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Pylint and ruff don't complain about useless (unnecessary) return in functions with docstring

In pylint docs we read: Emitted when a single "return" or "return None" statement is found at the end of function or method definition. This statement can safely be removed ...
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Ruff linting rule for importing from "highest" available module

In my Python project, I have a structure akin to this: a/ - b/ - Where an object C is defined in, and a/ exports this object: from a.b.c import ...
Øyvind Evju's user avatar
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How to report `redefined-argument-from-local` as error in ruff?

In order to avoid making another bug due to override the function arguments in a for-loop, I find that there is a lint rule redefined-argument-from-local can detect this error. I try to enable this ...
link89's user avatar
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Python Linter to catch user shadowed function names

Assume the following scenario: def my_decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Code return wrapper def f(): # function code return f = ...
John Moutafis's user avatar
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Is there a lint rule for python that automatically detects list +operator concatenation and suggests using spread

For me the following extras = ["extra0", "extra1"] func_with_list_arg([ "base0", "base1", ] + extras) is nicer to read with a spread operator like the ...
Tomi Kokkonen's user avatar