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My installer package throws 3010 or 1641 when run from SCCM. Works fine if i run as admin

I have a installaer package (mySoftware.exe) which is working fine without any issue when i run manually as admin. But i am getting exit code 3010,1641 when i install the package via SCCM. My code ...
Selvakumar Murugesan's user avatar
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Calling SCCM from PowerShell or CMD

We have an application (really a platform) which we need to customise on a per-user role basis. This involves asking some questions and then installing the application and then customising it before ...
PaoloFCantoni's user avatar
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How to run an action/command based on a result of a previous command

I have a deployment that installs a driver and I want to provide the ability to uninstall. Im leveraging the PNPUTIL.exe tool. I know the syntax to delete and uninstall the driver, ex: pnputil....
Jay Hijazi's user avatar
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SCCM Management Point in DNS [closed]

I wonder how can one find information about existing SCCM management points in domain. I know that it's possible to implement nslookup -type=any _mssms_mp_Site_code._tcp.Domain. But what if I don't ...
Albert's user avatar
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Using cmd to set Application to default

When I am deploying the new application for Adobe Reader DC Continuous, it uninstalls the older version and installs the new version. I understand that I can just deploy the patch instead of ...
SlayDragons26's user avatar
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Command line steps of SCCM image capture tool

I am trying to create an image of the windows VM by mounting the SCCM image capture tool to the VM and running the Image Capture Wizard from the Removal Storage (D drive) where the image capture tool ...
Vijay Yadav's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get to users %APPDATA% when running as system user from a batch file

Deploying applications via SCCM. Currently trying to deploy Wireshark and I am 1st trying to create the directory then copy over a preference file to the users %APPDATA%. The preference file basically ...
Chris Higg's user avatar
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How would I run a batch file remotely over sccm in interactive cmd (micro right click tools)

On SCCM you can right click --> Micro right click tools and interactive command prompt this uses PS exec to open a remote cmd session on the selected PC. From this if a run a .bat file form a server ...
Ehanho24's user avatar
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Find a specific folder and copy folder and contents with a batch file

I am trying to write a batch file that will be deployed with SCCM. The script should do the following: 1) Create a scheduled task (confirmed this works) 2) Creates required directory that will store ...
AB0905's user avatar
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How to silently uninstall vSphere Client via SCCM 2012

I am trying to silently uninstall vSphere Client on multiple machines via SCCM. I know my command line is correct. MsiExec.exe /X {GUID} but whenever I attempt this on the client machine via the ...
Ben's user avatar
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2 answers

Powershell or cmd - How to search for a file on client and replace with a different file on network share?

We are looking to replace the defaultlayouts.xml for all profiles when upgrading to Windows 10 Pro v. 1607. This will be accomplished with SCCM site-wide. We have the new layoutmodification.xml ...
almond_dude's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Robocopy access denied, despite having Full Control?

Pretty straightforward script: ROBOCOPY \\servername\S$\SCCM2012\SCCMPackageSource\Files C:\Files /S /COPYALL /MIR /IS /LOG:C:\Copy.log I can run this as administrator just fine, and all the files ...
Matthias's user avatar
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2 answers

Taskkill Exit code : 255

I'm trying to distribute software through SCCM 2012; running a simple command in a vbs, ends with the result code 255. Example: ("TASKKILL /F /IM """ & processname & """ /T", 0, ...
user3590266's user avatar
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Retrieving OS platform through SCCM/CMD/VBS

Scenario: I deploy software packages through SCCM and, sometimes, they run CMD files that control the installation as soon as they arrive in the machine. For packages that are set to run in x86 and ...
Henrique's user avatar
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2 answers

Batch - Convert hostname to IP

This is probably an easy one but I couldn't find the answer and I haven't really done (obviously) much batch programming recently. All I want is to convert an hostname to its IP in a batch file. Here ...
dan's user avatar
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