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How to prevent ActiveRecord from making an associated record in a callback before it is saved?

I have two models, Branch and Organization. An organization has many branches. A branch cannot exist without an associated organization, and an organization cannot exist without at least one branch. ...
lull's user avatar
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build record with has_many through association, no db

In the context of testing a method not querying the db when given a preloaded relation, I would like to build a record with preloaded associations. I run into trouble when trying to build a record ...
Matthias Michael Engh's user avatar
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rails factory rspec tests failing because of "only_integer" validation in model

I have a factory for my model 'price' but all rspec tests start failing when I put the validation for price as only_integer. The error i get when i try to validate factory using rspec is "Price must ...
Sam's user avatar
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FactoryGirl build has_many through associations

Is it possible to build associations that have a has_many through association in ActiveRecord? Example: I have a user that has team_memberships associated with it, and those team_memberships have a ...
tommybond's user avatar
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2 answers

FactoryGirl cannot assign to a enum validated parameter

I am using RSpec, FactoryGirl and ActiveRecord. The following test is not passing: require 'spec_helper' describe User, type: :model do it "has a valid factory" do expect(FactoryGirl....
Juan Dominguez's user avatar
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1 answer

Failing Rails 4 controller test - ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch?

I'm building a Rails (4.1.8) application with Postgres (0.18.3), Rspec (3.1.0), and FactoryGirl (4.5.0). I need help troubleshooting a controller test, which is throwing an Active Record::...
codeinspired's user avatar
3 votes
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Uniqueness field using Scope of association

I want to insure that an items name is unique within an organization. So I've used the "validates_uniqueness_of :name, scope: [:organization]" within Item. This unfortunetely didn't work. Error (...
user1438150's user avatar
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2 answers

ActiveRecord association not being set in the database?

I’m sure this is a “duh" newbie-type question, but I’ve been at it for days and cannot figure out why my code isn’t setting a relationship in the database correctly. I have a simple belongs_to ...
rubygrrl42's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Rspec Controller Testing - Errror: Expected [#<Contact id: 412...] Got [#<Contact id: 413]

I am using Ruby on Rails, RSPEC, and Factory Girl to write a test for my post action in my contact controller: here is my test: describe "POST CREATE" do it "assigns @contact and redirects" do ...
TABISH KHAN's user avatar
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RSPEC Error: Expected #<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy > got: nil

I am trying to test the following controller action(Using Ruby on Rails, RSPEC, and FactoryGirl): class ContactsController < ApplicationController before_action :authenticate_user! def index ...
TABISH KHAN's user avatar
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Rspec FactoryGirl with has_many through got MissingAttributeError

I have has_many through relations: Poll that has_many votee (User) through History: has_many :polls_through_history, through: :history, class_name: "Poll", foreign_key: "poll_id", source: :poll and ...
ruwhan's user avatar
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Factory Girl - Make record and call function on it

Whenever I make a User, I want to call build_user_group on that user. I use after_save:build_user_group on the User model to do this, but when FactoryGirl creates a user, build_user_group is never ...
Qaz's user avatar
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Rspec::Matcher 'change' method with receiver and message vs. block

I'm trying to test the deletion of an association. The two models involved are User and Cancellation: class Cancellation < Active Record::Base belongs_to :taker, class_name: "User" ...
felix's user avatar
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FactoryGirl loses belongs_to built in Model.before_create

Given this model: class User < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user_profile before_create { build_user_profile } end and this factory: FactoryGirl.define do factory :user do end end when ...
Michael Johnston's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Discover errors in Invalid Record factory girl

I have a user factory like this: FactoryGirl.define do factory :user do email "[email protected]" password "123456789" end end I am trying to create a spec for the user: describe User do it ...
Daniel Cukier's user avatar
4 votes
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RSpec with Factory_girl - destroy object

I wan't to test a relationship between two Models. A course has many enrollments, an enrollment has one course. When a course is being destroyed, all enrolments connected to it are being set to ...
Linus's user avatar
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RSpec doesn't compare objects properly

I have the following spec: require 'spec_helper' describe Page do it "has a valid factory" do create(:page).should be_valid end it "is invalid without a title" do build(:page, title: ...
leemour's user avatar
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ActiveRecordRelation where method matching on unique id returning object slightly diff then when traversing the array and matching on the same id

Pretty new to ruby, rails and unit testing so any additional feedback welcome! I'm writing an rspec unit test for an ActiveRecord based model (contact) called #assign_campaign. ContactCampaign is an ...
danchow's user avatar
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FactoryGirl association Parent can't be blank

I am trying to use FactoryGirl to create a test database with an association that is Parent has_many Entries. At this point, it is throwing the ActiveRecord validation error that Parent can't be ...
Richard_G's user avatar
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6 answers

How to test model's callback method independently?

I had a method in a model: class Article < ActiveRecord::Base def do_something end end I also had a unit test for this method: # spec/models/article_spec.rb describe "#do_something" do @...
Billy Chan's user avatar
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2 answers

Factory Girl Confirmation Validation in Model Spec

I am having trouble with Factory Girl when trying to test if email confirmation is nil. Here is my model spec (user_spec.rb) require 'spec_helper' describe User do it "is invalid without an ...
user avatar
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1 answer

RSpec - How to test a database view?

I have a class that is backing a database view. I am using FactoryGirl to try and test this so I go through the normal steps of creating a user instance like so: before(:each) do @user = ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Alternatives to making _id mass assignable

I've got a spec for a rails controller, that tests creation of a associated model: Models: class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :bars end class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :foo ...
wintersolutions's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Dependent factories in Factory Girl

I have 2 factories. Beta_user and Beta_invite. Basically before a Beta_user can validly save I have to create an entry of Beta_invite. Unfortunately these models don't have clean associations, but ...
kevzettler's user avatar
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Strange problem with factory girl

I have a model # == Schema Information # # Table name: posts # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string(255) # title :string(255) # content ...
bradgonesurfing's user avatar
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Non-rails application with RSpec, ActiveRecord and Factory Girl

How to properly implement RSpec, ActiveRecord and Factory Girl in non-rails application. I also need that every test case would run on a clean database. Thanks!
spacemonkey's user avatar