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How to programatically launch and attach to RenderDoc?

RenderDoc has an in-application API that can be used to programatically start and end captures. If I understand the documentation correctly, my application needs to have been opened from within ...
junglie85's user avatar
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Renderdoc crash on compute shader debug with more bindings than required

Graphics: Vulkan (Godot 3.4 - C# edition) Problem: I have multiple classes responsible for different compute shaders and uniform sets. I sometimes need to use one class' uniform set in another's ...
Seby's user avatar
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rendering pdf using Quarto

I'm having an issue with inserting parameter values into a Quarto document. Despite defining a parameter in the YAML header, the document renders the literal text r params$name instead of substituting ...
AdamsConchallos's user avatar
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How to debug shader (OpenGL) per pixel in nsight graphic like render doc

In renderdoc, It's easy .But this feature doesn't support Opengl So I try to use Nsight. But I don't know how to do can I reproduce this operation in nsight. Its interface is too complex,and I also ...
bad apple's user avatar
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How do I use glClipControl[EXT] in OpenGLES?

Can't figure out how do I use glClipControl or glClipControlEXT in OpenGLES? Which one is available in OpenGLES? Does it go from some extension? Why isn't it listed here
Dmitriano's user avatar
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RenderDoc does not connect to OpenGL API

RenderDoc is able to detect OpenGL API in running application, but shows me following screen: I've already changed the OpenGL context version (from 4.6 to 3.3) and enabled Core Profile following way: ...
A. Lukyanov's user avatar
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QOpenGLWidgets do not draw anything in application but draw normally in RenderDoc Frame Capture

I made a Qt Application to preview 3D model. I use QOpenGLWidget to draw the triangles, with the core profile OpenGL v3.3. The shader compiler does not output any errors, and application run ...
Kpure1000's user avatar
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Is there any way to display buffer contents in float by renderdoc?

I am learning vulkan and I passed a ubo to shader. When I look over the buffer contents of that ubo by renderdoc, I get the contents in hexadecimal. hexadecimal image. This is the ubo. layout(binding=...
tsogzark's user avatar
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5 answers

RenderDoc inject into Google chrome failing

Hi so I am trying to start chrome with white tab(no graphical api) following this Google maps to 3D model tutorial and part of it instructs to inject RenderDoc into Google chrome but the injection is ...
candpythonprogrammer's user avatar
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Why there is no output to the framebuffer's textures?

Here is the code: int main(){ //init gl environment //... //create textures for pass 1 GLuint normal_color_output; glCreateTextures(GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE, 1, &...
SZYoo's user avatar
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rust vulkan, normals are messed up

I am trying to render a gltf model with ash (vulkan) in rust. I sent all my data to the gpu and I am seeing this: Naturally my suspicion is that the normal data is wrong. So I checked with renderdoc: ...
Makogan's user avatar
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diffrence between std140 and std430 layout

I have trouble with differences between layout std140 and std430. this is my code of struct in .Cpp struct Particle { glm::vec3 position = glm::vec3(0); float density = 1; }; for (int z = 0; ...
mq s's user avatar
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Nsight Graphics and RenderDoc cannot trace application

I am stuck writing a Vulkan renderer. The final output I see on the screen is only the clear color, animated over time, but no geometries. Even with all possible validation turned on I dont get any ...
Samwise's user avatar
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How does one use the .sig file for these Renderdoc Windows builds?

For verifying builds of Renderdoc using the publisher's public key, verifying the Linux binary tarball works as expected; I run gpg --import ./baldurk-pubkey.asc and then gpg --verify renderdoc_1.18....
FilmCoder's user avatar
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Vulkan dynamic rendering, nothing seems to be getting rasterized

I am trying to render using the dynamic rendering extension, to this effect I am trying to render just a triangle with these 2 shaders: #version 450 layout(location = 0) in vec2 inPosition; layout(...
Makogan's user avatar
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Replicating environment from renderdoc to debug

I have a strange issue, a vulkan application I am writing seemingly runs fine when run from the terminal. But if run from renderdoc an assertion inside the official .hpp header triggers. Since this ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Unity compute shader debug using RenderDoc not working

I'm trying to debug a compute shader using RenderDoc with Unity. Currently, my "debug" option is greyed out: I've had a look around and came across this forum post which leads to nowhere: ...
Jimmy Diddler's user avatar
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Renderdoc statistics overlay appearing when running executable without renderdoc

When using Renderdoc to debug my Vulkan applications, I have noticed that when I execute the application normally somehow Renderdoc is also running and producing the statistics overlay on the window. ...
MaximV's user avatar
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Grid mesh looks fine under mvp operation, but not in orthogonal projection

I have these 2 shaders: #version 450 #extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable layout(location = 0) in vec3 in_position; layout(binding = 0) uniform MVPOnlyUbo { mat4 model; mat4 ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Vulkan compute shader copy from image2D result to sampler2D for next frame

I am trying to post process image with compute shader, and use previous frame's color in the current computations. I need sampler2D to access interpolation operations, even though it doesn't seem like ...
Toothery's user avatar
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Vulkan line drawing not showing up

So I would like to render the bounding box of a selected object. I have a buffer to store the 8 points and another buffer to store the indices to use line strip drawing of those points to make a box. ...
user1675629's user avatar
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Using renderdoc, how do I find the winding of a triangle in the mesh viewer?

I feel really stupid asking this, but I can't seem to find any way to figure this out. I was having issues with my render pass in Vulkan and eventually tracked it to the winding (clockwise vs ...
Andrew Lentvorski's user avatar
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Vulkan Depth buffer is either 0 or 1. Never inbetween

I am having a problem with the depth buffer/test not working. When I check with RenderDoc I see that the depth buffer is always just 1 where an object has been rendered: depth_example. I am expecting ...
Stuart's user avatar
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RenderDoc does not show buffer contents while debugging Vulkan

I'm building a game engine which for now is made to render a basic triangle on the screen. It uses a color attachment, depth attachment and the swap chain image view when creating the frame buffer and ...
D-RAJ's user avatar
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Can't load Cg shaders when RenderDoc is attached in OpenGL

I'm trying to debug my OpenGL game using RenderDoc, but if I launch from RenderDoc, then no graphics are shown and Cg outputs errors on startup. How can I get RenderDoc to work with my game? I get a ...
Oogst's user avatar
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WebGL inspect images in samplers (similar to Renderdoc)? [closed]

Is there a debugging tool in any browser, as an extension or otherwise, or any tool, that I could use to visualize the image loaded into a 2d sampler in GLSL? Essentially something that has the same ...
Makogan's user avatar
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How to create debugging markers in OpenGL?

I'm trying to debug some OpenGL 3.3+ graphics code using RenderDoc and I would like to define some debug markers for render passes that can be recognised by RenderDoc. I use GLEW and I tried to use ...
bishopp's user avatar
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How do I set names for "sections" for renderdoc to show?

E.g. I want all GL calls between point A and point B to be nested in a section called "Gaussianblur" in RenderDoc.
Stefan Monov's user avatar
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Render Doc fails to launch my application

I have an executable file saved in the Debug folder of my Microsoft VS C++ project, the program runs fine when i double click on it and it basically shows me a 3D model that i can hover the camera ...
BulBul's user avatar
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Writing to an image using imageStore in OpenGL

Currently I am trying to write to an image using imageStore in OpenGL. However, using renderdock as my debugger, I find only a black texture after running my program. I create and bind the image to ...
Makogan's user avatar
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RenderDoc. a small value in Mesh Output is an approximation?

Terminology In this post, I refer to this window as Mesh Output. And I refer to this window as Debug vert(). Problem I found that values of TEXCOORD3 and TEXCOORD4 in Mesh Output is not equal to ...
onion mk2's user avatar
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RenderDOC and SDL2

I want to debug my program with RenderDoc. I created my context with the standard SDL_GL_CreateContext function. I get this error when running the application using RenderDoc: Capturing OpenGL. ...
MoustacheSpy's user avatar
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How to use renderdoc in python opengl apps

I'm trying to figure out how to use renderdoc to debug some of my python opengl apps. At this moment some of my python opengl tests are using either pyopengl(glut) or pyqt. Here's a couple of minimal ...
BPL's user avatar
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adding the lines of code added from an older branch to the newest version

I have an older version of a repo (renderdoc) (v 0.27) that has been changed by Stephan Ritcher. However it has many bugs which has been fixed by the original author Baldurk in latest version as of ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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How to make renderdocui.exe and scripthookv run in parallel?

I can use renderdocui.exe in administrative mode (with hook into all children checked) to capture frames from GTAV (GTA5) and also I can separately use Script Hook V for modding in GTAV. When I use ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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where is ipy.exe in Windows 10?

I have access to IronPython interactive shell but I don't know where it is installed. Searching for it in the directories yields no result and it is not recognized by cygwin or command prompt as it is ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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ImportError: No module named inspect

I am using renderdocui interactive python shell to import inspect but I get this error: >> import inspect Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module> ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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