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Conditional show/hide of buttons and table controllers?

I'm using the following code in my groovy script to hide or show a button and a table controller in the form. But this is not working and not making any difference in the show/hide of the screen ...
Debabrata Mukherjee's user avatar
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How to navigate to a new screen on a button click in SAP Advanced Workflow

I'm new to SAP Advanced Workflow. I'm developing an application in which I have created a form using the form designer. In that form there needs to be a button on the click of which it should load a ...
Debabrata Mukherjee's user avatar
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How can parameters be passed between tabs in a tab container in SAP Advanced Workflow

I'm new to SAP workflow. I'm using a tab container in my form. I need to pass values across the tabs in it such that when Next/save button is clicked it will pass to the next tab in the container. I ...
Debabrata Mukherjee's user avatar
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How can I format a double in CPI groovyscript?

I have a requirement to convert a salary value: 100000 into 1,000.00. Salary is in double data type. I am using Groovy Script in this project but I have zero knowledge on how to use it. I am not sure ...
Lloyd Albert Tongco's user avatar
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How to access Groovy script from SAP CPI Script Collection in another Script?

I try to access a groovy script from a script collection in another script (SAP CPI). The script from the script collection contains an enumeration and I want to access this enumeration in a message ...
Sebi's user avatar
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Date Comparison in Groovy SAP CPI

We are trying to compare dates using the below if-else condition. If we use constant values, the conditions are evaluated correctly. However when we use the references of array values the code doesn't ...
vijay's user avatar
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Groovy script code to append xml node taking 15+ hours for 6K employee records

Below code is working but taking 15+ hours to execute 6000 employee records, any improvements possible? I have two employee record structures (employee data and employee benefits) for each of 6000 ...
Pradeep Bondla's user avatar
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Set Password to a File to be Sent as an Email Attachment in SAP CPI

Looking for a groovy script to create a password protected CSV file to send as an attachment through the mail adapter in SAP CPI. As in, when the recipient tries to access the file, he has to type in ...
Megan Winchester's user avatar
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HCI XmlSlurper Groovy find not found job_information records in same date

I need to find a record with event Hire in job_information. def Message processData(Message message) { //Get body from message def body = message.getBody(java.lang.String) //Parse body def ...
Minh's user avatar
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SAP Cloud Platform Integration add dependencies

I need to use the @Grab in a Groovy script in SAP Cloud Platform Integration and it gives an error ClassNotFoundException: . Is there a way I can add this ...
Codrin Strîmbei's user avatar
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HANA cloud integration HTTP PATCH operation

How can I use HTTP Patch operation in SAP HANA Cloud integration? I can only see below 4 operations in Http adapter in HCI. PUT GET POST DELETE. Please help. Thanks in advance.
Devang's user avatar
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