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Get SCCM Deployment's Tab properties using PowerShelll

I am trying to get an Application Deployment's all tab properties using PowerShell command. Please see below image to get more idea about what I am talking about. [ Here, I need each setting of each ...
Ram Mansawala's user avatar
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WMI Query an Array which has an Object embedded

I am trying to write a PowerShell Script, which queries on a local Client the SCCM WMI Tree root\ccm\ClientSDK we want to have the info was PostInstallaction an Application is using (Yes we know ...
crdy's user avatar
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Getting SCCM task sequence status on a client machine

I'm creating a Windows VM in azure and want to execute a Powershell script to perform the following tasks: install SCCM client reboot, and SCCM task sequence will start in a few minutes. wait for the ...
Digger's user avatar
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What WMI class stores Deployment Type installation program on MECM

I need to retreive a data related the MECM Application via WMI classes, more specifically, I need to get Application Deployment Type properties - Installation / Uninstallation programs. Could you ...
3axap's user avatar
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How to trigger installation of User-Available Application purely through WMI or other code without having to use Software Center?

In SCCM, WMI class CCM_Application in ClientSDK does not list User-Available (Target = User Collection, Purpose = Available) Applications unless you Install them manually from the Software Center once,...
Abdur Rahman 's user avatar
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Converting SQL To WQL

I created this query in SQL. It works fine. I confirmed the data I was getting was both accurate and what I wanted. SELECT v_R_System.Name0, v_MeteredUser.UserName, v_R_User....
ravensgc_5's user avatar
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Different results from WMI query dependent on user account?

If I run the following query against WMI: \\.\root\ccm\ClientSDK Select * from CCM_Application where InstallState = "Installed" when run as a local account (elevated) I get back, say 26 ...
GoldieLocks's user avatar
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Invoke-WMIMethod - Throws Error Not Found - SCCM CCM Actions

Invoke-WMIMethod -ComputerName $computer -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_CLIENT -Name TriggerSchedule "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000026}" | Out-Null Invoke-WMIMethod -ComputerName $...
Max's user avatar
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Invoke-WMIMethod convert to Invoke-CimMethod with ciminstance as Argument error

So, trying to trigger a software update in SCCM with Invoke-CimMethod instead of Invoke-WMIMethod. WMIMethod Works: $UpdateID = 'Site_1EED8E47-D4D8-4823-883C-4FFE753FA233/SUM_0af47e05-17cb-4756-8610-...
Paul Wetter's user avatar
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SMS_Application WMI class's equivalent table in SCCM database

I'm having an AppModel application in my System Center Configuration Manager(SCCM) console. Please see below screenshot of the properties window of the SCCM application: I need to know the value of '...
RBT's user avatar
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Add/Delete Devices From SCCM Collection using .Net Core

I am using .Net Core and Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure nuget package to query SCCM collections and successfully getting devices. using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure; ... string Namespace =...
Imran Arshad's user avatar
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How to get all app model based applications in SCCM without WMI?

With SCCM transitioning to APP model apps, instead of the original package model (appmodel vs packagemodel), I’m investigating how a legacy application built as a windows service using c# can interact ...
yousseis's user avatar
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How do you modify a custom SCCM SMS_TaskSequence_Action property in C#?

I am trying to update SCCM SMS_TaskSequence_Action classes in WMI using C#. I can successfully enumerate SMS_TaskSequence_Step classes completely; but I cannot seem to modify and/or "update" WMI the ...
Justin Shidell's user avatar
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How to find a users of a SMS_FullCollectionMembership Server WMI Class

I need to get all the users being part of a collecionID on a SCCM server Variables $CollectionID = COLLID046 $SiteCode = XYZ $SiteServer = SITEXYZ0 $Users = Get-WmiObject -Class ...
Giuseppe Barillari's user avatar
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Creating Custom WMI classes for SCCM queries

I am working to create a custom WMI class for use with SCCM's device collection membership query rules to expose some organization specific information to SCCM for collection creation. I have managed ...
rtranchilla's user avatar
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HKLM Registry key values access using WQL

I am trying to access an application's version using it's product code. We can achieve above using- (Get-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{EC542D5D-B608-...
Abby Jangir's user avatar
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CCM_Application User available software missing

While querying the namespace root\ccm\clientsdk class ccm_application I've found that it'll contain objects for any triggered application installs and not user available applications. Has anyone found ...
Nigel Tatschner's user avatar
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SCCM and Powershell -- how do I get an Application's LocalizedDisplayName from PackageID?

I'm being passed a PackageID. My query looks like this: select a.LocalizedDisplayName from SMS_CIContentPackage cp inner join SMS_Application a on cp.CI_ID = a.CI_ID where cp.PackageID = 'AMS001D3' ...
Robert Hanlon's user avatar
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Invoking a deployed SCCM package through powershell

I've been struggling to figure out a way to invoke a package that's already deployed out to a client in SCCM, using Powershell. I'm able to run a Application using WMI, but it only works with ...
Rickybobby's user avatar
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PowerShell Move collection to another folder in SCCM?

I have a script that creates collections in SCCM but I need to have it created in one of the sub folders under "Device Collections". I cant see to figure out how to move the collection using the WMI ...
user1342164's user avatar
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Need help assigning variables to VBScript WMI array results

I am trying to write a VBScript that pulls 3 different properties from the same WMI class (Win32_DiskDrive). That class gives an array if you have more than one drive. I want to assign all of the ...
Chris's user avatar
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C# Modify Security Scopes on existing Task Sequence

I can modify all properties in SMS_TaskSequencePackage except SecuredScopeNames public void setSecurityScopes(WqlConnectionManager connection, string packageID, string newSecurityScopes) { try ...
Arnaud Lord Sesstyle's user avatar
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.NET WMI SCCM Application Install (remotel)

I'm trying to get SCCM applications to install/uninstall remotely via WMI queries from a .Net app. Code I have is below: Dim wmiLoc As ManagementScope = New ManagementScope("\\" & Target &...
Rathfon's user avatar
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From the SCCM client system, can you list the deployment(s) currently associated to a missing patches?

I'm attempting to build a PowerShell module to help diagnose SCCM issues without giving the system admins access to the SCCM console. The code below currently finds all missing patches on a system ...
Keith's user avatar
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Invalid character with Invoke-CimMethod

I am currently working on PowerShell script to create ZTI deployment with SCCM for our computers. The last step of the script is to clear the old PXE Request so that the computer will be "available" ...
Patrick Pruneau's user avatar
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Add Computer in SCCM and import it to a specific Collection

i would like to import a computer to a specific SCCM-collection. I've found this method on the msdn: public int AddNewComputer( WqlConnectionManager connection, string netBiosName, ...
iByteU's user avatar
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Powershell and SCCM - Unable to make a INNER JOIN query with CIM (__GENERIC CLASS error)

I am currently working on a Powershell module to help my colleage and I to works more "seemlessly" with SCCM and script (since the SCCM Cmdlets are way too slow, and therefore unusable). In this ...
Patrick Pruneau's user avatar
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Get Location of SCCM 2012 Task Sequence using wmi c#

I'm trying to identify the location a task sequence sits using wmi so that I can only get particular task sequences that are stored in a particular sub folder. For example in SCCM configuration ...
BillyDay's user avatar
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WMI creation instance event not received

I am registering for object creation event for class "SMS_UpdateGroupAssignment" to monitor deployments , code snippet is below : _dhGCreation = SINGLETON (CWMIEventManager)->...
Pooja Kuntal's user avatar
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Find the SCCM Distribution point where the software packages reside

We're trying to find the hostname of the SCCM server that contains the packages/software that can be installed on a client by querying WMI with Get-WMIObject. In other words the server (...
DarkLite1's user avatar
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How do I retrieve a list of primary users of computers

How do I pipe the objects of a CSV file into the DeviceName parameter of Get-CMUserDeviceAffinity? I have a list of computers. I'd like to generate a list of the primary users for each of the ...
Devinput's user avatar
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c# to create direct membership rules for SCCM 2012

I am trying to build a C# application offering most common SCCM 2012 functions used by our 1st level support teams globally. Therefore one of the most important function is to add computers (...
christiang79's user avatar
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Why are there some System Properties missing, when using join in query? (powershell, get-wmiobject)

I ran into following problem: When i´m running a query where there is a join inside, then the systemproperty "__PATH" is empty. When im running it without the Join, everything works fine: ...
R. Ibk's user avatar
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Add JOIN and DISTINCT support at WQL

Is there a way to extend WQL to add the support of key word like JOIN and DISTINCT? It seems that Microsoft has do the job in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager but I don't find where find the ...
Troopers's user avatar
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Why does not WMI give correct result from a remote session?

I'm trying to query our sccm server with WMI. This is working fine from a local session on the sccm-server computer : PS>get-wmiobject -NameSpace "ROOT\SMS\site_CT1" -class SMS_ImagePackage | ...
Loïc MICHEL's user avatar
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Can WMIC be used to set UAC level?

I'd like to use a WMIC command in my SCCM 2012 Task Sequence to set UAC to the correct level. Can this be done? If not, what would be my best option during W7x64 deployment?
nomad's user avatar
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SCCM Collection Query to check Outlook.exe on Win 7 x86 and x64

I need to use a single collection to target both win7(x86) and win7(x64) builds to check if Outlook.exe is installed under program files, but the problem is under Win7(x86) Install directory is under “...
Sabi Swaminathan's user avatar
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Win32Reg_AddRemovePrograms class not showing all software

I am having an issue reporting on Adobe Acrobat installations. I can view that Acrobat is installed under the registry location: HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ ...
user3711442's user avatar
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C# WMI and SCCM2012

Long story short, I'm coming up with a "dumbed down" SCCM Config Console. I'm at the point where I'm trying to figure out how to move a computer into a collection. I'm writing this console in C#. I ...
Jim's user avatar
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Is there a way to programmatically modify a report in SCCM 2012?

I am part of a team that is working on moving over our existing SCCM system from 2007 to 2012. The reports have been migrated over, but most of the queries do not work due to inconsistencies in the ...
Phil Gabardo's user avatar
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Powershell returning odd formatted query from WMI

I have a powershell script that targets our SCCM server and it grabs PC's from a collection and places them in a combobox so they can be selected. However the results being added to the combobox have ...
user2146211's user avatar
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WMI Warranty information

I have a Powershell script(1) that collects the Warranty information for a Dell system and will display it to the screen. I also have a second script(2) that creates a WMI Namespace and (3)one for a ...
user3784053's user avatar
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Invalid method parameters when trying to call RequestRefresh from C# to SCCM server

I'm trying to call the RequestRefresh function against SMS_Collection anytime a new device is added to SCCM through our application. However when I call execute I get the following exception. Main: ...
cminus's user avatar
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Delete a SCCM collection from the command-line

When using the UI (SCCM 2012), to be able to delete a collection (let's say CollA), you need first to ensure it is not linked by any rule to another (let's say CollB, etc..) such as : CollB includes ...
projetnumero9's user avatar
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wmi accelerator and authentication

It seems I can not find clearly written somewhere that when using WMI accelerator in a PowerShell script, you can not pass on authentication. A little background ... I am writing PowerShell scripts ...
projetnumero9's user avatar
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SCCM 2007 move computers between collections

I have no code to provide for this because I am not familiar with SCCM 2007. I am hoping that someone maybe can help me with the whole process. What I am trying to achieve is to get computers which ...
user2782999's user avatar
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Powershell SCCM 2012 Moving Driver Package

so i have this lovely script that will make folders and driver packs in SCCM 2012, it created the folder and driver packages, but i can't work out how to put them in the correct folders. I thought ...
Saars's user avatar
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Joining two tables in WQL/SCCM

I think I'm being really stupid here. I'm using vbscript. I've connected to an SCCM server Set locator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") Set connection = locator.ConnectServer("...
Simon's user avatar
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Programmatically change "Copy content in this package to a package share on distribution points" on SCCM 2012

I have a number of packages on an SCCM 2012 server. I would like to change the "Copy content in this package to a package share on distribution points" option on the "Data Access" tab of a package ...
rd1966's user avatar
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Automated Software deployment through SCCM 2012 using wmi

I was been looking for an option to automated deployment(Installation) of software in the client machines using SCCM 2012 by making calls to WMI classes through code. I have found the following URL ...
Tiklu Ganguly's user avatar