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Is there a good framework or package in python to compare something over a number of parameters?

When working in python for research I often end up with some problem where I want to compare a result over a different number of parameters. params1 = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] params2 = [5, 10, 50] parmas3 = ...
Christian's user avatar
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High-dimensional gaussian averages

Is there a way to precisely and efficiently calculate averages with an arbitrarily-dimensional gaussian distribution (say, in Python)? How difficult is this task computationally? Are there any ...
Dmst's user avatar
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How to calculate a Bayes estimator using Octave or MATLAB

I am reading a statistics textbook Introduction to Statistics for Engineers by Sheldon Ross, p.275 and trying to re-do its examples on paper and in Octave. I am not able to replicate many Bayes ...
limestreetlab's user avatar
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Manipulating entries of matrices in R [closed]

I have a matrix, say 10x10, and I want to make each row entry to be the sum of all entries in that particular row, e.g. all entries in row1 takes the value of the sum of row1, all entries in row2 ...
Ab2020's user avatar
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How to debug implementations of math equations

First off, I wasn't sure whether to post this question in CrossValidated or here, so if it's in the wrong place, please feel free to move this question. I've been getting interested in a subset of ...
snickerdoodles777's user avatar
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Using np.arange to create list of coordinate pairs

I am trying to make a program faster and I found this post and I want to implement a solution that resembles the fourth case given in that question. Here is the relevant part of the code I am using: ...
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Fitting empirical distribution against a hyperbolic distribution using scipy.stats

At the moment, I am fitting empirical distributions against theoretical ones as explained in Fitting empirical distribution to theoretical ones with Scipy (Python)? Using the scipy.stats ...
Cord Kaldemeyer's user avatar
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lgamma function out of range warning

In my project, I need to use lgamma function to calculate very large numbers. But R always shows an error message:value out of range in lgamma. For instance: lgamma(exp(1000)) #[1] Inf #Warning ...
Dmitry J's user avatar
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Nonlinear e^(-x) regression using scipy, python, numpy

The code below is giving me a flat line for the line of best fit rather than a nice curve along the model of e^(-x) that would fit the data. Can anyone show me how to fix the code below so that it ...
MedicalMath's user avatar
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Another sigmoidal regression equation question

I posted an earlier version of this yesterday, but I cannot seem to add this version to that posting because someone seems to have closed that posting for editing, so here is the new version in a new ...
MedicalMath's user avatar
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sigmoidal regression with scipy, numpy, python, etc

I have two variables (x and y) that have a somewhat sigmoidal relationship with each other, and I need to find some sort of prediction equation that will enable me to predict the value of y, given any ...
MedicalMath's user avatar
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Is there a .Net (prefer F# or C#) implementation of the Hilbert-Huang Transform?

Hilbert-Huang Transform, Empirical Mode Decomposition... I have found it implemented in R and Matlab. I'd like to find an open source implementation of it in C#/F#/.NET.
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