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Ruby POST multipart/form-data results in 302 Found

I am trying to upload a csv file to my endpoint. I tried doing this and resulting in 302 Found. Tried other solution mentioned here: Multipart POST Ruby HTTPS but same results. First option using net/...
Esh Val's user avatar
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How to get webpage body using ruby after passing form data

Basically to get the body of webpage i used to do this. require "rest-client" url="" test=RestClient.get(url) But now the webpage has setup an authentication step. On entering the correct ...
Rishav's user avatar
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Ruby Rest-Client for writing invoice API

I'm new to Ruby and trying to use the Ruby gem 'rest-client' to access the REST API of my accounting system, I am able to connect via tokens and e.g. fetch customer details - so far, so ...
Martin's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Pass parameters in RestClient post request

I want to send parameters with a POST request using the RestClient gem (but I don't want to pass the params as JSON). In a GET request, I would have: url = "
Graham Slick's user avatar
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POST request to HTTPS using Net::HTTP

This POST request using Ajax works perfectly: var token = "my_token"; function sendTextMessage(sender, text) { $.post('', { recipient: {id: sender}, ...
Graham Slick's user avatar
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How do I use RestClient to post as URL params?

I am posting to an API which accepts CURL as follows: curl -v -X POST "" -d 'input=frustrated&user_key=3b9ccb48e734fce6b982a9c1c2cef301' I have tried the following with an error: ...
Satchel's user avatar
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3 answers

Rest-client POST without a payload

I am trying to POST using Rest-Client gem in Ruby, and I keep getting a return from the web service as Error 414 Unsupported Media Type, because I am setting the payload argument as '' Example ...
user3486868's user avatar
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RestClient.put error in Ruby

I am trying to do a RestClient.put in Ruby for a highchart graphic but I see that this is not replicated. Also first I have a and works fine but the problem is then with the put. At ...
user2668530's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Ruby rest-client file upload as multipart form data with basic authenticaion

I understand how to make an http request using basic authentication with Ruby's rest-client response = => :get, :url => @base_url + path, :user => @sid, :...
Robin's user avatar
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1 vote
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How to POST binary data using Rest Client?

I am trying to read in an audio file of type wav or amr from a HTML form using Rest Client. I have the code to do this in PHP. $filename = $_FILES['f1']['name']; public function getFile($filename) { ...
user1455140's user avatar
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getting internal server error using rest-client in ruby to post to HTTP POST

this is my code and I don't know how to debug it because I just get an "internal server error": I am trying to HTTP POST to an external ASPX: def upload uri = '
Satchel's user avatar
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