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ERROR 1 (HY000): Can't create/write to file 'xxxx.csv' (OS errno 2 - No such file or directory) [duplicate]

Trying to export table data using below mysql statement in Windows 10 OS: mysql> SELECT * FROM classicmodels.customers -> INTO OUTFILE 'C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\Uploads\xxx.csv' ...
Gunwant's user avatar
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Encrypt file from Aurora to S3 using SSE-KMS

I'm using SELECT INTO OUTFILE S3 to move data from Amazon Aurora to S3. The file needs to be encrypted using a KMS key I generated (customer managed). I'm using OUTFILE S3 command but getting this ...
SpikeLee235's user avatar
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Write a script to sort words in alphabet order from specific file and put them into 26 text files named A.txt, B.txt, and so on up to Z.txt

I need to sort words alphabetically from a specific file and put them into 26 text files named A.txt, B.txt and so on up to Z.txt. $Content = Get-Content ".\\1.txt" $Content = ($Content....
Расим Гусаинов's user avatar
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powershell out-file writing zero bytes

I am trying to export the SQL Server query results chunks in to .json file. Here I have large table around the 90GB I need to automate the script using the pagination approach. The following ...
sridharnetha's user avatar
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weekly event select into file with different filenames depending on the variables(MariaDB)

I've always been a silent reader here until now. Now I would like to ask for your expertise and post my ver first question here. I have to achieve the following task on a weekly basis in my MariaDB ...
K_Urahara's user avatar
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MYSQL - Export data into outfile with pivot-table query

I wrote a script that gather the space used by multiple datasets. My database looks like the below: Date_and_Time Server_Name_and_Drive Space_Used_(Gb) 08/04 00:00 SERVER3 D DRIVE 220 08/04 00:00 ...
Nicolas-V13's user avatar
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writing to a data outfile mysql

This is a bit confusing to me. I am trying to export records out of my database into a csv file using mysql on AWS. I do the select: select BusinessName into outfile '/tmp/test.csv' from contractors ...
JAYCO Cloud's user avatar
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in ms access how to export a query to a textfile programattically

I am looking for a way to export a query or table to a text file in Microsoft Access programmatically. That is not using the export wizard. I found examples from other databases (ref below), but when ...
user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

MySQLdump with WINDOWS10 : OS errno 13 - (Permission denied) when executing 'SELECT INTO OUTFILE'

I am unable to write tab separated text files into specified TSV/ folder using mysqldump on WINDOWS10 (MySQL80 service). The Command prompt (or powershell) is in admin mode. secure-file-priv ="" in ...
Alexis's user avatar
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How to import certain data from file on AWS Aurora

Problem: I have an Aurora RDS database that has a table where the data for a certain column was deleted. I have a snapshot of the DB from a few days ago that I want to use to populate the said column ...
Mircea B's user avatar
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Pass outfile FILE_PATH as parameter when exporting CSV from MySQL query

How do I pass the outfile file path to MySQL? I have tried the below. It does not work. My SQL file SET @query = CONCAT('SELECT * FROM `registered_user` INTO OUTFILE ',@output_location,' FIELDS ...
Droidme's user avatar
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MySQL: wiered chopping for string when using "SELECT INTO OUTFILE"

I exported two fields: name and header from the database using: SELECT name, header INTO OUTFILE '/var/lib/mysql-files/myfile.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '<xx>' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' FROM ...
None's user avatar
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I am testing Google Cloud SQL and I have to test the instructions LOAD DATA INFILE and SELECT...INTO OUTFILE. I understood that the instruction LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE could be used instead of LOAD ...
Patulacci's user avatar
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Error Code: 1290. The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option

This has really been annoying me. I am using MySQL on a Windows computer. The MySQL statement that I am trying to run is as follows: SELECT tempInfo.clientName FROM tempInfo LIMIT 1 INTO OUTFILE '...
Daelin Campleman's user avatar
1 vote
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Unable to download database as CSV [duplicate]

Im trying to download a whole database but i keep getting the error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '' LINES TERMINATED BY '' (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) in C:\wamp64\www\cookies\...
Minnen's user avatar
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ErrCode with "Select Into Outfile with a variable" - Confusing Permissions

Background: I work with phpMyAdmin (MySQL Workbench) in a mysql DB. I write some PHP code to import data in the DB and execute this with the task scheduler of windows. <= this works fine! Now I ...
N. Wieczorek's user avatar
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Where does MariaDB `mysql` client save the output file of a select statement?

From this documentation: I ran MariaDB []> select ... into outfile 'leads_ny.csv'; Query OK, 6674 rows affected (0.47 sec) Now I can't ...
Chloe's user avatar
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Export data from Amazon Aurora to S3 using outfile?

I am trying to export data from a table in my Aurora database to a bucket I have created in my S3, using the "SELECT INTO OUTFILE S3" command that is promoted by Amazon here. Select * from ...
Evan's user avatar
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Mysql How to outfile in csv format, with sheets options?

I want to export data from mysql into a csv. There are many tables so I want a csv file with many sheets. How it can be done? I suppose somethings like: SELECT * FROM product WHERE active = 1 INTO ...
Jacky Lau's user avatar
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MySQL export into Outfile issue

I created a Stored procedure with a cursor in order to get the info from a few tables into a temp table and then export the result into multiple files, one for each Client ID, the cursor and the loop ...
gusadolfo's user avatar
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 is getting added in the last line of file while fetching data from mysql "INTO OUTFILE" query

I have written a mysql query which selects some rows from a table depending on a condition and writes it to a txt file. But i realized, its inserting a set of additional characters in the last line ...
vikram's user avatar
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Is there anyway to check the execution time(elapsed or remaining) for the "SELECT... INTO OUTFILE" in php mysql?

I am writing a query, which fetches many millions of rows from a table and puts in to a txt file. $sQuery = " ( "; $sQuery .= " SELECT number "; $sQuery .= " INTO OUTFILE '".$...
vikram's user avatar
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Difference in "fields eclosed by" and "fields optionally escaped by"

In MySQL there are two options for the SELECT INTO OUTFILE command: --fields-enclosed-by=char --fields-optionally-enclosed-by=char What's the basic difference in these two options? Enclosed by ...
Aman Aggarwal's user avatar
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phpMyAdmin SQL Error Unrecognized keyword near FIELDS

I'm trying to execute this MySQL to import some data into a csv file. SELECT * FROM purchase WHERE purchase.PO_DATE >= '1-1-2016' INTO OUTFILE "D:\\Reports\\Jan.csv" FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ...
Mo-'s user avatar
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exporting data from table to .csv file

I'm trying to load data of a table into a csv file. However rows in file are broken in between. The data of table seems fine and there is no \n anywhere. Then why am I getting breaks in rows? Query I'...
kavya.jain's user avatar
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SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE performance

I am trying to optimize the export process of a query. I have the following tables (I omit some irrelevant fields): CREATE TABLE _termsofuse ( ID int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, TTC_ART_ID int(11)...
pankal's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

MySQL exporting INTO OUTFILE --secure-file-priv error when using set directory

I'm trying to run the following on a MySQL database: SELECT * FROM mysql.db INTO OUTFILE "C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\Uploads\db.csv" FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES ...
Lateralus's user avatar
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SELECT * FROM .. INTO OUTFILE and save on hosting or send FTP - HOW TO?

I need help. When I try this - SELECT * FROM .. INTO OUTFILE - on local, everything is ok. When I try it on my hosting, I receive error message #1045 - Access denied for user '..'@'%' (using password: ...
Honza Hála's user avatar
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Automated database backup using PHP event

I'm assigned with a task of creating an automated backup for a database. I used a php event and I want to save my all my backups by a unique name. So I used a date_format and following is my code. ...
Hansy Kumaralal's user avatar
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MySQL: SELECT * INTO OUTFILE returns always empty array and no error_code?

I'm trying to dump a table into a MySQL file using PHP. But what I get is an empty array, and not any file is created. While if I remove the instruction " INTO OUTFILE '$mysqldumpfile'", everything ...
Tormy Van Cool's user avatar
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mysql select into outfile without any line termination character

I try to print all the data from one field from a table into a file witout any line/field termination character. I would simply like to have all the rows concatenated and printed as one line in the ...
Mateusz Fenske's user avatar
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MySQL into outfile formatting

select * INTO OUTFILE 'outfile.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED by ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' from nGrams Is there any way I can modify this query to return each row on one line?
CodeKingPlusPlus's user avatar
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select into oufile does not work

Why would the following query appear to run but I never can find the file outfile? select * INTO OUTFILE 'outfile.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED by ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' ...
CodeKingPlusPlus's user avatar
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CSV export without MYSQL FILE functions

i'd like to make an export into CSV format, but the mutualised host i use has deactivate the FILE functions in mysql. I did a simple SELECT and then a fopen and fwrite with PHP. The problem is that ...
LiliwoL's user avatar
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SELECT INTO OUTFILE - Can't create/write to file

This query: SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE '/usr/services/001/tmp/`database4ed78d1eb0986`.`tblTemporaryReportFinishedOrders`.tmp'; Produces this error: Error Code: 1. Can't create/write to file '/usr/...
Richard Knop's user avatar
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