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Finding Mean of Y_Var user input in Shiny using Plotly

I am hitting a roadblock in trying to find the mean value of the Y Axis of user input in plotly. I am making a shiny app and I need to be able to allow users to select different combinations of ...
user28170619's user avatar
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Shiny App Only Filling 1/3 of the screen and has scrollbar

I am trying to make a shiny app dashboard and after I run my code it only fills up half of the screen. This leaves my page having a scroll bar when it doesn't fill up the page at all. Here is the ...
SlothXavier's user avatar
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Why does an R Shiny Datatable lose changes between cell edits? [closed]

Given the following code: library(shiny) library(DT) # Define UI ui <- fluidPage(titlePanel("Test Page"), DTOutput("strings")) # Define server logic server <...
Illuminerdi's user avatar
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How to alter error message for 'lazy' shiny function?

This is a simplified version of a larger script I have made. Essentially I have 3 graphs, the first uses a user Input percentage of the total number of rows from a dataset and plots it. The second ...
Walshe_d's user avatar
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Reactively pull data from list objects in Shiny

I am trying to extract data stored within lists. I have studied basic reactivity but I am now stuck as I don't know how to handle a list within the list. If I run the app, I want to be able to look at ...
J K's user avatar
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shiny: Take Dependency Only On a Subset of Columns

Assume that I have a reactive which returns a data.frame. I want some of my controls to take a dependency only on a subset of its columns, that is it should only fire, if values in any of the "...
thothal's user avatar
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Shiny reactive text causing fatal error when run on server

So I had an R Shiny dashboard that was running totally fine with no errors or warnings when run locally using RStudio. However, when deployed to a shiny server it was not working at all. The UI would ...
Stinky_Goat's user avatar
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Storage location for files uploaded to Python Shiny Express application?

I'm trying to allow users to upload a file to a web app that I've built using Shiny Express for Python. I'm using the ui.input_file function for users to select the file that they'd like to upload, ...
makemyDNA's user avatar
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Filtering data in reactable in R shiny. Reactivity and invalidatedLater

I have an R shiny app that works fine, but when I retrieve the data by pressing the ´Get data´ button all the components within the server function get executed twice, and I only want them to be ...
Tota Juliusdottir's user avatar
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R Shiny module not reacting/updating after clicking

I have a shiny code that creates a formula box and when user clicks on the button it adds them to the text area and updates the formula and text area as below: library(shiny) library(shinyWidgets) # ...
Abbas's user avatar
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Updating a Reactive Object in a Shiny Dashboard

I'm wanting to make a dashboard to track fitness activities. I'm using googlesheets as the backend storage. When the app opens it draws down all the activities from Today / Yest. / DayBeforeYest. The ...
Julian Tagell's user avatar
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How to modularize this Shiny application?

I am trying to modularize an existing single file application. I tried to check existing answers in this topic, but still not able to get my demo code to work. I guess I am close to the working ...
asdfgh asdfgh's user avatar
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How to update fillColor to selected input in shiny and leaflet map

I am having a difficult time transitioning my map from static to reactive so a user can select what data they want to look at. I am pretty new to R so please bare with me but I think I figured out how ...
Han-Jiun Ke's user avatar
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Rendering task update messages as they are completed in Shiny App

Within an observer button event, I'm trying to render an update message to the Shiny UI upon completion. In the code below, each task is timestamped correctly however they aren't rendered to the UI ...
Summitbri's user avatar
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Using a Shiny Module Inside Another Shiny Module: Output Not Displaying

I'm working on a Shiny application in R where I need to nest one Shiny module inside another. However, I'm encountering an issue where the output from the nested module does not display (either as a ...
Abbas's user avatar
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How do I close an f7Popup in R Shiny with a button click?

I have a popup window that opens as the app first runs. I don't like the small x in the corner of the popup window and want to instead have a larger "Continue" button on the bottom of the ...
JGrinz's user avatar
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Reactivity of data.table and dateRangeInput()

I have a functional shinyApp where one data.table summarizes data from two other data.tables based on dates given in dateRangeInput(). Default format for dateRangeInput() is "yyyy-mm-dd". I ...
firuz.safaev's user avatar
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How can I optimize the reactivity in my R Shiny App?

I am putting together a shiny app that is six pages of differing inputs and ways of plotting the same data. The first page works ok, but has less reactivity. After putting together the second page, it ...
prizzlywizzly's user avatar
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Way to make input_text_area appear reactively when option is selected from input_radio_buttons in Python Shiny

I'm developing a web app in Shiny express for Python. I've implemented a group of radio buttons so that users can try out some pre-defined input for the app. One of the buttons is labelled "I ...
makemyDNA's user avatar
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How to give precedence to one observer over other observers in R Shiny code?

In the R Shiny code below there are two user input tables: parentTbl and childTbl. Both are generated using rhandsontable. The user can input two "Y" values into the parentTbl input table ...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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Shiny Module Input Not Recognized in Render Function

I am working on a Shiny application with a modular structure. The application involves a main UI that includes a module UI and a tab for testing inputs. The server logic initializes and renders the ...
Sonia's user avatar
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Shiny App server code not receiving input variables

I'm trying to create a UI with two dropdown fields referencing data frames in the global environment--mon and apps. I'm using selectizeInput to do this. I click an actionButton (ID="do") to ...
crustybread's user avatar
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How can I delete data with shiny input_action_button?

I have recently started working with Shiny Python and got stuck at some point. from pathlib import Path from shiny import reactive from import input, render, ui ui.page_opts(title=&...
Dibakar Bose's user avatar
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remove_shiny_inputs not working for nested module

Background: I have an R shiny app where I use nested and dynamic modules. There are 3 nested levels: App level module: where a data frame is created (not dynamic) Tab level module: holds one feature ...
DataCoder's user avatar
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Creating a reactive table in shiny using gt as opposed to DT

I like the customisations that the package gt allows you to implement in a table. However, even though I am able to create a static table that fits my needs, when it comes to making that table dynamic,...
Stats Iliterate's user avatar
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Trouble with R Shiny app, leaflet map using tidygeocoder timing out

I am making a shiny app where you can enter any address and it should find the nearest airport to that address and also the nearest office (of four) to suggest a best path. I have a sf file for the ...
katherine g's user avatar
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Download Button With Markdown Word format

I have created an R Shiny application to automatically generate a Word report using RMarkdown. It works fine on my local session but not when published on the web. I encounter an error that ...
user23712417's user avatar
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Access the value of a DT selectInput inside a shiny module

I'm developping a Shiny App with various panels that I each separate into their own modules. One of them uses a DataTable with selectInput on various cells and whose value I need to access inside this ...
EnisKarra's user avatar
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Within a Shiny Module, how to dynamically update multiple filters based on selections made in previous filters?

We're currently implementing Shiny Modules to manage multiple filters within our Shiny App. Users can select a specific campus, specialty, or department and subsequent filters should adjust ...
Ro Ya's user avatar
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Why is observe not being triggered by a reactive value change?

My code is below. The expected behavior is such: the action button run_analysis is clicked by the user. This triggers the observeEvent block for input$run_analysis, which updates the reactive value ...
CBRF23's user avatar
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DataTable not diplaying correctly after being updated

This question is a continuation of my previous one about Re-binding the SelectInput of a DataTable after being updated. So, I made quite some progress on this app and I have reached a result that ...
EnisKarra's user avatar
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Error in calling a variable written in a reactive expression

I'd like to call pcrPositiveFailedDetails, which is currently a tibble that is reactive. The tibble will change values whether the input$sPP is greater/less than highCT. The tibble provides what I ...
Bioinfo_MS's user avatar
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Using values from sliderInput to reactively recalculate an equation and display the recalculated number as text

I am attempting to develop a Shiny page where folks can view the 22 metrics used to calculate an index via sliderInputs, see the already calculated result of the index, adjust the sliders to ...
Grace Adams's user avatar
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Modularising Shiny Dynamic UI Input with Rhino

I have modularised my codes. I am using the Rhino framework. I have a logic module, a view and main. The idea is my logic uses tidyr to nest a dataframe that is supplied through fileinput as a csv and ...
Phil Lina's user avatar
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R Shiny reactive and new.env() - select group of stock symbols to get data and plot multiple dygraphs

I am trying to render multiple dygraphs using eapply. The data of the corresponding symbols comes via quantmod::getsymbols. The symbols (or varying groups of symbols) should be selectable via ...
KischT's user avatar
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How to watch for a trigger event and apply a condition in R Shiny without using an observer?

In running the below R Shiny code, the user changing the sliderInput() (object input$periods) resets all of the variable user input tables called "X/Y child tables" as shown in the code with ...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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Download formatted flextables off of shiny app

Is there a way to download flextables outputed in a shiny app? I know that this code is used to download tables from shiny into csv format but I would like to be able to download a flextable to word ...
confusedindividual's user avatar
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Getting a new variable based on reactive shiny input value and established dataset (R)

I am new to R Shiny and am trying to attach a row value to a dataset based on the input value. Here is a cut-down example version. The UI has the user inputting their ZIP code and State ui = ...
Rose's user avatar
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Why does is the reactivity flow broken in this instance of R Shiny?

The below R Shiny code generates 3 linked user input tables using package rhandsontable: the first table, base_input, allows the user to make static inputs and the next 2 user input tables, ...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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How to make these reactive table objects independent of each other?

The below R Shiny code generates 3 linked user input tables using package rhandsontable: the first, base_input, allows the user to make static inputs and the next 2 user input tables, var_1_input and ...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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if statement on reactive({}) value failing

I am building an app which should have some functionality, that if a given reactive df is not empty, then do something. However, code in another function using the returned reactive_df() seems to not ...
Emil Jessen's user avatar
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How to manage reactivity flow in this Shiny example?

The code at the bottom almost works perfectly except for one pesky bug I can't figure out. In some way I have botched the flow of reactives. The image below shows how this App works. Basically, the ...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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How to define separate reactive values from a common user input matrix in R Shiny?

In running the reactive code below, the user can input a variable "Y" into the first matrix rendered at the top (generated by function matInputBase()) to run a simple scenario where that ...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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How do I keep the new table order for recalculation when using RowReorder extension?

I have a datatable with a calculated column. I would like the RShiny user to be able to change the order of rows in this datatable and have the column recalculate based on the new table order. Using ...
anonanonan87's user avatar
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How to make an R Shiny app reactive to re-initializing a module

In an R Shiny app, I created a module with the modules package to read (and process) external data. The module exports a function, getData(), which is used to access the processed data for outputting ...
Dennis's user avatar
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How do I capture this R Shiny expandable reactive user input matrix as another reactive object for further manipulation?

In the below example R Shiny code, there are two types of input matrixes. The first (rendered at the top in the sidebar panel and generated by function matInputBase()) captures user input variables &...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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How to suspend a reactive calculation until an action button is triggered?

In the below Example Code 1, a user input table hottable_1 is generated at the top of the UI window. A results table is generated beneath, alloc_tbl, which shows the user input into hottable_1 in its ...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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How to use selectInput as a reactive across modules

I am currently building a shiny app using golem framework and attempting to use modules however I am struggling with connecting modules. My current paired-down app consists of 3 basic modules: 1) ...
CatOB's user avatar
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How to keep Shiny reactive objects from bouncing when a time-consuming function is executed that is slower than the downstream reactivity chain?

In running the example code presented at the bottom, the user inputs into a table at the top of the rendered window and the code then executes a very time-consuming example calculation function (...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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Row color formatting on reactable table appears for a second and then disappears

I want to make a reactable table with single-select rows in Shiny such that whenever I click on a row, the colors of the other rows on the table are formatted based on whether or not their values are ...
jjjjohnson's user avatar

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