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calculate the accurate postion data from the imu accelarometer in python

can u provide any information about how to calculate position accurately from the accelerometer values from the mpu 6050 sensor in python .I tried by double integrating the the accelerometer values to ...
Jayendra Sai Chakradhar's user avatar
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i have been trying to link ISM330DHCX sensor to external sensors. Problem : working with STEVAL-STWINKT1B board and the schematics for my sensor ISM330DHCX clearly cannot be configured to be connected ...
Sayadi Semeh's user avatar
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Detecting the pitch of an iPhone while in motion

Using CoreMotion, we can easily measure the pitch an iPhone in real-time but it requires the phone to be stationary. When in motion (e.g. when the phone is mounted on a vehicle), the sensor fusion ...
Elie's user avatar
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Understanding movement's direction by comparing 2 pictures

I need to detect the direction of the phone's movement by comparing some pictures taken sequentially by the camera of this phone. Is OpenCV my best option? Could GPS be helpful? Could accelerometer or ...
Flot2011's user avatar
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EKF with GPS, odometry and magnetometer outputs wrong heading

I am using this (sort of) Extended Kalman filter to estimate the position of a robot moving in a 2D space, equipped with GPS, magnetometer and wheel odometry. class EKF(object): ''' State: [x, ...
firion's user avatar
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R: Time-Series Measurements of Multiple Sensors with Missing Observations (Mice? Sensor-Fusion)

This is probably a very common sensor-fusion problem. I have a set of (temperature) sensors that are all trying to measure the same thing. They may be offset by a constant, with or without noise. ...
ivo Welch's user avatar
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micropython qmi8658 exposing the AttitudeEngine quaternion

I'm trying to expose the AttitudeEngine quaternion on the QMIi8658 mentioned in the documentation. It's part of the WaveShare RP2040-Touch-LCD-1.28 module. Their original demo sketch exposes the ...
Victor Lazaro's user avatar
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Error with FAST_LIO_LC package: Invalid quaternion in transform

I'm using the FAST_LIO_LC package ( which integrates the fastlio package with a graph optimization method. When running the roslaunch fast_lio ...
ajim's user avatar
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Detect if a device is rising or falling regardless of device orientation

I'm developing a PWA using Capacitor.js, that calculates the rate of rising/falling of the device in meters per second. I'm using Capacitor's Motion plugin, but I'm unsure how to perform the ...
Mez's user avatar
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How do I calculate process noise covariance matrix Q and measurement noise covariance matrix R in kalman filter?

I am working on fusing GPS and IMU sensor measurement to calculate position in x and y direction. In this process I am not able to figure out how to calculate Q and R matrix values for kalman ...
babyCoder's user avatar
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which parameter in datasheet I can put in measurement noise and prosess noise (Q and R) for attitude estimation (noise density)?

I recently design my first EKF Algorithm for my drone project for attitude estimation, I am too much time confusing, about which value I put in Q and R Matrix in the real world. I use bmi088 IMu, In ...
user3106378's user avatar
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I am looking for multi-sensor fusion (camera, LIDAR) based multi-robot cooperative slam open source code or information

I am looking for open source code or information on cooperative multi-robot slam based on multi-sensor fusion. I have searched for a long time but only found an open source code based on monocular ...
Cho2's user avatar
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How can I get the expression of the pdf of Y for y = f(x1, ... , xN) , knowing every distribution associated to X1, ... , XN?

Basically, the title says it all. I dispose of a function f that serves as logic to data fusion from the measures x1, ... , xN : I would like to, not using Monte Carlo or similar methods, analytically ...
ArraysShouldStartAt1's user avatar
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What Sensor Fusion algo is google AOSP using? See the source code here

I'm looking into Googles code here:;bpv=0;bpt=0 For the experts: what algorithm is ...
HerbertV's user avatar
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Any way to build up a dictionary / json object of sensor values in esphome?

I am trying to build up a dictionary / json object of sensor values in esphome. I have a sensor that sends me key / value pairs (e.g. one sensor reading could be { “temperature“: 25.1 }, another one ...
the_smart_home_maker's user avatar
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Using a Matlab tracking algorithm from Java

I am trying to use one of Matlab's trackingalgorithms from a Java code. I am having trouble with the Library Compiler. When I try to use a persistent variable, it gives me an error: Unable to perform ...
rcjet's user avatar
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How to read 0-1023 sensor value from Arduino in Swift iOS App

I have an Arduino BLE device sending sensor analog read int values of 0-1023. I can read the values using the LightBlue app and reading the Characteristic using little endian. In my iOS Swift app, I ...
KBurhans's user avatar
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Sensor Fusion for Sensors with different sampling rates

let's say we have 3 sensors that can send data at S1(10Hz), S2(50Hz), S3(1000HZ). Now I want to do some sensor fusion using all the 3 sensors. But since their sampling rates are different, how do we ...
ArkanSaaS's user avatar
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Initializing quaternions from a 9dof IMU with semi-correct values

I am building and application where I need to switch an IMU on for around 5 seconds, and get a good orientation within the first 1-2 seconds. I am using the Madwick quaternion algorithm and it works ...
Konsta's user avatar
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Why does yaw angle goes away when I move controller?

I have an MPU9250 on my PCB and I use an AHRS system with a Madgwick filter to get yaw angle. I took source code from here: and changed there ...
crackanddie's user avatar
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How to set up parameter in hector_localization stack to fuse IMU and Barometer (Pressure sensor)?

Im checking the hector_localization stack, that provide the full 6DOF pose of a robot or platform. It uses various sensor sources, which are fused using an Extended Kalman filter. Acceleration and ...
Bob9710's user avatar
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Ros package for sensor Fusion (IMU and Pressure) data?

Im looking for a ROS package (KF or UKF or EKF) that can fuse IMU and Pressure Sensors data. I would like to have 6x6 estimated Velocity matrices( linear and angular) from the IMU and Pressure sensor ...
Bob9710's user avatar
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how to read data from the BNO085 sensor

How to read and write the data in the BNO085 sensor through I2C. I2C interface is available sensor but no register data are available in datasheet.
Arun's user avatar
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sensor fusion on Android (accelerometer + GPS) using Extended Kalman Filter to estimate speed

I'm trying to understand the process of sensor fusion and extended kalman filtering. My objective is to estimate the speed of a moving car using accelerometer and GPS measurements. I'm obliged to use ...
Dracaeris Mina's user avatar
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Monocular camera and 1D laser rangefinder calibration

I have a laser giving out range data and a monocular camera attached on top of it which is used for detection and tracking. I have the intrinsic calibration parameters of the camera. I want to ...
roo_saa's user avatar
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Insert sensor data from android studio into SQLite database every 1 second?

I am developing an app using Android Studio which stores the data gathered from the phone's sensors (accelerometer and gyroscope) into SQLite database. The app is working fine and the SQLite database ...
Eilham Hakimie's user avatar
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installing micropython library (BNO055/IMU) properly

Trying to use the BNO055 IMU 9DOF sensor with my ESP32 under micropython. For this you need to install/use a library. However when I follow the adafruit/circuitpython instructions, this is not ...
user2305193's user avatar
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Best way to merge arrays of sensor data

I am using the AHRS library to create a sensor fused array of positional data. From the Go Pro Telemetry data I have accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer data arrays, with a timestamp for each ...
beek's user avatar
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How to create Bayesian data fusion in python?

I have been looking into data fusion methods and what caught my eyes is the idea of using Kalman filter which looks into data fusion data which looks into mean and variance of Gaussian distribution ...
WDpad159's user avatar
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Time series : Predicting when a variable will reach a certain value (seasonal sensor data) python

So I have a seasonal time-series with 2 variable "Time" and "Sensor mesure" and I want to predict the date when that measure would reach a certain value . Can anyone suggest models/Algos that can help ...
sawsawi's user avatar
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How to select AOSP Gravity Sensor instead of getting Samsungs implementation?

So I found the Gravity Sensor code here This is the Gravity Sensor as ...
Herbert's user avatar
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How do I calculate the traveled path of mobile devices using sensor data?

I want to plot the device's movement in 3D space using the accelerometer, gyroscope and other smartphone sensors. After a bit of research, I found an equation that said it can be done by doing ...
Dimitar's user avatar
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Kalman Filter - Fusion of two equal sensors

I'm interested in implementing a Kalman Filter in Python. First, I have programmed a very simple version of a K-Filter - only one state (Position in Y-Direction). My State transition Matrix looks ...
Mat's user avatar
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Fusing asynchronous measurements from multiple sensors

I have a set of 12 IMUs mounted on the end effector of my robot arm which I read using a micro controller to determine it's movement. With my controller I can read two sensors simultaneously using ...
RoBo's user avatar
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Kalman filter with different sampling rate

I cant seem to find a thread about this specific issue so therefore I post one myself. I am working on a large navigation project where I have access to the odometry of the veghicle and a position ...
JakobVinkas's user avatar
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Non-Invocable member in UserApplicationBoard.dll for BNO055 usb-stick

I'm trying to connect a BNO055 USB_STICK to my pc using C# code. Searching and searching, finally, I found out a Bosch manual that talks about GENERIC API. Great. So, I added the UserApplicationBoard....
Vincenzo Cristiano's user avatar
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Kalman Filter (pykalman) with two measurements for the same variable

in the last days I was using pykalman to correct GPS coordinates with acceleration and velocity measurements, which is working fine. Now I would like to combine the resulting coordinates (1) with a ...
TerenceSkill's user avatar
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How to use the KITTI 3D object detection methods in our own camera-LiDAR setup, where we have only one calibration set?

I am working on real-time 3D object detection for an autonomous ground vehicle. The sensors that I use is a monocular camera and a VLP16 LiDAR. For extrinsic camera-LiDAR calibration and sensor fusion,...
Ram Padhy's user avatar
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How to deal with asyncronous data in a kalman filter

I'm implementing a Kalman Filter which fuses 3d position data (provided from 2 different computer vision algorithms). I am modeling the problem with a 9-dimensional state vector (position, velocity, ...
hardwhere's user avatar
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Can I use sensor-fusion for multiple GPS receivers and better my position estimation?

I am wondering if it makes sense to fuse multiple GPS signals to improve my estimated result. This works fine for example for accelartion sensors, but this sensors have a white gaussian noise. GPS ...
Multsens's user avatar
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Which filter to use when in case of sensor fusion?

I'm trying to fuse GPS and Accelerometer data to estimate position and velocity using the motion equation x = x' + vdt + 0.5dt^2. So far, from what I've read it seems like Kalman Filter is the ...
Shantanu Mhapankar's user avatar
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How to combine the results of multiple OCR tools to get better text recognition [closed]

Imagine, you have different OCR tools to read text from images but none of them gives you a 100% accurate output. Combined however, the result could come very close to the ground truth - What would be ...
Christian Vorhemus's user avatar
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Is there any method to for sensor fusion of accelerometer ,gyroscope and barrometer?

I want sensor fusion for accelerometer, gyroscope, and barometer. so far I have estimate orientation using accelerometer and gyroscope. now I want to combine the data from accelerometer and ...
Asad Bashir's user avatar
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How do I combine two electromagnetic readings to predict the position of a sensor?

I have an electromagnetic sensor and electromagnetic field emitter. The sensor will read power from the emitter. I want to predict the position of the sensor using the reading. Let me simplify the ...
offchan's user avatar
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Using an UKF for orientation is there a way to fuse redundant sensor data within the Kalman filter into a single set of state variables?

I am currently building a UKF for orientation, and would like to fuse redundant sensor data within the Kalman filter into a single set of state variables in order to increase accuracy (ex. Fusing ...
Grant Carson's user avatar
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How to rotate 3D vector by 3d angle?

I have an array with XYZ values from accelerometer and I have problem, that the axies are chanhing relative to world coordinates. I also have gyroscope, that thru some calculations I am making returns ...
Daniel Martinek's user avatar
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Implementing current cardinal direction method with TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR while standing still?

There appear to be many old examples of getting the current cardinal direction on Android devices, but an official solution provided by Google does not appear to be in their documentation. The oldest ...
snkashis's user avatar
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Python callback attribute error

I have written a python ROS node to subscribe to two different topics and uses the ApproximateTimeSynchroniser to basically to match the messages via their timestamp and bundle these messages into one ...
user10260838's user avatar
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Madgwick AHRS algorithm in Unity 3D

I am trying to calculate the absolute heading of an Android device, and rotate a GameObject accordingly. So the GameObject will act as a 3D compass which points earth's north in 3D space, regardless ...
nipunasudha's user avatar
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calculate the duration of an event with R

I'm working on a database of sensors This is a subset of my data I would like to calculate the duration of each 'ON' event for all my sensors. Knowing that the duration of an 'ON' is equal to the ...
Diakaria KORERA's user avatar