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Send REST request containing an enum (defined in RPC)

we have a delete-rpc request defined in a proto as rpc DeleteTag(DeleteTagRequest) returns (DeleteTagResponse) { option (google.api.http).delete = "/v2/tags"; } message DeleteTagRequest { ...
Daniel Shterenberg's user avatar
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Securing/sanitizing remote calls to server by untrusted clients

I'm building an API which will expose (among other things) the following calls: Upload file to remote server. Perform various computations (over some set of possible function) on remotely uploaded ...
wyas's user avatar
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RESTful service contracts

We are designing an application and want to use (micro)services. We think that it would be good to enforce the APIs and contracts between services. Protobuf and similar technologies can do this, but ...
Sean Clark Hess's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

IDL for JSON REST/RPC interface

We are designing a fairly complex REST API, in which most of the I/O are JSON encoded objects with a specific structure. One challenge we have found is to document the API in such a way that makes it ...
Jeroen Ooms's user avatar
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RPC for java/python with rest support, HTML monitoring and goodies

Here's my set of requirements: I'm looking for an RPC framework such as thrift, avro, protobuf (when adding services to it) which supports: Easy and intuitive IDL. No serial numbers, no manual ...