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How to Convert an XPath Locator to Chained Locator Using find() and findAll() in Selenide?

I am trying to convert the following XPath-based locator to a chained locator using Selenide's find() and findAll() methods: ElementsCollection filteredBooks = $$x("//div[@class='rt-tbody']//div[@...
Q GEO's user avatar
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How to change the pageLoadStrategy for a specific test/test suite?

I have a page for which I write autotests to fill out the form. The form elements are loaded immediately, but background requests do not allow the browser to return the page loading event. Therefore, ...
Timur's user avatar
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find element with specific child elements

I'm using Selenide 7.5.1. and Java 20. I have to know if a particular calendar event (identified by person name, entry and time (eg: Bill Williamson, entry1, 10a)) exists within a set of elements (see ...
Michael Teasdale's user avatar
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Trouble Loading Plugin in Firefox with Selenide

I'm trying to load a plugin into Firefox using Selenide, but it's not working. I've tried everything I can think of, but I'm still getting an error. I am using the Selenide library version 7.3.3 I am ...
Master 's user avatar
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Find all Child Elements of an Selenide Element

I have an element on my webpage which I call base element. I'm looking for all children with a certain tag of base. In pure Selenium & Java I would do something like: WebElement base = driver....
roli's user avatar
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How to ensure the Selenide's $$x() method returns not less than the actual number of elements of a fully loaded page?

I'm new to Selenide and I'm experiencing an issue with $$x method. Here's a simple method that should return a collection of elements (store items actually) by an xpath, the defaut implicit wait here ...
Alexander Asmer's user avatar
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How properly migrate my selenide tests from selenoid to selenosis?

I have to move my tests to k8s. Previously, I run my tests in docker container with java and maven (dockerfile) against docker containers with browsers, like described in docker compose below with ...
Katerina Zharkaya's user avatar
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How to bypass persistent auto-suggestions in mobile app text fields during automation?

I'm facing an issue with my mobile automation script where auto-suggestions in text fields interfere with my test scenario. Specifically, I'm automating a login flow where I need to input an email ...
Devibala's user avatar
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Selenide opens https instead of http which I defined explicitly

I am trying to run selenide tests in chrome browser (version 125...). I use IntelliJ to run tests that is why I set up VM options: Dselenide.baseUrl= But when tests are starting to ...
Alina Penkina's user avatar
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When i try to start my automation project from jenkins i got an error. org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Could not start a new session

There is full error message: org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Could not start a new session. Response code 500. Message: session not created: Chrome failed to start: exited normally. (...
zilper's user avatar
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How to run tests concurrently but execute classes within each test sequentially using TestNG XML configuration?

I want to configure my TestNG XML file to achieve concurrent execution of tests while ensuring that the classes within each test run sequentially. Currently, I have set the parallel attribute to true ...
Devibala's user avatar
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selenide https request seems to be http

I think the problem I am getting performing a basic selenide test getting the following error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in method name [...
Ian's user avatar
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Could not start a new session. Response code 500

Please help me.I use WebDriverManager for configuration drivers. Configuration.browser = "edge"; WebDriverManager.edgedriver().setup(); but when run tests I have next error: Step ...
Catea's user avatar
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highlight rows in SELENIDE

I am trying to do this: @Test public void tableTest() { getDriver().get(BASE_URL + "tabulka.php"); List<WebElement> rows = getDriver().findElements(By.xpath("//...
Michal Mariančik's user avatar
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Im built a docker file for selenide java testing but all the e2e test are not running and only the api test are wroking

when I'm trying to run only e2e in the docker its says 0 tests. I believe the problem is in the chrome and chrome driver installation in the docker file. I tried many things but noting had worked and ...
PureSoul's user avatar
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aerokube moon is starting only 1 session of chrome after updating java17 and selenide 6.15

aerokube moon is starting only 1 session of chrome after updating java17 and selenide 6.15 Moon version 1.6.0 and Pods set is 4. How to start multiple sessions of chrome with moon ?
Joe12's user avatar
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Is it possible to rename tests in BrowserStack based on the name of the scenarios specified in gherkin?

I have a project written in Selenide and Cucumber with TestNG. I'm running tests from my TestRunner, and the tests are written in Gherkin syntax. I'm integrated with BrowserStack and everything works ...
lukos06's user avatar
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How to close Google vignette (Google ads) that is randomly popping using Selenide

I had several Selenide automated test web sites which have Google Vignette. The google vignette have different iframe id. I cannot close it using automation code due to different google vignette ...
nicholas's user avatar
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While closing the browser tab in Selenium run, Pop-up alert not displayed, but pop-up is displayed when manually closing the browser tab

Our application has a popup alert built-in if user closes the browser tab. It works when I manually close the Chrome browser tab, but when I use Selenium methods like driver.close() or quit(), or Keys(...
Anil Ch's user avatar
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How can I select an option from a dropdown menu in selenide in a java test?

I need to develope a java test with the use of selenide, navigating through an online platform automatically and I couldn't find out how to select an option from a certain dropdown list. I've tried ...
boycott-nestle's user avatar
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Perform shortcut in selenide

I'm trying to perform shortcut cmd (ctrl) + shift + u in selenide to open WCAG extension. However chromium ignores it totally. If I leave window open, I have to fiddle with it (eg. minimize + maximize)...
viliam's user avatar
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Direct XPath works but not when chaining XPath on a SelenideElement in Appium

I am encountering a perplexing issue with XPath evaluation in the context of SelenideAppium for an iOS application. A direct XPath query executes and retrieves the value as expected, but when I ...
User1751's user avatar
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Running Selenoid in combination with Docker in Podman

I am working on a MacBook Pro and my company isn't allowing me to install the Docker Desktop application. Since the Docker CLI isn't available separately for macOS I had to install it via Podman. I ...
Nelsch's user avatar
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Why does merging two sequences into a single androidDriver.perform() method result in an InvalidElementStateException in Appium/Selenide?

I am working on automating tests for an Android application using Appium and Selenide. I have a scenario where I need to perform two separate actions on two different buttons. When I use a separate ...
User1751's user avatar
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Why can't I catch ElementClickInterceptedException exception in Selenide, but can catch it with Throwable?

I have a section of code that looks like this in my Java + Selenide + JUnit project: for (int retries = 3; !; --retries) { if (retries < 1) { ...
afar's user avatar
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How to update chrome driver in selenide using Java

I am newbie to the selenium and also to Java. There is existing codebase using selenide 5.16.2 The issue I am facing is, org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: session not created: This ...
Parashuram's user avatar
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Is it possible to find an element with accessible role and name?

I have an html structure like: <section aria-labelledby="123"> <h2 id="123">Title</h2> </section> The html section element has an implicit region ...
Konrad's user avatar
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java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void, org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities)

since webdrivers 115 version release, my projects started failing with this error: first error - not facing with it right now So I have decided to update all dependencies in POM to have the most fresh ...
jahu86's user avatar
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Cannot click a link on automation testing

I had coded automation testing for company website but there is some link is not clickable. Error is [ERROR] GenericTestManager.testPDPA:589 Element should be clickable: interactable and enabled {...
nicholas's user avatar
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Method to return a WebElement inside an iframe

I'm trying to create a method in my page class that returns a ElementsCollection (I'm using Selenide, so this is like a list of WebElements). The issue is that the WebElements are inside an iframe, so ...
Txili's user avatar
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Getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/bidi/HasBiDi on the latest Selenium 4.11.0

First time faced once I did an update to Selenide v6.17.0 <dependency> <groupId>com.codeborne</groupId> <artifactId>selenide</artifactId> ...
kRRRaptor's user avatar
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Google Vignette (Random Advertisement) Interrupt Test Flow

I had several Selenide automated test web sites which have Google Vignette. The google vignette have different iframe id. I cannot close it using automation code due to different google vignette ...
nicholas's user avatar
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Couldn't output to console log4j 2 logs

I'm trying to get logs output in console for my automation framework project. I tried to use different settings, dependencies and methods to do it. I'm using java + maven + selenide. I added these ...
abrakadabra's user avatar
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How can get elements from .jsp file using java without servlets

I have a "myData.jsp" in my Java project like this: <html> <head> <title>Book Query</title> </head> <body> <h1>Another E-Bookstore</h1> &...
Davron Bafoyev's user avatar
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Can't close 3rd party ad content in Selenide

can you please suggest what I need to do to close this advertising in my project, I used Selenide to find elements, of the advertising at the end of the scenario I had closed it, but I can't close it ...
Сonspicuous's user avatar
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Selenium program not running without static wait

There was another StackOverFlow question for which I had to write a program. My program was not working at all. The program is working fine when we debug it. It's failing at other times. I assumed ...
Ahamed Abdul Rahman's user avatar
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How to add request headers with Selenide proxy?

I need to add specific header for all browser interactions during the test run. When I test my application locally I am using "modheader" extension and it solves the problem. I am using SDK ...
Andrey Nazarov's user avatar
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Error during start selenide tests in selenoid (Illegal key values seen in w3c capabilities: [enableVNC])

I get the next error when I try to run my selenide tests againt selenoid. Could you please help to understand what goes wrong? Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal key values seen in ...
Katerina Zharkaya's user avatar
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Selenium wait function is not waiting

I am having Selenium fill out a form for me, but it doesn't seem to be waiting for a form element to load even though I have an explicitly defined wait function for the form item. What might be ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Random advertisement pop up when execute automation testing

I have a site There is advertisement pop up display randomly for certain menu options. There is no rules regard this. How to detect when there is pop up display then ...
nicholas's user avatar
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Selenide how to not reuse browser for the next tests

I have parameterized test with 8 cases. I run them in parallel with 4 threads, so 4 tests are started at the same time and 4 after. My tests are also doing login to the tested system. So the problem ...
Sundel's user avatar
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Locating ancestor by Selenide using tag and class

I am trying to locate ancestor element (using Selenide library) on a site. The ancestor element is <div class="BorderGrid-cell" ...>. Method .closest(".BorderGrid-cell") ...
Anton Nikolski's user avatar
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Recording video in Appium Android

I have the following implementation of recording screen for appium android tests. androidDriver.startRecordingScreen(new AndroidStartScreenRecordingOptions() { @Override public ...
Sammar Ahmad's user avatar
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Search Articles Button Not Interactable

I need to automation testing of a website There is a search articles function. I'm facing after clicing the search svg, there is no search box pop up/display. Here is the ...
nicholas's user avatar
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Selenide cannot download file with Chrome Driver 111 in headless mode

I have a test that need to download file from a web by clicking on a button. Test is able to pass when in non-headless mode. However when I run it in headless it fails with timeout to download file. ...
Serhii Kachan's user avatar
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Gmail API Send email with Attachment unavailable import class

I coded automation testing using selenide framework and need send the test report via email at the end of testing execution. I have tried sendgrid service but it cannot send attachment. Sometimes can ...
nicholas's user avatar
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Unable to establish websocket connection

I had coded automation testing in selenide but strange time comes up. The browser window not able to establish websocket connection to http://localhost:2757/devtools/browser/uuid > [ERROR] Tests ...
nicholas's user avatar
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Program fails trying to re-get window handle when switching between browser tabs

Could somebody help me please! What is the problem here: I'm working with selenide, writing autotests using java and I need to switch between different tabs in browser or between its windows from time ...
Vera Naverniuk's user avatar
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Not created chromdriver session unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist

Google Chrome v.110.0.5481.178 Selenide 6.12.0 webdrivermanager 5.3.2 Window 10 Java 19.2 When execute WebDriverManager.chromedriver().setup();""); I ...
Svetlana's user avatar
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I'm creating test automation and I want to resolve exceptions

If the create product button is inactive, it should not be clicked, and after the code a is executed, the code to click the create button on the entered page is written as follows. CreatorProductPage....
조잔쓰's user avatar

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