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Rails rspec feature itegration testing for basic auhentication

class MenucardController < ApplicationController http_basic_authenticate_with name: 'admin', password: 'password' def index @menu_items = CsvFileTest.find_each(batch_size: 10) end end ...
Fathima Nuha's user avatar
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Test recaptcha with rspec

I'm using recaptcha gem and I need to cover the alternative scenario on test spec (when captcha is not valid) This is the code that the gem suggests in the controller def check_captcha return if ...
user1439898's user avatar
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Write a RSpec test for method that takes a single argument

I need to write the RSpec test case for a module that has a private method and takes a single Argument. module x private def fun(para) end end I have a spec file where I tried to write a case ...
luffy's user avatar
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Rspec test fails while rendering

For my user controller, while running the test cases I am facing render issue. It is redirecting to instead of rendering new. Controller code def create @...
Sarvgna Bachchuwar's user avatar
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Finding a weird symbol in Capybara

I'm currently trying to find a symbol on a page. I have the HTML tag and the find method that I'm using. However it's not able to find this symbol. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong to do so. <div ...
Rubyman543's user avatar
2 votes
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how to check if a method is called or not in rspec

as i try to check internally my method was calling or not in rspec but it got the following errors context "#Meeting_schedule" do let(:meeting_schedule) { FactoryGirl.create(:...
jansha's user avatar
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Rspec reloads removes the value that updated earlier

why reload removes the values that has been updated on before(:each) is there any other approach for doing such things thanks in advance i have written my rspec as below let!(:book){FactoryGirl.create(...
jegan's user avatar
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While running the rspec it shows does not implement( allow_any_instance_of )

My rspec line allow_any_instance_of(School).to receive(:admission).and_return(:body) I have my admission method in my lib/school.rb module School def self.admission() like this, but when i run the ...
jegan's user avatar
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I can't execute rspec using 'bundle exec rspec'

I'm very new to coding and I have been learning ruby through the app academy open bootcamp. I have gotten to the Rspec topic, but after installing the gems from the gem file provided in the course: ...
Mthunzi's user avatar
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Byebug does not pauses in controller in RSpec request spec

I have added byebug breakpoint in spec code and it pauses the code there. require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe "UsedCars", :type => :request do describe "POST /used_cars" do ...
Heir Of Knowledge's user avatar
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RSpec: Can we configure an expectation to return two different value? I want to test retry mechanism

So I have a retry rule in my application. I wanted to test that using rspec. When I call service without passing account ID it should give me false and when account ID is passed it should give me true....
Crazy Cat's user avatar
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expected ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound but nothing was raised

How to get the test pass for this error? Rspec result **2) Api::V1::UsersController GET #show - a user it fails showing a user Failure/Error: expect do get 'show', params: { id: 2 } ...
Gonza's user avatar
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Capybara / RSpec Ensure somethinng does not exist anywhere on the page

I want to find out how to ensure something does not exist on the page, specifically, a div with a known value. Essentially, I'm removing an element and I want to test that the element with 3 classes ...
Ryan Glenn's user avatar
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Rails: switch to puma for request specs

We are working on a rails 3.2 app with RSpec 3.7 and want to use puma as web server for our rails request specs. We know we can switch the server for Capybara feature specs using Capybara....
Alexander Presber's user avatar
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How to check if the inside method has been called using RSpec

I got a method to update the person by id: def update_person(id) handle_exceptions do person = Person.find(id) #...other end end When this id doesn't exist, the handle_exception should ...
Meilan's user avatar
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RSpec - How to test the if-else block in update method of controller

Let's say I have a database to store the data of people (name, email). And there's an update method in the controller. The method is like: def update @people = People.find(params[:id]) if @...
Meilan's user avatar
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4 votes
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Rspec - Compare two json values

I got a response from render json: { success: 'Success' }, I met a problem when I want to test if the response received the content like this. My unit test is: let(:success) do { ...
Meilan's user avatar
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Ruby Rspec should_not_receive not working

For this below code snippet: @by_hidden.should_not_receive(:by_limit).with(100).and_return(@by_limit) I am facing error as @by_hidden.should_not_receive(:by_limit).with(100).and_return(@by_limit) ...
Agnip's user avatar
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How to filter out one method call from many others with `expect().to receive()` in RSpec

I have such a code: class ClassB def print_letter(arg) end end class ClassA def self.my_method ClassB.print_letter("a") ClassB.print_letter("b") end end RSpec.describe ClassA do ...
Karol Selak's user avatar
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How to write RSpec test for the following code

I have the functionality of my code working correctly, but need to create an RSpec test that covers it. My routes.rb: resources :movies do #member routes for individual ones get '...
AJ.N's user avatar
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Rspec;How to include params inside the body

Rspec spec fails on the following test case. Can anyone please help me with sending params inside the body? Test case: describe 'POST search' do it 'renders search' do request.headers['...
sunil b's user avatar
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Currently on Rails 3, starting to write unit tests, so is it better to go with Rspec or Minitest given the future of Rails 6 and unit testing?

I need advice. Our software is currently on Rails 3 and we're starting to write unit tests, but we can't decide whether to go with RSpec or Minitest. we're considering to go with RSpec purely over the ...
jellybean_232's user avatar
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Rspec 3.8 before block not deleting record

In app/models/car.rb the class method stock looks in part like this: def self.stock raise Exception, "Property amount not set" if Property.get(:amount).nil? ... end This Property is ...
theDrifter's user avatar
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Rspec request spec examine response body

Since rspec 3.5 request specs are used to test controller behaviour plus route testing and the correct rendering of the view with the content. The last part troubles me a bit since i do not understand ...
theDrifter's user avatar
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Rspec Test CanCan AbilityClass not building rules in Rails3.2

In my Test environment Cancan does not build its rules. ability.rb class Ability include CanCan::Ability def initialize(user) user ||= if user.is_admin? can :manage, :...
theDrifter's user avatar
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Rspec: Test an exception which is not handled

In my public method #recalculate, calling the private method1. This method throw exception 'StandardError'. I want to test this scenario, however getting an error. Note: I don't want to handle an ...
Neelabh Singh's user avatar
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Rspec: How to test an exception is raised in private method?

Getting error while testing an exception in a private method. How to test an exception is raised in private method which is called from a public method? Public def public_method private_method ...
Neelabh Singh's user avatar
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Rspec: Getting error while testing private method

Getting error while testing a private method. Please suggest how to test private method is called from a public method. Public def public_method private_method end Private def private_method ...
Neelabh Singh's user avatar
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Ruby: How to test private method?

I have implemented Optimistic Locking for Race Condition. If lock_version doesn't match with the updated lock_version in the database, then it will trigger retry three times. Can you suggest how to ...
Neelabh Singh's user avatar
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Rspec: How to test retry?

I have implemented Optimistic Locking for Race Condition. If lock_version doesn't match with the updated lock_version in the database, then it will trigger retry three times. Can you suggest how to ...
Neelabh Singh's user avatar
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Rspec: How to test an exception which is getting raised in private method?

In my public method #recalculate, calling the private method1. This method throw exception 'ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError'. def recalculate method_1! end private def method_1 ...
Neelabh Singh's user avatar
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RSpec: How to write unit test case to receive an exception which is getting raised in private method

I have implemented Optimistic Locking for Race Condition. For that, I added an extra column lock_version in the Product. Method: recalculate is calling private method_1 then it saves (save!) the ...
Neelabh Singh's user avatar
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Rspec for Faraday::ConnectionFailed

I have following method in the code for which I need to write the spec (for rescue block). I tried few things but not getting success so that my spec will enter in the rescue block. I read about using ...
Kartik Agarwal's user avatar
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RSpec: How to run the feature specs after all other specs

We have a rather complex integration spec setup with capybara and chrome. This leads to slow feature specs. It would be nice if the feature specs would be executed after all other specs. Because it ...
phortx's user avatar
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Rails Stub a variable inside module

I wrote a unit test for this module and want to stub current_account variable which comes from application controller. (its global method written in application controller) Module Foo def ...
Mano's user avatar
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Rspec testing fail strong params

Trying to get this one to pass for a while, not that familiar with Rspec, tried couple answers, and no luck yet, I have these two parameters being required on my controller as follow: class ...
Lucky500's user avatar
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Rspec Testing : NoMethodError - undefined method 'id' for nil.Nilclass

When I am running rspec testing for a controller in Rails, I get the error "NoMethodError : undefined method 'id' for nil.Nilclass" at the second line. params[:tag_id] is passed down from the front ...
Wings2fly's user avatar
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Rspec return No route matches when using scoped route

I have a route that is defined as this in my routes.rb as so scope ':prefix', as: :foo, controller: 'foo_paths', action: :placeholder do get 'foo/:id', as: 'result' end The issue is when running ...
Slakk's user avatar
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Capybara test case for Login page authentication

I have capybara test case below. it "Testing login page with valid data" do fill_in 'email', with: '[email protected]' expect(page).to have_selector("input[value='[email protected]']")#Checking ...
Ravikiran V's user avatar
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Custom validator on associated model make other Rspec model tests break

I have 2 models sharing a simple belong_to/has_many relation: Room belongs to Building I created a custom validator called total_number_rooms_limited_to_15 that ensures I can't create more than 15 ...
Mathieu's user avatar
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after upgrading RSpec to version 3 I can't run single spec file anymore

We are in the process of upgrading rails from 3.4 to 4.2. When we upgraded the rspec to the latest version, even after forcing the rspec to run only one spec it runs around 900 tests but my file only ...
Ali Ashtiani's user avatar
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Rspec for controller

def finding if params[:called_by] == ‘ATTACHMENT’ Dir.mkdir('tmp/tmp_pdf') unless File.exists?('tmp/tmp_pdf') name = params[:ticket_attachment].original_filename end end Above is my ...
kiruba's user avatar
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/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require' -- while trying to start the server

I end up with this error: /usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in require': cannot load such file -- bundler/setup (LoadError) from /usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/...
manjith dungdung's user avatar
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How to stub model method for rspec controller test

I'm trying to stub the model method which I'm using in my controller, but it never seems to be working. Can someone let me know the proper way to do it User Controller if current_user.user_token ...
loganathan's user avatar
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bundle exec rspec spec/requests/static_pages_spec.rb and error

I am using Michael Hartl's ruby on rail tutorial. When I try to execute the command:bundle exec rspec spec/requests/static_pages_spec.rb I get the following errors: mudit@Bat:~/rails_projects/...
Mudit Chaudhary's user avatar
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R Spec Stack level too deep (System Stack Error)

I have three models offer_ticket, event and offer and have three their respective factories below are the models and factories are given i got error stack level too deep. There is loop execute ...
Aqib Hameed's user avatar
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I need help to write the rspec test in rails

I have a items_controller.rb def get_serialized_copy_of_item @item= Item.find_by_id(params[:id]) if @item.nil? head :no_content else respond_to do |format| ...
kavin's user avatar
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Rails render_to_string using wrong format

I am encountering a problem with render_to_string using Rails 3.2.18 in which the function is trying to render the wrong view format despite its :formats option being correctly set (so for example ...
Hyruu's user avatar
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Using CanCanCan in a view failing tests

Hi I have a project with an ability: can :set_to_user, Post I then have in one of my views: <div class: "btn btn-primary #{disable_button(!(can_set_to_user))}> in a helper I have: def ...
user2320239's user avatar
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Rspec not finding routes that exists

I'm trying to write a controller test and Rspec isn't finding routes that I know exist and work fine on a development server. In my routes I have a catch-all route that should redeirect to a ...
xeroshogun's user avatar
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