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Configure RHEL service so that it recognizes Amazon IP address of host EC2

Versions OS: RHEL 8.x I've installed a service -- call it foosvc -- to /usr/lib/systemd/system/foo.service, with configuration something like this: [Unit] ... [...
Kode Charlie's user avatar
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Port-forward drops connection to pod after first connection

Doing port forward for postgresql database through service : nohup kubectl --namespace test-0 port-forward service/operational-db 60000:5432 > /dev/null 2>&1 & Port-forward seems to be ...
Abhishek Jain's user avatar
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How to install static libraries (eg libstdc++, libm, libc) on AWS official Rocky Linux?

Rocky Linux is a free distribution that repackages each release of RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). It is what CentOS used to be. On AWS there are Official releases of Rocky Linux 8 Green Obsidian (...
Eric's user avatar
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RHEL 7: missing cgroup after reboot instances

I'm trying to limit resources by using cgroup. It's working fine until I reboot the instance. I had checked and found that the cgroup was removed for some reason. This is my step to creating the ...
KhanhND's user avatar
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5 votes
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correctly specifying Device Name for EBS volume while attaching to an ec2 instance and identifying it later using Device name

I am trying to attach an EBS volume on EC2 (RHEL) instance. This is how my attach-volume command looks like: aws ec2 attach-volume --volume-id vol-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --instance-id i-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy --...
Asdfg's user avatar
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cloud-init is using domains given in DHCP for hostname

In AWS VPC, I am associating the following as DHCP Domain name server: 10.*.*.2 (VPC DNS) Domain Name: ec2.internal Due to which the hostname ...
Rahul Sahotay's user avatar
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Failed to install Oracle database 18 XE in Amazon AWS with 'Amazon Linux 2' AMI

I am trying to install Oracle database 18XE in the AWS I took which has Amazon Linux 2 as the AMI. However It throws an error saying Requires: /etc/redhat-release adding the whole ...
Sandeep R's user avatar
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Firefox in AWS instance

I tried to install firefox on my redhat 8 machine.but I get " running firefox as root in a regular user's session is not supported. ($xauthority is /run/user/1001/gdm/xauthority which is owned by ...
 SBABY's user avatar
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Freeing some memory space on my Amazon Linux 2

I was doing testing on my server and always getting this error file for here-document: No space left on device -bash: cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device So I check it ...
Ariel Anasco's user avatar
2 votes
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What is aws redhat root password

I am new in aws, i lunch an redhat instance on aws with free-tier, i logged with ssh client. My ip starts with like this [email protected] that is mean i logged with ec2-user, when i try to run ...
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My ec2 instance terminates after yum update and reboot

When I do a yum update I need to reboot the instance. When I reboot AWS terminates the instance. I am using a rhel7 ami image. Anyone know how to fix this? I tried putting the instance in standby in ...
Stormy Weather's user avatar
-1 votes
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RHEL yum update commad failed in aws ec2 instance

While running $ sudo yum -y update in RHEL, the execution failed with the error message: Could not open: jenkins-2.249.1-1.1.noarch.rpm error: gpg check failed. Why do I get this error message and ...
Swadhin Lenka's user avatar
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Why is rhel8 aws systemd service throws No such file or directory error even when file exists?

I have a systemd service define on rhel8 [Unit] Description=Apache Kafka - ZooKeeper Documentation= [Service] Type=simple EnvironmentFile=/app/bin/...
md1980's user avatar
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Upgrade to php 7 and apache 2.4 from php 5.3 and apache 2.2 in Amazon EC2

I have a legacy system in which Apache 2.2.34 (linux) is installed along with php 5.3.29 (CLI). I just want to upgrade my apache to 2.4.x so that I will be able to use php 7. I have tried searching ...
MrGoogle's user avatar
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Initd permission denied

I'm new to Linux and AWS I'm trying to set up an initd script as this code in this gist but getting the following error message, which I think related to permissions but I don't understand what thing ...
mapping dom's user avatar
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Error ORA-12162 when connecting Node.js to Oracle Database

I'm using nodejs (running in an amazon EC2 instance with the RHEL linux distro) with node-oracledb to attempt to connect to an external oracle db. However, whenever I attempt to make a connection I ...
Eli's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Make a Linux 'service' start automatically on server reboot

We have some custom container services running on RHEL EC2 instances. Would like to know how to make these services start automatically on reboot of the instance or when I stop and start the instance?...
gotviseryon's user avatar
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How to install Rust toolset on RHEL in EC2? [duplicate]

I tried installing Rust Toolset to get Cargo: yum install rust-toolset-7 No package rust-toolset-7 available. I also tried: subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-devtools-rpms Error: '...
Joe's user avatar
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error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 while installing GDAL for Python3 on AWS EC2

I'm trying to install GDAL to use with Python 3 on an AWS EC2 Amazon2 machine (RHEL7). Following the instructions on this page: Install GDAL on Python 2.7 on a Amazon Linux virtual server I managed to ...
Shakedk's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Moving Existing Directories to a new EBS Volume in AWS (Red Hat)

I have an EC2 instance with a 20GB root volume. I attached an additional 200GB volume for partitioning to comply with DISA/NIST 800-53 STIG by creating separate partitions for directories such as /...
Greg's user avatar
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How to install Octave on rhel fedora based Amazon EC2 instance?

How to install Octave on Amazon EC2 instance? The configuration of the EC2 instance is as follows: First, I created a tmp directory and downloaded the EPEL rpm in the tmp directory and installed the ...
James's user avatar
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AWS EC2 RHEL upgrade from 6 to 7

Is it possible to upgrade from RHEL 6 to RHEL 7 on an EC2 instance ? The standard upgrade path suggested by rhel here requires that the machine is registered to receive updates from Subscription ...
praveen.chandran's user avatar
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I want a support company to do remote administration using SSH on our AWS EC2 instance (RHEL) using 2 factor authentication. How do i achieve this?

The supplier is based at different site and needs to connect over the internet. So the connection needs to be secure. We have a Web app firewall (WAF) i know we need to open port 22. I have looked ...
Architect 's user avatar
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Docker installation on AWS EC2 (RHEL) is not working

I am attempting to install Docker on an AWS EC2 instance that has RHEL 7.3. I get - ec2-user@ip-172-31-14-68:~$ sudo yum install -y docker Loaded plugins: amazon-id, rhui-lb, search-disabled-repos No ...
ksoop's user avatar
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Force Webpage to be Inaccessible on AWS EC2

I have a website that is being hosted in an AWS EC2 instance. I am using AWS RHEL (the default EC2 option). Currently, my hosted site (on the instance) is located at: /var/www/public_html/...
Jsleshem's user avatar
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Installing Jenkins on RHEL 6 getting error "No valid crumb was included in the request"

I've just installed Jenkins on an AWS EC2. However when I go to configure Jenkins from the browser I get the following error immediately after I select install recommended plugins: An error occurred ...
mosawi's user avatar
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Creating an iso of a RHEL instance

I have an amazon ec2 instance with RHEL 7.3 on it. I would like to convert this into an iso so that I can migrate it wherever I want. What are the best tools to create an iso of a virtual machine. Or ...
codec's user avatar
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SSH error from Putty with EC2 private AMI

I have been passed a few private AMI's (created from RHEL AMI's) with a view to spin up clones of these EC2 servers in another VPC So launched new instances from these AMI's and used an exiting PEM ...
JoeShmoe's user avatar
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2 votes
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Difference between AWS Community AMI RHEL and Marketplace RHEL?

We have a AWS community AMI for RHEL provided by Red Hat then why one must go to AWS MarketPlace to have a RHEL subscription? What is the difference between the two; RHEL Community AMI (provided by ...
Abhishek Sakhuja's user avatar
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phpmyadmin forbidden in Red Hat Enterprise Linux running on Amazon Web Services EC2

I am unable to access phpmyadmin in my server. I'm getting Forbidden. Os version : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3 (Maipo) I have checked answers in stackoverflow but, I'm unable to ...
rahul's user avatar
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MSSQL with nginx on AWS EC2 having RHEL

I would want to connect my Laravel application to an SQL Server. Locally, it's all fine and perfect. However following same steps on AWS EC2 does not give the required result. Instead I am stuck with '...
Navin Nagpal's user avatar
-1 votes
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EC2 Private IP changes on every server restart

We have a RHEL 7.2 EC2 instance and we are trying to install Oracle 12C EE server. We have assigned an Elastic IP to the instance to make sure that the Public IP address does not change when we ...
user182944's user avatar
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cannot install ezproxy on ec2 instance

not able to install ezproxy on ec2 instance there seems to be problem because it has a public and private ip. i used this method for installation from url
chandra's user avatar
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Installing g++ 5 on Amazon Linux

I'm trying to install g++ 5.x on an EC2 instance running Amazon Linux; in Amazon's central repository the latest version is 4.8.3. What configuration to can I make to allow yum to find a newer gcc-c++ ...
Lukas Palmer's user avatar
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How to recreate ec2-user home directory

I permanently deleted my ec2-user home directory on my rhel instance on amazon ec2 Thankfully I am still logged into my server I don't have any backup copies of the directory or snapshots I know I ...
u530891's user avatar
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AWS EC2 RHEL 7.1 console output doesn't show cloud-init's output

It seems that the instances started from RHEL 7.1 AMIs does not write the SSH fingerprint into the system log (exactly nothing from cloud-init's output), therefore I can't use the 'Get System Log' ...
Márton Sereg's user avatar
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On AWS EC2 Linux RHEL all PHP files are executing, except for index.php

I am lost on this one. I have setup an AWC EC2 RHEL server, and installed php and apache. Everything seems to work except for the fact that the index.php file will not execute. All other *.php files ...
newms87's user avatar
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why is ec2 free tier being charged [closed]

I launched a t2.micro instance which at the time of launch clearly stated free tier eligible. It is a RHEL7 system on which I then installed some usual software such as Java, Tomcat, nginx etc. In ...
arahant's user avatar
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Modify SSH Warning: Root Login Not Permitted

I'm attempting to modify the SSH warning thrown out by an Amazon instance while logging in as root. This is what I get: "Please login as the user "ec2-user" rather than the user "root"." Where is ...
EightB1ts's user avatar
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Amazon EC2 || RHEL || Connection refused on port 22 after reboot

I am aware that this question is asked many times in forums and I have tried all solutions mentioned in them, but no luck. Actually, I doubt when last time I was trying to replace the /etc/sysconfig/...
vikas's user avatar
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default instance storage for m1.small does not exist

I ran df -h and got: /dev/xvde1 6.0G 1.9G 4.1G 32% / none 828M 0 828M 0% /dev/shm and cat /etc/fstab: LABEL=_/ / ext4 defaults 1 1 /dev/...
Jack's user avatar
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augeas not recognizing file in tmp directory

I am having issue with Augeas on my redhat ec2. I recently started using this API, so far used only for changes in /etc/ directory. Here is OS that I used. OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server ...
user3330284's user avatar
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hue installation error on AWS EC2

Hello I am trying to install Hue on AWS EC2 instance. Following below link. While doing step make apps I am getting below error. [WARNING] Rule 1: org.apache....
user3330284's user avatar
2 votes
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Neo4j on Amazon EC2 - Not accessible from remote machines

I am currently attempting to get neo4j installed properly on an EC2 instance with RHEL. Currently I can not hit the server on port 7474 from a browser to see the neo4j webadmin or browser. As of ...
Sourcebenders's user avatar
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aws ec2 iptables port 80 (http)

I recently setup an ec2 Instance (RHEL) on Amazon Web Services. I am having trouble getting it to respond to http requests. I understand that port 80 (http) needs to be added to the inbound rules in ...
Jason Fingar's user avatar
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EC2 instance launched from AMI not reachable(ssh) after start/stop or reboot

When we launch an instance from an AMI. At first the instance is accessible(ssh). Once we stop/start the instance or reboot it the machine becomes inaccessible via ssh,we can ping it though. We see ...
Ashwani Kumar's user avatar