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How to use Mailgun with HTTParty in Rails

I want to use Mailgun with HTTParty in Rails: "https://api:key-###"\ "", from: from_email, to: to_email, subject: title, html: ...
Baig Hyunwoo's user avatar
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Trouble to make a request with httparty

I'm using rest-client to make some request in a API, inside my automation scenarios with cucumber. I'm trying to change the gem to Httparty but I can not do it. url_login = "" ...
Henrique Franco's user avatar
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need to persist cookies in Ruby ala Python's 'requests' library Session() object

So I have a Python script that's working successfully to call a series of URLs with get and post requests, which eventually results in an authentication token I can use for further work. The Python ...
ether_joe's user avatar
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How do I view the response cookies from a HTTParty get request?

I'm using httparty to do a GET request to a certain website. I need the response cookies in order to successfully make a POST request to login. rest_client makes it really easy, all I have to do is: ...
narzero's user avatar
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work around Ruby's broken URI.parse, follow redirects

I am using Ruby to scrape webpages that sometimes return redirects which I want to follow. There is many Ruby gems that do that, but there is a problem: Ruby's URI.parse explodes on some URIs that ...
levinalex's user avatar
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