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How to setup the state management architecture for current use case? [closed]

In my flutter application, I'll be having multiple pages. Consider 2 pages for now. Both these pages have some filters that are common and can be modified from either page. Both these pages also have ...
Aurora Borealis's user avatar
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This is about the Repository layer when implementing a clean architecture using Riverpod

This Repository I'm learning how to develop apps along clean architecture while using Riverpod with Flutter. However, there are implementation methods for which the benefits are unclear. I can see the ...
sub's user avatar
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Fetching Popular Movie Data and Translating with Riverpod | TMDB API

In my project, I need to fetch popular movie data from the TheMovieDB API and also translate the movie's name and overview to Brazilian Portuguese using their Translation API. I've run into some ...
Leonardo Maito's user avatar
3 votes
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Riverpod - equivalent of select() to an AsyncValue object from an AsyncNotifierProvider

Good day everyone! I've got a doubt that sadly couldn't be found here. Here is the deal: I'm building an application in MVVM architecture + Clean code, trying to separate the logic concepts of the ...
Carlos Humberto Borges's user avatar
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Riverpod 2.0 generator and Clean Architecture

I am trying to use the riverpod 2.0 state management with generator and Clean Architecture. My goal is simple: I do an API call to fetch a document from a server, and if it fails, I fetch the file ...
patana93's user avatar
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How to listen onsnap changes firebase flutter

I want to use firebase snapshot doc changes and when doc change get popup screen. im using mvvp architecture with riverpod. how can i implement it repository and show in my relevant screen? 1 . ...
Ravindu Gunathilake's user avatar
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Initialize future data in a Flutter StateNotifier + Riverpod architecture

So I was implementing the architecture showed by ResoCoder on YouTube at this article:
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