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SharpZipLib issues with WinZip version file

Hi i'm triying to uncompress a zip file with the library SharpZipLib v1.2.0 but i can't make it works. The file that i try to uncompress was made with WinZip 9.0 and have password protection I use ...
Alejandro Mora's user avatar
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C# unzip a file: Error with 'Thumbs.db'

I wrote a program that unzip a file (.zip) using SharpZipLib... The following code: public void UnZip(string zipFilePath, string extractionPath) { FastZip fz = new FastZip(); fz....
Nick_SMI's user avatar
0 votes
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How to unzip a string in JavaScript that has been compressed using SharpZipLib

I am having trouble decompressing a string in JavaScript. There is an XML file that is saved to a database. Before it is saved it is compressed using SharpZipLib in a VB application. I am currently ...
Tom's user avatar
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MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Unzip fails on content file with 0 KB size

I was trying to extract a compressed file (*.zip) using MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Unzip. But, since my compressed file contains some files with 0 KB size, by that reason it is failing with the ...
RinoTom's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to decompress .bz2 file in C#?

I am developing wpf application. I am using sharpziplib to compress and decompress files. I am easily decompress the .zip files using following code public static void UnZip(string SrcFile, string ...
Shailesh Jaiswal's user avatar
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Sharpzlib read an ZipInputStream with resume

What I'm trying to achive is to enable an application to extract a large remote file (from ftp or http), without fully downloading it and with the possibility to resume the extraction in case of ...
Francesco's user avatar
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Unzipping two different zip files with sharpziplib to the same directory

I have looked around quite abit and there does not seem to be any information on using sharpziplib to extract multiple zip files to the same directory. I am using telerik control RadUpload to upload ...
James Blackburn's user avatar
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Unzip file and upload contents to Blob Storage using Azure Web Role

I currently have a web role which displays a webpage, the webpage allows the user to select a file from their computer, the web role then uploads the file to some Azure Blob Storage. However the file ...
Sami's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is there a library to unzip .Z files using VB.NET?

I need to unzip a list of .Z files which will be kept in a folder using Visual Basic.NET. For example, consider that there is a folder like C:\FilesToBeUnzipped. Inside this folder there will some 5 ...
Sakthidasan Viswanathan's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

lastwritetime is changing while extracting a zipfile in c#?

I am using Sharpziplib version 0.86 to extract a zip file. It is working fine but while extracting a winzip file through code,Lastwritetime is changing in seconds... Have used this also File....
bala3569's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

SharpZipLib - ZipException "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" - Why am I getting this exception?

I'm using SharpZipLib to unzip files. My code has been working nicely for all zipfiles except the zip file what i am extracting now... Got this exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: ...
bala3569's user avatar
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Sharpziplib uncompress embedded resource

I have a zip file as an embedded resource. Using the following code: Stream zipStream; zipStream = thisAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(""); byte[] data = Decompress(...
A G's user avatar
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2 votes
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SharpZipLib ~ How to extract specific files from a zip [duplicate]

Ok, I have a list of files (SourceFile objects which just contain the filename only) then I want to pull those specific files out of a zip and dump them into a temp directory so I can distribute them ...
KevinDeus's user avatar
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SharpZipLib - what is the status on this product?

I went to download SharpZipLib assemblies but it looks like its not on SourceForge. Is this a problem with their site or is this project no longer available? Is anyone still working on this project?
dev.e.loper's user avatar
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4 answers

SharpZipLib - ZipException "End of extra data" - Why am I getting this exception?

I'm using SharpZipLib version 0.85.5 to unzip files. My code has been working nicely for a couple of months until I found a ZIP file that it doesn't like. ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException: ...
Seibar's user avatar
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