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Different results for the same epoch using different number of total epochs

I am training a Machine Learning model for STS task using the Sentence Transformers library. When I was testing it, I noticed that my model generated different results for the same number of epochs ...
Hígor Hahn's user avatar
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System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory at TorchSharp.PInvoke.LibTorchSharp.THSGenerator_manual_seed

I was trying to reproduce the example of ML.Net: machinelearning-samples/samples/csharp/getting-started/MLNET2/SentenceSimilarity and I got the following error : Fatal error. System....
CBal's user avatar
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Matching strings with high similarity using Sentence Similarity NLP

So, currently I'm have a list of vectors in my database, and I'm getting data from an API, from that API I loop over each of strings provided converting it to a vector & matching the most similar ...
Xyeut's user avatar
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Find Similarity on Excel Column - Brand, Product Name and Weight

I'll try to explain you, as far as I can, my new Python Challenge! We have two datasets in Excell for two different Retailer (supermarket) and in each of them there are some information about their ...
Take A few's user avatar
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Quickly performing cosine similarity with list of embeddings

I have a list phrases for each of which I want to get the top most match from a set of 25k embedding vectors (emb2_list). I am using cosine similarity for this purpose. Following is the code: from ...
vishalaksh's user avatar
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Bert sentence-transformers stops/quits during fine tuning

I am following BERT instructions to fine tune as described here Here is my code: from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, SentencesDataset, InputExample, losses, evaluation from torch....
Edv Beq's user avatar
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Sentence meaning similarity in python

I want to calculate the sentence meaning similarity. I am using cosine similarity but this method does not fulfill my needs. For example, if I have these two sentences. He and his father are very ...
Hardik Rana's user avatar
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How to find text similarity within millions of entries?

Having used Spacy to find similarity across few texts, now I'm trying to find similar texts in millions of entries (instantaneously). I have an app with millions of texts and I'd like to present the ...
Victor Ribeiro's user avatar
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Computing a similarity score for a set of sentences

My team does a lot of chatbot training, and I'm trying to come up with some tools to improve the quality of our work. In chatbot training, it is really important to train intents with diverse ...
SymphonyTomorrow's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the best way to model document similarity between different string parameters?

I have a problem of predicting solutions to problems faced by users. The problem setting is like this: We have a database of problems and solutions. For each problem we have three parameters to ...
kaushalpranav's user avatar
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reduce a list of string values by similarity score

I am facing a machine learning problem; Learning data consists of numeric, categorical and dates. I started training only based on numerics and dates (that I converted to numeric using epoch, week day,...
Curcuma_'s user avatar
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Similarity between two sentences using word2vec [closed]

sentence1 = "this is a sentence" sentence2 = "this is sentence 2" i want to find similarity between these two sentence . could somebody help me out with a complete code of it using Word2Vec
Yashika Jain's user avatar
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Fuzzy matching sentences to stanzas

I have lyrics from srt subtitle files. If I want to match them to stanzas from another lyrics website, what is the best approach to this? My approach has been taking tf-idf vector each lyric line and ...
Forethinker's user avatar
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