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Avoid Service locator in strategy design pattern [closed]

Take a look on that pseudocode class A,B,C implements StrategyInterface { private dep; constructor(Dep dep) { this->dep = dep; } } class StrategyResolver { private ...
colorgreen's user avatar
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Is this valid implementation of ServiceLocator pattern in java?

I have an existential doubt. I saw an implementation of ServiceLocator pattern in C++ in some blog (Service Locator). So, I'm trying to extend the same implementation on Java SE (without any other ...
Ariel's user avatar
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An alternative to service locator for an application which should be expansible

I'm working on a game which has different items which all have different behavior. All items can be improved by buying different upgrades for different aspects of the item. I save the player's data in ...
Frozn's user avatar
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Is JNDI bad as service locator design pattern?

I'm a Java EE nooby developer, According to many resources on the internet which claim that service locator design pattern is an anti-pattern because it hides classes dependecies and more things and ...
La VloZ Merrill's user avatar
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Looking for help with implementation of Service Locator pattern

I have a small web application that I am building. Primarily to improve my unit testing ability (and also decouple my code further) I am implementing a service locator pattern to look up concrete ...
Chris Knight's user avatar
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Guice-style service locator

Has anybody ever seen/attempted to write a service locator pattern which uses a Guice style configuration system? Currently I have a GWT project (which happens to use GWT-RPC) that uses a command ...
benstpierre's user avatar
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