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2 answers

VSCode ruff ignores ruff.toml

For a project I have created a ruff.toml file. In this file is among other things a different line-length defined. When ruff is used from the cli ruff format it works as expected. But when I use Ruff: ...
3dSpatialUser's user avatar
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Capture and use output from defined GitHub Action

I'm setting up a GitHub Actions workflow using the ruff-action from Astral. The workflow runs ruff format and ruff check --fix whenever a pull request (PR) is opened. However, I want to capture the ...
Laura Galera's user avatar
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Ruff ignore F401

I am working with VScode and python. I installed ruff because I really like it, but thee one thing I don't like is the F401 error, which basically automatically removes the unused libraries when I try ...
GEBRU's user avatar
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ruff format document on save in VS Code *for real*

How do I convince ruff and VS Code to actually Format document on save? What I mean is that when I save a Python file, and do "Ruff: Format document", I get different results. I want saving ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Pylint and ruff don't complain about useless (unnecessary) return in functions with docstring

In pylint docs we read: Emitted when a single "return" or "return None" statement is found at the end of function or method definition. This statement can safely be removed ...
Visit mjrecent on Telegram's user avatar
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How to make ruff complain about useless return statements in functions annotated to return not None?

Today, I went to Ruff playground, enabled PLR1711 (useless-return) rule and pasted this code: def f() -> int: print() return None In Diagnostics tab I saw only Everything is looking good!....
Visit mjrecent on Telegram's user avatar
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Ruff and E203 rule

I'm having some issue with string slicing, ruff is formatting such code: result: str custom_index = 5 result = ( result[:custom_index] + f"new_value" + result[...
Headmaster's user avatar
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How to use ruff as fixer in vim with ALE

I'm using ale in vim, and I want to add ruff as fixer for python. So, in .vimrc, I added: let g:ale_fixers = { \ 'python': ['ruff'], ...
Raoul Debaze's user avatar
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Avoid many line breaks when formatting long lines containing binary operators with Ruff

The ruff formatter generally wraps lines with more than 88 characters (this is the default, i.e. line-length = 88). Unfortunately, this leads to lines of pathlib paths wrapped in an unpractical ...
mouwsy's user avatar
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How to specify directories to use for linting/formatting?

There is a src option that tells ruff to resolve relative paths in specified directories. There is also an include option that allows specifying file patterns to check. But is there an option to ...
dbzix's user avatar
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Disable short multi-line string concatenation in Ruff

If I have an intentionally short multi-line string like this: html += ( '<p>Regards,</p>\n' '<p>Tom Cruise</p>\n' ) Ruff will automatically reformat as: html += '<p&...
supermitch's user avatar
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How to make ruff ignore comments in measuring the line length?

The line demo_code = print("foo bar") # some comments and this line length exceed 79 that i config. is being formatted by ruff format to demo_code = print( "foo bar" ) # ...
Rubem Pacelli's user avatar
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How to locate the B008 error in Ruff when running with conda run ruff check

I’m using Ruff for linting in my project and encountered a B008 error when running the following command: conda run ruff check --select B008 --statistics It returns: 7 B008 function-call-in-...
daniel guo's user avatar
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Ruff formater lengthens the string, how to make sure that it does not change strings that are already less than the length specified in the settings

The problem is that this is the line: __all__ = ( "Base", "TimestampMixin", "BaseUser", "User", "Locale", "DBBot" ) ...
Charls Ken's user avatar
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How to prevent ruff formatter from adding a newline after module-level docstring?

I'm using ruff as a replacement to black formatter but I wanna keep the diff at minimum. I'm noticing that it automatically inserts a newline between the module-level docstring and the first import ...
Iman Shafiei's user avatar
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Ruff linting rule for importing from "highest" available module

In my Python project, I have a structure akin to this: a/ - b/ - Where an object C is defined in, and a/ exports this object: from a.b.c import ...
Øyvind Evju's user avatar
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Use ruff linter to issue warning for rule without failure

I want to assign certain ruff rulesets as suggestion/warning rather than hard failures. Context I am currently defining the ruff linter on a public open-source project. In addition to the normal ...
Jesper's user avatar
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Ruff pandas-use-of-dot-at (PD008) - convert to numpy array for performance

The ruff linting code pandas-use-of-dot-at (PD008) states: If performance is an important consideration, convert the object to a NumPy array, which will provide a much greater performance boost than ...
Salvatore's user avatar
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How can I write the type of a function that returns a dynamically imported class?

I have a Python function that looks like this def my_function() -> Any: from optional_dependency import SomeClass # This will fail if `optional_dependency` is not installed, I'm good with that. ...
Yoric's user avatar
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Different results between CLI and pre-commit

I've set up a pre-commit hook using Ruff to handle linting in my project. I've configured the hook as per the documentation: - repo: rev: v0.4.9 hooks: ...
Gonçalo Guedes's user avatar
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Python linters do not highlight undefined classes in imports

If I try to import any class that does not exist in python, Ruff linter does not highlight it from numpy import ClassThatDoesNotExist instance = ClassThatDoesNotExist() (if I remove the import, Ruff ...
il_tonino's user avatar
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How to report `redefined-argument-from-local` as error in ruff?

In order to avoid making another bug due to override the function arguments in a for-loop, I find that there is a lint rule redefined-argument-from-local can detect this error. I try to enable this ...
link89's user avatar
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How do I configure Python "ruff" to sensibly format Polars?

How do I configure Ruff to sensibly auto-format Python code for the Polars library? With the default settings, it likes to left-align .select/.with_columns calls with many arguments. The following is ...
HumpbackWhale194's user avatar
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How to configure a linter (e.g. Ruff) to disallow double assignments in single lines in Python?

I'm looking for a way to configure a linter (such as Ruff or another popular Python linter) to disallow double assignments in single lines, like this: name, position =, pos Instead, I want ...
Javier Hernández Martínez's user avatar
10 votes
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Configure VS Code using settings.json to use ruff instead of pylint, pylance, etc

I am looking to be able to set up settings.json used by VS Code so that I can use ruff instead of pylint, pylance, flake8 linting. I am hoping to get the rules into settings.json and not have ...
Charles Plager's user avatar
17 votes
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How do I isort using ruff?

I often work in very small projects which do not have config file. How do I use ruff in place of isort to sort the imports? I know that the following command is roughly equivalent to black: ruff ...
Hai Vu's user avatar
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Python Linter to catch user shadowed function names

Assume the following scenario: def my_decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Code return wrapper def f(): # function code return f = ...
John Moutafis's user avatar
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How to get git commit hash in a secure way in Python

I'm developing a pyspark dataframe in my project. For this dataframe I need a column that contains the latest commit hash for traceability purposes. The commit hash has to be obtained within python ...
Ernest P W's user avatar
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How to suppress "Line too long" warning (pyright-extended) in Replit Python?

When coding in Python using Replit, I get the annoying warning "Line too long" (pyright-extended). How can I get Replit to always ignore displaying this type of warnings?
Snostorp's user avatar
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How to ignore ruff errors in jupyter notebook in VSCode?

I am using ruff to lint and format my Python code in Visual Studio Code. I also work often with jupyter notebooks inside VSCode. When I do that I get some ruff linting errors that don't really make ...
Shai Avr's user avatar
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How can I suppress ruff linting on a block of code

I would like to disable/suppress the ruff linter (or certain linting rules) on a block of code. I know that I can do this for single lines (by using # noqa: <rule_code> at the end of the line) ...
db_'s user avatar
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Sort imports alphabetically with ruff

Trying ruff for the first time and I'm not being able to sort imports alphabetically, using default settings. According to docs ruff should be very similar to isort. Here is a short example with ...
alan's user avatar
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3 answers

Using Ruff Linter with Python in VS Code

I have installed the Ruff extension and enabled it in VS Code, but it doesn't seem to be underlining my code at all and providing suggestions like my previous linters did. I did a clean install of VS ...
Nick Nelson's user avatar
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Enable ruff rules only on specific files

I work on a large project and I'd slowly like to enfore pydocstyle using ruff. However, many files will fail on e.g. D103 "undocumented public function". I'd like to start with enforcing it ...
Frank Meulenaar's user avatar
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How do I disable D100 and or C0111 with ruff?

I use sphinx and at the top of my py files I have this: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ my-module ========= Some notes about my module """ These ...
red888's user avatar
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How to remove trailing comma for Python code formatter Ruff

Before applying the ruff formatter def method(arg1, arg2, arg3, ..., arg10): After applying the ruff formatter def method( arg1, arg2, arg3, ..., arg10, ) Is there a way to ...
Michael Xia's user avatar
17 votes
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Ignore specific rules in specific directory with Ruff

I am using Ruff, a formatter or linter tool for Python code. I want to ignore some specific rules, and to write that config in pyproject.toml. My package structure is as follows. . ├── LICENSE ├── ...
AMA's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do I stop the ruff linter from moving imports into an if TYPE CHECKING statement?

I have a pydantic basemodel that looks something like: from pathlib import Path from pydantic import BaseModel class Model(BaseModel): log_file: Path And my ruff pre-commit hook is re-ordering ...
Tom McLean's user avatar
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Is it possible to reformat python __all__ statement with ruff to make it multiline?

I'm using ruff ( Is it possible to format the code from this: __all__ = ["Model", "User", "Account"] Into this? __all__ = [ "Model&...
Михаил Павлов's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I Sort work with Ruff formatter? (not linter)

I am migrating my project to RUFF. The migration was kind of straightforward, but for some reason, ISort rules are not being applied when I do this commands on VSCode: Format code with > Ruff I see ...
Danilo Bassi's user avatar
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how to auto format E501 line too long (89 > 88 characters) in pre-commit?

I have below .pre-commit-config.yaml file. default_language_version: python: python3.10 repos: - repo: rev: v4.4.0 hooks: - id: check-...
Akash Pagar's user avatar
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How to make ruff to use f-string instead str.format?

I'm trying ruff but when I do ruff check . on my example: print("%s" % "hello") it shows: UP031 Use format specifiers instead of percent format and if I do ruff check . --fix or ...
alanwilter's user avatar
4 votes
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Ruff doesn't catch undefined argument to function

I'm not sure even if it is ruff's job to catch the undefined argument to a function, but is there a tool that does this? or is there a ruff configuration that I'm missing to add so that ruff can do ...
tandem's user avatar
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Is there a lint rule for python that automatically detects list +operator concatenation and suggests using spread

For me the following extras = ["extra0", "extra1"] func_with_list_arg([ "base0", "base1", ] + extras) is nicer to read with a spread operator like the ...
Tomi Kokkonen's user avatar
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Setting up Ruff (Python Linter)

As far as I understood ruff implements pycodestyle rules by default. However, when I run my code through pycodestyle I get: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1 E302 expected ...
SrdjaNo1's user avatar
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Ruff does not autofix line-too-long violation

I have a python project and I am configuring latest version of ruff for that project for linting and formating purpose. I have the below settings in my pyproject.toml file: [tool.ruff] select = ["...
Sukanya Pai's user avatar
5 votes
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Ruff Ignore Inline or Function Rule Check

I am using ruff==0.0.265 I have a single function I expect to have complexity and do not wish to change that. src/ C901 `convert_py4j_exception` is too complex (11 > 10) src/...
vfrank66's user avatar
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How to ignore environment directory when using python ruff linter in console

I was trying ruff linter. I have a file structure like below project_folder ├── env # Python enviroment [python -m venv env] │ ├── Include │ ├── Lib │ ├── Scripts │ ├── ... ├── └── ...
Shahobiddin Anor's user avatar