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Updating ICal occurrence of VEVENT with RRULE so that calendars open it correctly

I'm defining a recurring event using VEVENT and RRULE, this is my plain series VEVENT definition: BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Test//Meeting//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:...
oliverguenther's user avatar
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Access ServiceM8 Recurring Jobs via API

A client of mine would like to check all his recurring jobs scheduled by the "Recurring Jobs + Reminders" add-on. I tested it but found that until they are activated, they don't appear in ...
Jungle Jiang's user avatar
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How to make "When a file is created or modified (properties only)" trigger use the specified recurrence interval

I have a Power Automate flow that uses the When a file is created or modified (properties only) trigger to run when a file is created or modified in a Sharepoint folder. The flow then sends an email ...
Simon's user avatar
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mysql Duplicate row 50 times but change the date recurring interval

Hi I have a table called work_events ( id, date_time, title). It has 1 row: (1,2024-09-07 11:00, GroupMeeting) No, i want to copy that row like 51 times. the only thing is that the date on each row ...
Mark Donners's user avatar
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PhonePe integration for recurring payment

I'm trying to integrate phone pe's recurring payment / subscription. Using this Document For the Mandate Set Up Flow Subscription is created successfully. Steps #1 and #2 Submit AUTH Request is ...
Srikanth Tony's user avatar
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how to avoid recurring displayed?

I want to create a program that take a word randomly from a list and ask the user to enter a letter, if the letter is in the word it's added or displayed directly to a line called found letters, if it'...
kira's user avatar
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Stripe appears to be billing twice when user createsubcrition Subscription

The issue is if the user subscribes to a product, a charge is created and the amount is deducted from the subscriber. Then the invoice will be generated and at the same time, again the amount will be ...
Expert Dev Designer's user avatar
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Flutterwave recurring payments not working

I have this code to capture subscription payment from flutterwave but it sends to blank page on their server has anyone have a fix or solution my code is below and checkoutcode is from their end https:...
Cope's user avatar
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Paypal Recurring Payments/Subscriptions

I want to integrate paypal into my website for uber type payments, Ex : Get the initial payment and on demand capture recurring payments without customer involvement what API should i use for the ...
Sajeewa's user avatar
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Android Java Recurring notifications best practice

The feature I want to achieve is basically that I want my app to send 1-3 notifcations each day, every day, at approximate times. For example, one notification between 09:00-11:00, one between 13:00-...
theMichael's user avatar
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Recurring periods in java

In java application i have to specify recurring periods just like we schedule recurring meetings in outlook. Some examples are Recurring every Monday from 10:30 to 12:00 Recurring every Sunday from 23:...
Jomy's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Running recurrency tasks in Flutter when application is in background

WorkManager allows us to run recurring background tasks, but not more often than 15 minutes. I would like to run the background task in every minute.
birdemic's user avatar
-1 votes
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Create IPM.OLE.CLASS Exception item in Outlook

I need to create an exception IPM.OLE.CLASS item in Outlook So need to delete or change one appointment instance of a recurring appointment Maybe I could not do it correctly, all have IPM.Note class :(...
Stewart Brown's user avatar
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How to convert Microsoft Recurring Pattern DaysOfWeekMask to a RRULE string

I have Outlook VBA code which runs when a recurring event is added to a calendar. I need to convert the event.GetRecurrencePattern.DaysOfWeekMask to a valid Rrule string. I am creating a weekly ...
Jonathan Small's user avatar
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Newbie needs help incorporating recurring tasks into MS Access database

I am a complete novice to programming and the little I know is self taught from 10 years ago. I have created/am creating a database to track productivity for my team at my new job. I have based it ...
user20572839's user avatar
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Telegram recurring message to one user

I need to send two specific recurring messages to a user in telegram . The first message is followed by the second after some seconds . It will be the same two messages every 10 mn ,everyday ! Example ...
rsRudy's user avatar
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Keep catching same value within map() method recurring

In my project, I have a component for rendering all the records from a table in the database. I'm using map() method to populate the records to the page. The components with values were displayed all ...
Chenchen's user avatar
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Hangfire recurring job causing null reference exeption

I'm new to using hangfire for recurring jobs, and when I'm using them they don't seem to do what I want them to do. When I use RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate("Clear Files", () => ClearFiles(...
nathan10802's user avatar
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Excel custom number format for recurring decimal

I'm trying to make an auto roster spreadsheet with 5-3 and 6-2 weeks rotation, I have successfully used the 1.33 factor in the code below for the 6-2 weeks rotation. If OnSite = (Days * Format(1.33,...
markkeith's user avatar
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Laravel create loop of daily event

Anyone have an idea how can I implement loop of a daily event. In my case, I have 10 event Consider it as event 1, event 2, event 3 and .... How can I make, let say on Monday Event 1 Tuesday Event 2 ...
Unkown Kid's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is there a way to create a recurring function in R to sample 35 sets of 2-digit random numbers

I am currently learning R programming, and I was tasked to generate a set of 20 two-digit random numbers. I know that I can paste sample(0:9, 2, replace=TRUE) in 20 lines, but I was wondering if there'...
star's user avatar
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Find the first Recurring letter in Java

I wrote the code as follows but it doesn't return the first recurring letter properly. Example: In the word "statistics" the recurring letters are s, t, and i. But the letter t recurs sooner ...
PanicKk's user avatar
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How to store and display the customer his payments done on stripe

I have created a check out with different products with subscription in stripe using nodejs and react js. My question is how i will store payments and display them to customers in their dashboard. ...
Yaseen Ahmed's user avatar
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Recurring Fetching in a summary table MIN, MAX, AVERAGE for a specific data set in consecutive worksheets of a workbook

How do I reduce manual work in excel to fetch in a summary table a recurring use of MIN, MAX, AVERAGE for a specific data set in consecutive worksheets of a workbook. The dataset will be different in ...
Nir1's user avatar
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JobRunr - Trying to run multiple recurring jobs with Spring Boot

I am using JobRunr to run my background jobs and in this I am providing the users to setup recurring jobs using an endpoint like below: @PostMapping("/schedule-recurring") public String ...
Rajesh Iyer's user avatar
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How to integrate PayPal subscription in flutter?

Hello all I have searched all over the internet and found one article which shows how to integrate PayPal. But I need how to implement subscription in PayPal like I have some packages and I want that ...
Zain khan's user avatar
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Specific date given only returns today

I am using this code found on Calendar Recurring/Repeating Events - Best Storage Method Can someone please help me to let the script run from a given date? The script works fine, but it always start ...
andernicken's user avatar
2 votes
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The 'Job' field has a null or empty value in Hangfire

In Startup.cs I tried to enqueue recurring job like this: RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(() => Console.WriteLine("test"), Cron.Daily); but received the error: Please help to figure out what I'...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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Customize a recurring PayPal Checkout's "A note from the seller"

Is it possible to edit or remove "A note from the seller" text inside paypal checkout? Or Is there a way to add custom CSS inside the paypal checkout? Screenshot here
JOB's user avatar
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Stripe recurring payment integrate with masterpass

Is there any way to take recurring payment with Masterpass using Stripe? Google pay and Apple pay can take the recurring payment with Stripe by returning the card token for stripe process. Is there ...
Quốc Nguyễn Anh Bảo's user avatar
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Paypal NVP APIs - How to initiate a Bill Payment?

I want to initiate a bill payment with variable amount through API. PayPal shows details on following link how to initiate through interface but I couldn't find relevant API to trigger it ...
tahmed's user avatar
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Return Multiple Dates for Script on Page

I am using the following script to return a date for a web page, however when using this script twice on a page only one date is returned (even when using different IDs). Should I be using an array ...
cb17's user avatar
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Using discount code with recurring payments

What happens if a discount amount is greater than one payment of a recurring payment product? For example, if a discount code of $25 is applied to a product costing $10 per month? Is the discount ...
JnLlnd's user avatar
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google pay implementation mvc web application

I am working on an Asp.Net MVC Core project where we want to implement various payment methods. One of them is google pay. I have gone through the javascript SDK for integration. Is it possible to ...
Eldho George's user avatar
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Create Recuring appointment by Lotus Notes

Can somebody tell me what is wrong here. I am trying to create a recurring appointment; however, the code creates something different (type is not Appointment) and, if I select one created element, it ...
Viktoriusrex's user avatar
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How to move a recurring event to an other calendar in Python using Google Calendar API?

I'm not able with the use of the function .move() in Google Calendar API to move an instance of a recurring event to an other calendar... Any Idea ? My code : def eventmover(calendarId, eventId, ...
Mateleo's user avatar
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Trying to create a discord bot using python to perform recurring task

I'm trying to create a discord bot using python to post my new IP address to discord whenever it changes. My intentions with the below code are that once started it should check the current IP address ...
william paine's user avatar
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How can I get recurring timestamp in JS?

I want to get recurring time in timestamp. For example, 17:00, 17:30, 18:00 and so on. Therefore, each day will have a different timestamp for this watch. How can i do this?
Semeon Boboshko's user avatar
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Excel Formula to Identify 3rd "full" week of Month

I'm creating a workplace calendar which uses formulas to identify the dates of key department events. One event I am trying to create on the calendar is the monthly department Town Hall, which is ...
Kristopher Penland's user avatar
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is there any simplest way to calculate a recurring day?

i have a recurring data that received from database in number format. and i have checkbox which show day with this value: [64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1] // monday to sunday and this is how i redefined ...
Khairul Habib's user avatar
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Paypal recurring payment for custom billing cycle

I am working on a website in PHP that needs custom cycle for paypal recurring payment. Ex: a customer wants to receive a product in every 15 days. So paypal should process billing in every 15 days for ...
Lipan Dutta's user avatar
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Can / should I use past (e.g. monthly) label columns from a database as features in an ML prediction (no time-series!)?

The question: Is it normal / usual / professional to use the past of the labels as features? I could not find anything reliable on this, although it is a basic question. Edited: Please mind, this is ...
questionto42's user avatar
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Revolution Slider show slide only on first visit

is there an option in slider revolution that it shows me the frist slide only at the first visit? Was looking for it everywhere, but couldn't find it... My Plan is, that a first visitor gets to see ...
aczero's user avatar
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Paypal recurring Smart Payment Button

Is it possible with the Smart Payment Button for Paypal recurring payments to pass additional parameters like an invoice id for example. paypal.Buttons({ createSubscription: function(data, ...
user2133694's user avatar
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Is there a way to multiply results in SQL?

I am building a website which populates from a database. I'm testing now, and I'd like to see what my site will look like with a lot of data (mainly so I can watch performance, build out pagination, ...
Brendan's user avatar
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Get recurring events from sharepoint (2010) with powershell + CAML

* EDIT: * Managed to fetch the reccuring events. How do I overcome the year limit? <Value Type='DateTime'> <Year/> </Value> I want to get all items, ...
Shneor's user avatar
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How can I loop with the output variable in the beginning of the loop for my recurring events? PHP

I'm making a function so that I can make recurring events. The first thing I need to do is duplicate the event date at set intervals. For example (August 2, 2019) with 1 week interval will produce; ...
David Woodworth's user avatar
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SQL queries for recurring events from this schema from vertabelo

I'm looking for a solution to implement a recurring events. I found this article and I really like the schema they propose for the DB. My issue is that they don't provide any queries to get the events....
bibout182's user avatar
3 votes
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Paypal subscription integration full cycle missing in documentation?

I already have an implemented CMS system where the user creates the subscription plans. I want to integrate my CMS server with Paypal so when the user creates a plan it will be created on Paypal ...
Mohammad Makahleh's user avatar
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Count duplicates / recurring IDs within 24 hours

I'm trying to count number of comments that each user posted within 24 hours. In other words: count number of duplicates (=user ids) within 24 hours. If count is >= 5 I want to record it. Example (...
Eva's user avatar
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