version of a problem I had asked two days ago in another post (Getting Leaflet to work with Datatable selection in R shiny) and I am much closer to a solution. There is ...
MikeHealth21's user avatar
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How to reset an output that depends on calculations over inputs?

I really had trouble finding a title for this question, hope it helps. I have a fairly complex app for which I'm having trouble resetting an output after an actionButton ("Confirm" on this ...
David Jorquera's user avatar
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shiny DT::renderdatatable

suppose the columns of a data table are: unique-ID, name, salary, position. I display the table in a shiny application using DT::renderdatatable (DT::dataTableOutput). I would like to click on a row ...
indeksz's user avatar
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if else statement in shiny not working properly

Below is a script I've been working on. You will notice that the reactive statement, table_data(), is where the heavy lifting takes place. When you run the app, you will see all three filters are ...
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DT output takes me to 1st page when i edit a reactive DT

I have a toy version of my code below. I have one of the columns (column 7) in my shiny DT output as editable. When i edit the a cell of the column it takes me back to the first row of of the column. ...
Chitwan 's user avatar
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Calculate mean and median by date range in Shiny

Want to calculate mean and median of the numeric variables grouped by a selected date range for the datatable only, not the leaflet data. The leaflet map works (just need to zoom out to see the fake ...
Technological_Unemployment's user avatar
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How I add extra table under the third mainpanel to shiny app

I have put together a shiny app. Now, I need to add another panel to that but by simply adding extra mainplanel to the code, my other two panels being deactivated This is my app navbarPageWithText &...
fi1d18's user avatar
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Which events can I observe with Shiny observeEvent?

observeEvent requires eventExpr. This is demonstrated simply in the examples with input$button etc. However, with for editable datatables (DT) there is a different event call: input$<DT id>...
Saren Tasciyan's user avatar
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R Shiny: Editing DT with locked columns

I am trying to have a DT that is editable by the user but I only want certain columns to be editable. Since this isn't a feature yet in DT, I am trying to hack it together by having the table refresh ...
Kevin's user avatar
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R Shiny - Pre-selecting the row and page of a datatable inside a modalDialog

The app below contains a selectInput of dataset IDs and a button View details which displays a modalDialog when clicked. The modal dialog has a datatable that contains some information about the ...
user51462's user avatar
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Placeholder in DT::dataTable search bar

I need some help to something I thought will be easy. I have a DT::dataTable and I like to just put a placeholder in the search bar but I can't see where the option for this is.
rcd92's user avatar
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Shiny DT::datatable - Change table content when lines are selected

In a datatable some value is supposed to change depending on whether the respective row is selected or not. What makes me a headache is the following: When the data is updated the table is re-written, ...
Hans's user avatar
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