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How can I resolve the error 'TagInfo' was not declared in this scope?

I am working on an RFID project using the MFRC522 and Ethernet libraries. My code is encountering a compilation error, and I am not sure how to resolve it. Here is the specific error message: ...
Krutika Renake's user avatar
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RFID WL-134A Hex Decoding Arduino

I've got an animal tag reader connected to an Arduino module, and have successfully got data reading in thanks to user red_car but I'm having issues with the tag ids being incorrect, it seems to pass ...
RyanMe321's user avatar
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How to write and read int value in ultralight NTAG

i want to write int value in rfid tag using rc522 module. i have a example of program to write string in rfid. but i getting difficulty to write int value. How to solve this issue? #include <SPI....
prabhakar panchal's user avatar
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how to make the balance remain stored in the RFID 522?

I have a problem. I have an RFID 522 that I use to communicate via "Serial." When I swipe the card, it stores a value of $100, and every time I swipe the card again, it consistently ...
Benjamin Veras's user avatar
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Measure how much time an NFC tag stays on RC522

I'm trying to measure of much time does a specific NFC tag stays on the RC522 reader through an ESP32. I'm using MFRC522.h library to use the RFID module, but I don't know what some functions do as it'...
Arzo's user avatar
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How to send information from RFID-RC522 module to android phone via NFC?

I'm trying to send temperature and humidity data using arduino to a android smartphone via NFC. I set up the circuit using a DHT11 sensor to measure data, and RFID-RC522 module to read data when using ...
neymar santos's user avatar
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Why is my RFID card not being recognized by my reader?

I have an RFID-RC522 module that I recently purchased from a hobby store, it came with a key fob and a card. I was experimenting with it last night and was working just fine using Raspberry Pi Pico, ...
George's user avatar
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ID12LA example code not working on Arduino Leonardo

I am trying to get the following code running on an Arduino Leonardo (because it has native usb) and it doesn't work. It doesn't even print anything to the serial monitor. When I try it with an ...
Uranhjorten's user avatar
-1 votes
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ESP32: Add micro sd card reader on 2nd SPI bus

I am trying to create a music box for my son, but i am having some trouble getting the SD card to work. The idea is that when we scan a RFID tag we should get the corresponding mp3 file from the SD ...
Boguz's user avatar
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How can i write a long string to a RFID tag using arduino?

Hey i would like to write a long string like "Hello my name is james and i live in NewYork" in a rfid Tag using arduino. The code for writing in a single block is the following one but i can ...
koko's user avatar
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This is going to be pretty specific to this one ESP32 board, TTGO TDISPLAY. I am able to get the RC522 working with other ESP32's. For reference of SPI pins on this board:
Pat K.'s user avatar
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Switching JavaFX Scene when RFID-Card is on reader (Arduino)

I am working on a project for school right now and the task is to develope a Desktop-application for a fake hospital. The application is used to store and display medical records of patients. ...
Dboy0Z's user avatar
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RFID Reads PCD_Authenticate() failed: Timeout in communication

I am using an Arduino Uno and I am trying to read a RFID tag with a RC522 RFID Reader Module. The module is connected to the Uno like this: RFID Module with Arduino I have downloaded and installed the ...
Proto Adamantium Alloy's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is there anyway we could use the data from rfid to fetch something from another website? [closed]

I made this project for my final project which is reading data from RFID and sending this ID to web PHP using Nodemcu Ardino.I actually want to assign some data to this unique ID and once this ID is ...
Shiraz jaf's user avatar
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Communication failure RFID reader and Arduino uno wifi rev 2

All similar questions, don't solve my problem its possible that Rfid ≪Mfrc522.H≫ Won't Work With New Arduino Uno Wifi Rev2 ¿? SPI interface is the same that Rev 3 ¿? I have a problem with the RFID ...
Carlos Noé's user avatar
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ESP8266 (Nodemcu) + PN532 (RFID) + ST7735 (Display) in one setup possible?

I am trying to get an RFID-Reader (PN532) to work with a display, so it is shown there, who has scanned his RFID-Card. The problem I ran into was, that 2 pins (D7 HMOSI) and (D5 HSLCK) are used by ...
FunnyO's user avatar
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Can I store 16 digit card number and its 4-digit pin temporarily in Arduino Mega?

I have an RFID RC522 reader which reads 16-digit card number and a mini keyboard attached to Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3 which reads 4-digit Pin Number. Now I have attached a ESP-8266 Wi-Fi module in order ...
Saulat Gondal's user avatar
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Understanding how to read UID from RFID Arduino

I was wondering if someone could help comment on each line and go through the process of this code I found online? I seem quite confused especially with the ternary operator used. I would like to use ...
Angelo Juanico's user avatar
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Arduino RC 522 write and read data

I'm working on Arduino RC 522 RFID module. I'm want to write some data in the RFID card and read that data to operate a relay. So is that possible? I want to store integer data in the RFID CARD(13....
Rover_bot's user avatar
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Arduino Serial Buffer Flooding When Reading is Delayed using Pyserial

I'm working on a project where an RFID-RC522 reader reads an RFID card, pulls that read number in, and relays in out via serial. The code for that is as follows: #include <SPI.h> #include <...
Jason Ellis's user avatar
-2 votes
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Convert a MFRC522 arduino chip to an USB device [closed]

I'm tying to convert a MFRC522 arduino chip to an USB device so as to use it natively on windows (with a cli or software) and without an Arduino. I don't know if I was clear (sorry for my bad english)....
jadoubanou's user avatar
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I'm unable to connect ATtiny85 and EM18(RFID reader)

Here is the code in Arduino online editor #include <SoftwareSerial.h> char tag1[12]={"123456789123"}; char tag2[12]={"123456789456"}; char var[12]={"000000000000"}...
Ajit's user avatar
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RFID Array Parameter to Python

We want to implement a chessboard, where RFID reader send the information, which square is being lifted up. Normally we are getting an array from the Arduiner (RFID Reader) [['bR', 'bN', 'bB', 'bQ', '...
Marc212021's user avatar
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2 answers

Arduino Uno, PLX-DAQ and 125Khz RFID reader problem

Project largely working. Have a 125Khz RFID module on an Arduino Uno, with SD card module and and RTC, all working nicely and passing data via PLX-DAQ to Excel and storing data to SD card. I need a ...
Saul's user avatar
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Get UID from NFC Card on ESP32

I am having a bit of trouble reading an NFC card with an ESP32 (using Arduino IDE). I'm using PN532 module, which works pretty well. So far my code looks like: #include <SPI.h> #include <...
Andrew Taylor's user avatar
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How can i get UID RFID to textfield form Laravel

so i have a project laravel with RFID. when i want to post data, it require UID form RFID reader. but error looks like URL not found on server? how can i fix this? can anyone help me? this is my ...
Muhammad Hidayat's user avatar
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Troubleshooting MFRC522 RFID module on STM32

I've got the MFRC522 (datasheet here) RFID module and Nucleo board (F411RE). I've tried to find a library for this module which would be made for STM32 but I haven't been successful. I've found few ...
Antonín Dolejš's user avatar
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Is there need any other file or code in RFID to unlock windows

Here I upload this code in my Arduino Leonardo circuit but when I scanned my card on RFID sensor windows locked successfully but when I scanned card on lock screen there is error occur that incorrect ...
Punit Patel's user avatar
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Arduino RFID (MFRC522) problem - stops reading tags after some time

For some time I wanted to have an Arduino controlled light switcher for outdoors and few weeks ago I created it, but I have problems with it. I needed to have a RFID reader outside, that switches ...
user14972314's user avatar
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RFID can't read tag ID and data at the same time

Win-10, Arduino IDE 1.8.13, Arduino NANO, MFRC522 Library. All code based on the provided library samples. GOAL: I want to read the card ID + read + write to a card without having to remove and re-...
user avatar
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Need a little help to fix an Arduino RFID program

I just extracted the problematic part of my program, I use RFID.h and SPI.h, I just want to know how to read on a RFID card (written with an android phone) I only write one letter : R, G, B, Y, ... (...
neoteknic's user avatar
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ESP32 RFID RC522 - Firmware version 0x0 + communication error

So I'm using an ESP32 with a TTGO display (see image below for pinout) and I want to use the RC522 RFID module, however, I'm getting a communication error and the firmware version is unknown. I'm ...
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Arduino C++ String variables with RFID

I'm trying to scan a RFID tag to add it to a variable string named RFID1. However, it keeps saying access denied as if it were still in the main loop when scanning the RFID card when it is in a do ...
Keelan's user avatar
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arduino yun and rfid shield compatibility

I bought an arduino yun together with this board reading some posts it seems that they are not compatible because of ...
andymo's user avatar
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NFC If Statement C++

I am trying to do an if statement with my MFRC522 module for Arduino so that it can spin some motors with a certain NFC card. I have added below some code that I have tried to get it to work with ...
Brendan Jowett's user avatar
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speed calculation using RFID reader and arduino no

I have 2 RFID readers and 1 Arduino UNO. RFID will have 2 positions START and END. when I pass my tag through START it should start calculating time and end until it reaches the END position. START ...
programyer's user avatar
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arduino serial monitor shows no value

I have interfaced EM-18 RFID module with Arduino uno, and it had worked well. But now the same code and connections doesn't giving me output in the serial monitor. Can someone help me!!! The code is ...
Albin P Antony's user avatar
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how can I store the uid of my rfid card in a string?

I am a big noob at C++ and arduino, but that doesn't stop me from attempting cool projects. I have an arduino mega 2560 v3. I am tying to make a simple rfid scanner so when the right card is scanned, ...
Craig of the Craft's user avatar
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Why won't my Arduino Uno run my door locking code?

Sorry for the messy code, but I was wondering if anyone knows why it can't be run on my Arduino Uno? It's for a locking door controlled by RFID and IR remote respectively, and it stopped working for ...
Louis's user avatar
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I keep getting a compilation error on Arduino IDE using MFRC522 RFID saying that it needs a data type

I have been using the standard code for Arduino to get this RFID to work #include <SPI.h> #include <MFRC522.h> #define SS_PIN 10 #define RST_PIN 9 MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN); // ...
thatsaxyguymike's user avatar
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Python-Arduino Serial Half-Duplex: Arduino reads previous serial input instead of current

I am using Python 3.7.5 with the latest version of serial library. I am trying to make an RFID authentication device via python and arduino. User has to scan their ID in the RFID connected to the ...
Rex Endozo's user avatar
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How to detect rfid tag absence with Arduino?

I need to scan 2 RFID readers using an Arduino and share the Tag ID over serial. I also need to detect when no tag is on the reader and this will trigger something in my Processing code. The first ...
troglodisme's user avatar
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RFID-RC522 not reading all cards

I have used Arduino UNO with RFID-RC522 I'm using library Wiring : 3.3 V -> 3.3 V RST -> 9 GND -> GND MISO -> 12 MOSI -> 11 SCK -> 13 SDA -...
Santosh Giri's user avatar
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How to stop multiple RFID reads?

I am quite new to Arduino and programming, so I beg you for patience. I am using 2 RFIDs with Arduino Mega and 2 servo motors and one OLED display. So the idea is that when I put specific RFID tag at ...
td45129's user avatar
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Coding help for Arduino RFID activated Anti-Bike-Theft System

I am super new to coding and Arduino and I was wondering if you could help me with my code. I am trying to make a RFID activated bike theft alarm. I started with the basics of coding a system ...
Cpt.J's user avatar
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How to encode a NFC chip with a website URL using a RC522 Module

I am trying to encode a websites URL into my NFC chip, however, I don't have an android to write this data into the chip. I was wondering if the RC522 module can write an URL data into the chip so ...
AR- Juan's user avatar
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Saving the RFID details on phpmyadmin using Arduino( via Xampp)

I am recreating a project mentioned here! The RFID and Arduino pick up the data and it says the data has been added to the database, but it does not for some reason. I don't think the PHP file is ...
Bikash Pokharel's user avatar