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Cluster Analysis after a process

I have a dataset with 535 samples, 63 dimensions and 7 clusters (labels). I am going to run some processes on my dataset and then track the impact of the process on the dataset. What approach would ...
Saba's user avatar
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bokeh HoverTool and tooltips not working correctly

Hi there I just got the plot I wanted with some help and tweaks here and there using bokeh; however, I can't figure out how to add information of interest to my tooltips navigation/hover tool. ...
Matteo's user avatar
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legend in bokeh UMAP shows only one entry

Hi there I just managed to get this plot done in bokeh, so I imagine there are many things that could be improved. Nonetheless, what bothers me the most is that I cannot figure out how to have all ...
Matteo's user avatar
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how to plot in bokeh

Hi there I'm quite new to Python plotting in general but somehow I can get the gist of things from examples; however, I couldn't find anything useful/helpful to understand how to use bokeh to plot a ...
Matteo's user avatar
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Can the results of UMAP for HDBScan clustering be made more consistent?

I have a set of ~40K phrases which I'm clustering with HDBScan after using UMAP for dimensionality reduction. The steps are: Generate embeddings using a fine-tuned BERT model Reduce dimensions with ...
TKR's user avatar
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Applying UMAP to a distance matrix

I am working on a clustering analysis and computed a distance matrix with a custom metric (it is the fusion of three differently weighted distance matrices) and I am trying to get components out of it ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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UMAP "ValueError: cannot assign slice from input of different size"

I am using umap-learn 0.5.3 for dimension reduction of a Numpy array. The array, say arrival_tfidf, is shaped (7898, 2969) and is a TF-IDF transformation of 7898 messages, containing float64 elements. ...
kohlstein's user avatar
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How do I compute LSC scores ("stemness") onto a UMAP in Seurat?

In Seurat, I am working with a UMAP of blast cells and would like to use the LSC17 coefficients to produce a feature plot with "stemness" scores generated from the LSC17 onto the UMAP. I'm ...
Jack Pep's user avatar
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scRNAseq UMAP error with FindVariableFeatures

I am new to scRNAseq analysis and am self-taught so apologies if this is really basic! I have downloaded metadata and TPM counts for a scRNAseq dataset (
Jemima Becker's user avatar
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Latest version of RAPIDS cuML in Kaggle notebooks

First of all, I am fairly new to running models on GPU, so sorry in advance for stupid questions. I use RAPIDS cuML to GPU-accelerate some algorithms, but I noticed I cannot use the latest version (23....
svaladou's user avatar
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Clustering text. Chatintets library Python. HBDSCAN, UMAP

I'm using chatintents ( for automatically clustering. To embed sentences I use sentence transformers. The problem is when I set the maximum and minimum number ...
Valentin Colella's user avatar
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How to Systematically Tune UMAP Hyperparameters for Supervised Learning

I have a question about using Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) for feature extraction. In my project I am using two tabular datasets both containing around 10000 samples. One has ...
serkanardaa's user avatar
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UMAP validation to calculate trustworthiness_vector problem

I have a dataset with over 200.000 data samples with 256 features, then, I used UMAP with n_components = 8, 16, 32, 64, to reduce data dimension fron 256 to 64, 32, 16, 8, respectively. I do not have ...
Minh Vu's user avatar
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Best parameters for UMAP + HistGradientBoostingClassifier

I'm trying to find the best parameters for the UMAP (dimensionality reduction) model together with HistGradientBoostingClassifier. The loop I have created is: vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(use_idf=True,...
Maite89's user avatar
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TypeError: 'module' object is not callable - while using UMAP

import umap as UMAP import umap retarget = {df_train['target'].value_counts().reset_index()['index'][i]: i for i in range(len(df_train['target'].value_counts()))} retarget2 = {i: k for k, i in ...
Babita's user avatar
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How to perform Weighted dimensionality reduction with Umap

The title pretty much says it all, I have a df with 40+ dimension which I'd like to process into the Umap algorithm in order to have a 2-d output. I would like to know if it is possible to weight the ...
Luca 's user avatar
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Show legend on UMAP plot

I am making an interactive UMAP plot, where you can hover the mouse over a datapoint to view the sample ID. My code works, showing a plot colour coded by class and with the hover feature working ...
TheyTakingTheHobbitsToIsengard's user avatar
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RSpectra installation had Non zero exit status

I am trying to install umap however the dependency RSpectra needs to be installed to. Whenever I try to install RSpectra, R shows me a result that installation had Non zero exit status. Does any one ...
JuanitaMonje's user avatar
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'what' must be a function or character string in R error message [closed]

I am plotting different umaps. I have a part of the code that worked yesterday, however today I get the error message: Error in, lapply(2:ncol(nn_idx), function(i) as.vector(rbind(nn_idx[, : ...
George's user avatar
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How to fix UMAP layout?

I am trying to use UMAP through umap-learn. And I am running 2,000,000 cells with 16 dimensions as my training dataset and another 1,000,000 cells with 16 dimensions as my testing dataset. However, ...
rachelyyyqq's user avatar
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UMAP not working on Jupyter (thru Anaconda)

I'm trying to use UMAP in Jupyter (on Anaconda's environment) but something is not working properly. Below is the code I used. # INSTALL UMAP conda install -c conda-forge umap-learn # this was what ...
Lucy's user avatar
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Lost information during dimensionality reduction using umap

I am working with spotify tracks database and trying to understand how columns danceability, liveness and energy affect popularity (use discrete popularity: -1, 0, 1). I want to do dimensionality ...
Mariia Skripchenko's user avatar
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My mac doesn't show seaborn plot without error message?

In [14]: import seaborn as sns ...: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ...: ...: l = [41, 44, 46, 46, 47, 47, 48, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 53, 53, 53, 55, 55, 55, ...: 55, 56, 56, 56, 56,...
marlon's user avatar
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Can I save the coordinates for a UMAP embedding?

I am running a UMAP model as follows: embedding = umap.UMAP(n_components=2,n_neighbors=30, min_dist=0.0, metric='euclidean').fit(data) And plotting: f = umap.plot.points(embedding, labels=df['...
fdgnhgdh's user avatar
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Clustering with UMAP and HDBScan

I have a somewhat large amount of textual data, input by approximately 5000 people. I've assigned each person a vector using Doc2vec, reduced to two dimensions using UMAP and highlighted groups ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Python Make UMAP fast(er)

I am using UMAP ( to reduce the dimensions in my data. My dataset contains 4700 samples with 1,2 million features each (which I would like to reduce). ...
LaLeLo's user avatar
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Cannot import umap: cannot import name 'structref' from 'numba.experimental'

I tried to import umap in my jupyter notebook but had the following error: ImportError: cannot import name 'structref' from 'numba.experimental' (C:\Users\name\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numba\...
jos97's user avatar
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Seurat UMAP visualization result is mirrored after running in two identical environments

When I run the same R code in my local computer RStudio (R 4.0.2) and on Code Ocean R 4.0.3, I have two different UMAP visualization results and they are mirrored [] I use Seurat 3.2.0 version in ...
Yulia Kentieva's user avatar
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UMAP PicklingError: ("Can't pickle <class 'numpy.dtype[float32]'>: ...)

Trying to run UMAP causes an error: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import umap df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(25).reshape(-1,5)) um = umap.UMAP(random_state=0) PicklingError: ("...
user1717828's user avatar
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UMAP Error TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'list'

I am trying to run a code that utilizes UMAP for dimensionality reduction based on the work here: I am running on Spyder (Python 3.7). I ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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Using map function from purrr to test 2 parameters on one UMAP function in R

newbie need help again.I'm playing around a dataset with UMAP, a dimension reduction tool. Things like this will have 2 parameters that need to tune and look. Previously I have used tSNE, and it ...
ML33M's user avatar
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umap highlighting two different models

I'm trying to create a umap for single cell data from human samples and ptx samples. I can get the umap plot showing the different clusters but I want to show where the ptx samples and human samples ...
mmpp's user avatar
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Is there any way to draw UMAP or t-SNE plot for data table?

I have a huge file (below is a small set of data) like below, I would like to draw a PCA, I could draw PCA using PCA function but it looks a bit messy, because I have 200 columns so I think maybe t-...
star's user avatar
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RunUMAP gives segmentation fault

I tried the following > my.exp <- RunUMAP(my.exp, dims = 1:30) UMAP(a=None, angular_rp_forest=False, b=None, init='spectral', learning_rate=1.0, local_connectivity=1, metric='correlation', ...
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