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How do I switch from 1 database to 1 database per subdomain rails

I have a multi-tenancy app where everything is stored in 1 Postgres database. All models have a account_id, so the data a customer can see is based on his account_id. This works perfect, but due to ...
suhel rana's user avatar
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1 answer

Appartment elevator with login info

I’m doing a Rails SaaS backend using Apartment gem and I need to use the data passed in the login as elevator. How do I proceed? Thanks.
Hugens Louis's user avatar
1 vote
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SAAS Application Architecture Microservices vs Monolithic

We are building an app for ecommerce sellers to visualise their data in a graphical manner from sales, advertising campaigns & some other metrics. I can break app components in three different ...
Hassan Akram's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to define routes that include a dynamic organization name in Rails

I'm building a Rails 5.2 SaaS application that allows users to belong to many "organizations". Users will only see content for their currently active organization. I started down the path of using ...
krsyoung's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use apartment gem for saas app on localhost without

How to implement tentant to go to url like: localhost:3000/tenent1 instead of using lvh or any domain or subdomain like: or where ...
Rajnish's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Sendgrid Ruby API, Trying to send over Header content in post request

I am trying to send over a Post request to sendgrid to generate an API key for a subuser. This is what my code currently looks like body = JSON.parse('{ "name":"My API Key", ...
quincosa's user avatar
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1 answer

Rails 5 -- "Sass::SyntaxError: Invalid CSS after "

While deploying on heroku a Rails 5 app, I have this error: remote: -----> Detecting rake tasks remote: -----> Preparing app for Rails asset pipeline remote: Running: rake assets:...
Rakori's user avatar
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1 answer

Login form not displaying as expected

Here's what I have in views/users/sessions/new.html.slim .container = form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: session_path(resource_name), html: {class: "form-signin"}) do |f| h2.form-signin-...
EastsideDev's user avatar
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single-tenant with rapid personalization on Ruby on rails, Saas application

As I am a bit new to infrastructure, I hope you can give me a little heads-up ! I've been creating a new app for a client of mine, that I want to replicate to other client. I want to offer the ...
Jonathan Chevalier's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Integrated AngularJS + Rails or separated Angular + Rails API-only (microservices architecture)?

As I understand it, there are two common approaches to running AngularJS (or ReactJS, VueJS etc. same idea...). Integrate the AngularJS front-end into a Rails application (as in this tutorial) Run an ...
simonlehmann's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do custom domains work with routing, links, and redirects in a Saas app?

I understand that if I want customers to be able to use a custom domain that points to their space at, they must define a CNAME record that aliases the canonical customer....
user avatar
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1 answer

What are some patterns to manage access to Saas features based on subscription level

In saas apps, one of the core functionalities is often telling people that have one of several subscription levels (Basic, Gold, Platinum etc.) what features or resources they are able to or not able ...
user avatar
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Sass::SyntaxError: Alpha channel 8 must be between 0 and 1 for `rgba'

I am expecting an error in my style.css file. Tried all the possible options but it did'nt help so far. The link to css file is: Link to my style.css since I am not posting file here When I pre-...
user avatar
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1 answer

@mixin not defined in saas file

This is asset file structure in my rails app assets -- stylesheets ----- application.scss ----- homes.scss Gemfile contains gem 'bootstrap-sass' application.scss contains @import "bootstrap-...
Tenzin Chemi's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple users with single database Ruby on Rails 4

I'm building a system that (when completed) will serve multiple commercial customers. I need to accomplish the following: App should use one database Each commercial customer will have multiple users....
HermannHH's user avatar
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undefined method 'post' for Rspec

I'm working through a tutorial on Cucumber and Rspec for RoR in the textbook Engineering Software as a Service, along with going through the archived course on I've run into a problem trying ...
Seytom's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I develop self-hosted Rails app

Suppose I have Rails 4 app, call it "Super SaaS". Now my client says he likes my appvery much, but he doesn't want his data to be in the cloud. So he says he would buy a licience from me to deploy "...
user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

datetimepicker using gem bootsrtap saas not display properly include time in rails?

i using gem "bootstrap saas" and i implements bootstrap datetimepicker, but why the time not showing? and the datetimepicker showing in wrong position? thanks before
3lviend's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Which is best framework for saas project? [closed]

We are building a new SAAS bussiness application and we are looking for some advice . what is the best suitable framework to do this job ? We have big experience in C# . but we do't need to take ASP....
Beka Tomashvili's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to do the following in case of Ruby on rails

How to do subdomains & seperated databases for a rails app as shown in tutorial below for php I am a newbie with ruby & ruby on rails as well so I would like now that is any thing possible ...
itsbalamurali's user avatar
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2 answers

Rails Multi Tenant SAAS application with user customizable fields

We are building an a SAAS application. We need to allow customers to customize the fields of a certain model. They should be able to add or remove fields. This application is basically an asset ...
Steve Robinson's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the best way to prevent user from using SaaS app after failed payment

I am developing a SaaS application using Ruby on Rails. Each user has to subscribe to a specific plan to start using the application. This step has been done using Stripe The problem is I don't know ...
The Lazy Log's user avatar
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How to calculate storage space for each user on Rails app?

I'm working on a SaaS application. Each user will buy a plan on this application and he will be given a certain amount of storage corresponding to amount of information on the app. For example, the ...
The Lazy Log's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

How to implement redmine as SaaS

I am planning to use redmine as SaaS application with multi-tenant feature. I have successfully loaded redmine into the heroku but now i am in a blank position didn't know how and where to start. ...
user456064's user avatar
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How to provide saas customer with server snapshot for business continuity concerns

I'm proposing a SaaS solution to a prospective client to avoid the need for local installation and upgrades. The client uploads their input data as needed and downloads the outputs, so data backup and ...
rigyt's user avatar
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Autosave-chrome tool for scss in Rails

Before scss I used autosave tool for chrome on sample css files. But in rails scss, of course, it's doesn't work. What you doing for live editing? After autosave I can't switch between browser and IDE ...
Meliborn's user avatar
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Architecture/Design challenge: Consuming Social Media APIs

We have been developing social media based Rails application which digs data of various services like twitter, facebook, linkedin and many more. We are facing a serious performance issue to consume ...
Amit Patel's user avatar
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2 answers

Cucumber doesn't test any defined step

I created just a feature file (AddMovie.feature) that contains: Feature: User can manually add movie Scenario: Add a movie Given I am on the RottenPotatoes home page When I follow "Add new movie" ...
user655561's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Demo account which resets itself

What is the best the best approach to provide visitors with a demo account? The demo account has to have some basic demo data and has to reset itself after a certain amount of time.
Ben's user avatar
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2 votes
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Ruby on rails SaaS application where to begin, what tools to use

I'm at the point in my application where I would like to integrate a saas solution into my application using ruby on rails. So far everything has been good except I am unsure where to begin. My Idea: ...
coletrain's user avatar
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4 votes
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SAAS Architecture with Rails [closed]

I'm planning the basic architecture for a new software that will need to be modular. I'm trying to define a multitenancy application to have a single instance running for all the users. What I need ...
user avatar
1 vote
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SaaS infrastructure for Rails 3 app

I need to make a Rail 3 app "SaaS"-fied. I know there are different opinions on multi-tenanncy / data-separation etc. Currently I'm going with "total data separation" option where on each sign-up, I ...
dbose's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

rails 3.2 link a subdomain to a controller?

Update: rewritten question a bit. Trying to route my subdomains like below Using Rails 3.2 Devise To no avail tried several tutorials blog ...
Rubytastic's user avatar
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3 answers

Measure SAAS App Bandwidth Usage

I am in the process of building a Ruby on Rails based SaaS app. The app is being hosted on AWS (Amazon). I need to measure the bandwidth usage by each customer for billing and customer segmenting. ...
thanikkal's user avatar
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Error: File to import not found or unreadable: compass. in rails 3.1

I am given a rails project to configure. I am using UBUNTU Rails 3.1 Ruby 1.9.2 I am facing error below: File to import not found or unreadable: compass. Load path: Sass::Rails::Importer(/...
Manish Shrivastava's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Cannot precheck check_box_tag in rails

I have code that looks like this: @all_ratings.each do |rating| = check_box_tag "ratings[#{rating}]", session[:checkbox][rating], :id => "ratings_#{rating}" ... = submit_tag ...
oort's user avatar
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3 answers

RoR: SaaS Examples (Code/Tutorials)?

I'm an RoR newbie working to create a hosted task management/workflow solution and am looking for examples (especially code) of how to properly architect it. As with typical SaaS products, I will ...
user464180's user avatar
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Why Rails is often quoted with Cloud computing and software as a service?

I have recently started learning about Software as a Service and Cloud computing. Often I see people mentioning Rails framework while talking about SAAS and cloud computing and I was wondering why? ...
Haris Hasan's user avatar
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SaaS in Ruby on Rails App

I want to build a RoR web application in SaaS architecture. Should I have a single database for every clients or multiple databases for each client. And also I wonder that each client should use the ...
Murat Güzel's user avatar
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Only people who have paid can sign-up for application...?

I built an authentication system for my app following these Railscasts: and
cdotfeli's user avatar
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Building subscription based application with Ruby on Rails

I am planning to write a subscription based application which will allow users to do the following: Subscribe/Sign-up to a plan (will select from multiple plans available) Will use subscription based ...
jsf's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails: how to design a SaaS infrastructure?

I'm building a Rails 3 application that I plan on provided as a subscription-based SaaS (Software as a Service) product. Basically, I want users to be able to hit my "Sign up" page, create a new ...
Finch's user avatar
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4 votes
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Recurly vs SaaS Kit

From some reading and input from a couple of seasoned developers, it appears that I'm down to a choice between Recurly and SaaS Kit. I'm hopeful to get some broader experiences from ...
ylluminate's user avatar
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setting up a rails saas archictecture

When setting up a saas environment for rails, you often see that the shared code, for example an authentication system is an engine and included in all the client apps. I was thinking of doing it the ...
remcoh's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

SaaS Application start from scratch

In terms of expansion of my knowledge, I would like to try to make an SaaS application. I dont really care of app funcionality, but I would like to learn about technology behind it. So my question is,...
Ivan's user avatar
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Connecting to users local machine from my WebApp

I have a Web App that i have developed I am looking to develop a plugin for this app so that i can pull information from the users accounts package such as sage or quickbooks(offline version). Ideally ...
ashga's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails: How to separate the promotional site from the main app?

I am building my first SAAS app and I am new to Ruby on Rails. I want to build the app so that the promotional site (, the site where the users sign up) and the main app that the users ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Architecture for RoR SaaS application

I have done a decent amount of base RoR work, but haven't really faced much concerning scaling and running multiple applications. I am in the process of building an application for a client that I ...
David Fioretti's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails SaaS Free Billing Management

I am making a Ruby on Rails app and I need to be able to bill users. I would like to use either PayPal, credit cards, or both. I looked at Saasy ( but it requires one ...
Shlomo Zalman Heigh's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails SAAS Host And Monthly Cost Estimate

I´m trying to estimate the monthly cost involveld in a SAAS app Rails based. Is it calculated per bandwitch, database, space, or what? If so how much per user/month we will be charged? And what is the ...
Marco Floriano's user avatar