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make a request using curl, equivalent to a REST_CLIENT request

I'm using the following request in Curl curl -X GET -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXX' -H 'RowId: 100' -i '' and the request using ...
Frank Vielma's user avatar
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Proper way to upload a doc to FSCrawler for indexing in Elasticsearch

I'm prototyping a Rails application to upload documents to FSCrawler (running the REST interface), to incorporate into an Elasticsearch index. Using their example, this works: response = `curl -F "...
David Krider's user avatar
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1 answer

How to convert a cURL multipart/form-data POST request to ruby request using rest-client?

I have to implement the curl POST request listed below in Ruby using Rest-Client so that I can upload a file to my server. curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' --header 'Accept: ...
letsbondiway's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to convert a CURL request to Ruby Gem HTTPClient

I am trying to convert this CURL request: curl \ -F 'slideshow_spec={ "images_urls": [ "<IMAGE_URL_1>", "<IMAGE_URL_2>", "<IMAGE_URL_3>" ], "...
WagnerMatosUK's user avatar
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Ruby request headers but also a ?tag=tag

I am trying to send an API call to consul using a ruby script and I have a command that should be close to what I need but I can't get the rest to work. RestClient::Request.execute(method: :get, url: ...
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Rest client post with username and password

curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'password: password' \ --header 'username: user' \ --data '{"app_key":"my_app_key","app_secret":"my_app_secret"}' I am ...
Awlad Liton's user avatar
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Post Request from client With Proper Headers Always return 401- UnAuthorized

Am a newbie to ruby. I am trying to invoke a REST API from ruby code. I have tried the code with both as standalone ruby code and inside a application using sinatra. But am facing same issue every ...
balaaagi's user avatar
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2 answers

curl request in ruby RestClient

The fastbill API states in its docu to make this curl request in order to receive information: curl -v -X POST \ –u {E-Mail-Adresse}:{API-Key} \ -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ -d '{xml body}'...
DonMB's user avatar
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curl type and ruby rest client

I am not able to translate the curl command into ruby rest-client curl 'http://localhost:8080/../attachments' -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "CMD-Authorization: xxxx" -X POST -F attachment=...
serfol's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to send data in a post request with RestClient

I'm trying to mimic a curl request using the RestClient Ruby gem, and so far, I've been having a lot of trouble trying to send in a payload. My curl request looks something like this curl URL -X ...
rboling's user avatar
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Rails: How to send file from S3 to remote server

I've been hunting around and can't seem to find a good solution for this. My Rails app stores it's files in Amazon S3. I now need to send them to a remote (3rd party) service. I'm using RestClient to ...
BoomShadow's user avatar
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Ruby rest-client returning 401 while curl command works

I have a working curl command which returns exactly what I want, bunch of JSON: curl -D- -u username:password -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Jakub Zak's user avatar
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How to convert curl code to ruby

I'm in trouble to convert the curl code below to ruby using Rest-Client library. curl code: curl https://my_url -u user_token: -F "data[price]=$ 100,00" Ruby code that I tried without success: ...
the_bear's user avatar
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make a request using REST_CLIENT, equivalent to a curl request

I am trying to make this curl request using rest_client, and I keep getting it wrong. How can I do it? curl request: it is working well and returning an access token from yahoo. curl -u "<...
ben's user avatar
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Using RestClient instead of curl -- how do I do that?

I am trying to use RestClient to do the following which is currently in Curl: curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"contacts" : [1111],"text" : "Testing"}' https://api.sendhub....
Satchel's user avatar
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2 answers

Ruby equivalent of this curl command

curl -s -XPOST localhost:9200/_bulk --data-binary @filename.json I am looking at RestClient gem and cant figure out how to do this. I need this for making a bulk request to elasticsearch.
rubyprince's user avatar
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Rest-Client: how to post multipart/form-data?

I have to implement the curl POST request below listed, in Ruby, using Rest-Client. I have to: send params in header; send params (that do not contain a file) as multipart/form-data: $ curl -X ...
Giorgio Robino's user avatar
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1 answer

Ruby Multi-part Form Upload with RestClient

I'm working on a ruby application, and am trying to upload a file to I have it working with the curl call curl -H "Authorization: BoxAuth api_key=<...
Pyro2927's user avatar
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Ruby - Uploading a file using RestClient post

I have a cURL that I am trying to translate into Ruby. the cURL is this: curl -i -k -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: token" -H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" -H "Content-Length: 44062" --...
Adrian's user avatar
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1 answer

http requests time out with ruby (net/http and rest-client) but fast with curl + py

I'm calling a java service via its http endpoint (embedded jetty). The service handles async http requests with a timeout of 5s, and reliably works when I call it from the browser with url params, or ...
nflacco's user avatar
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3 answers

Re-factoring a CURL request to Ruby's RestClient

I'm having trouble translating this CURL request into Ruby using RestClient: system("curl --digest -u #{@user}:#{@pass} '#{@endpoint}/#{id}' --form image_file=@'#{path}' -X PUT") I keep getting 400 ...
user94154's user avatar
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How can I use a PEM certificate with password?

I'm having plenty of trouble trying to use a certificate that has a password on ruby. I'm using rest-client, but that's not a requirement. This is the cURL-equivalent of the call I need to make: ...
MarceloJ's user avatar
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RestClient for Ruby with api - Curl to RestClient

the api I'm working with is here: I'm able to log in fine and get back an auth token, but cant figure out how to do anything that requires a token. I get back a forbidden response when I try to get ...
Johnny Brown's user avatar
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