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Unhandled Exception: LateInitializationError: Field 'recorderController' has not been initialized

Goodday, i have been trying to record audio in the app background using flutter_background service but the record controller keeps saying ' LateInitializationError: Field 'recorderController' has not ...
wale kuye's user avatar
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Designating switch to record Xcode iOS

Hi all, I am trying to build an app for my school project that I am building on Xcode for iOS. The app involves the user being able to save information about their bills. This data is string data and ...
JG2022's user avatar
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Record Other App's Speaker output in iOS App

I am working on an application where I need to record and translate the audio coming out of the speaker while using other application i.e. YouTube or Facebook. I have tried implementing AVFoundation ...
iCoder86's user avatar
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Linphone SDK 5 IOS

Hello every one im using Linphone IOS SDK 5 to build app for sip calls everything is fine now i want do feature to record calls i created path for records func outgoingCall(to number: String, name: ...
Moskwinow's user avatar
0 votes
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Is there any way to record an hls live stream video in safari webview (ionic)?

I'm creating a streaming app with ionic. Is there a way to record a video being played on an iOS system? I need to have a REC button working. I have already searched libs and API but I didn't found ...
Jeliel Augusto's user avatar
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How to save flutter Agora RTC Engine video chat to local storage?

I am using Agora RTC Engine in my flutter app for video chat. I want to record and save that video chat also to the local storage of mobile. Any idea how to do that? I am looking for the code from ...
Tahir's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to record an audio stream for save it in file / swift 4.2

I am creating a radio application for iPhone (coded in Swift 4.2) and I want to add a function allowing me to record and save in a file, the sound produced by my radio (read from an AVPlayer) when I ...
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Using ffmpeg, the function av_find_input_format("avfoundation") return null

I run this code in iPad mini 4 (Model A1538), iOS 11.2.6 Try to record audio by FFmpeg. av_register_all(); avcodec_register_all(); avdevice_register_all(); AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx = ...
guojing's user avatar
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0 answers

MPRemoteCommandCenter not receiving command triggers

I have setup a function like this func setupRemoteCommandCenter(enable: Bool) { do{ try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, mode: ...
Viper8's user avatar
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3 answers

Use FFMPEG to record a RTSP stream to a local file

I'm looking for a snippet (C/ObjC) in which an up-to-date version of FFMPEG is used to capture a RTSP or RTP stream and save it as a .mp4 file onto the device (with a start/stop record button) Almost ...
ggs's user avatar
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about red audio-recording status bar

when I use AVCaptureSession to recode video, I press Home button to put app into background, I received 'UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification' notification and stop record video. but red audio-...
jianchengpan's user avatar
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How to record Audio When video is going

I'm successfully able to record audio by using this code. Now my problem is that there is an option to start video call (Using Twiliio). During video I'm not able to hear anything in my recorded audio....
siva krishna's user avatar
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3 answers

AVCaptureDevice is always null on simulator

I am trying to capture live microphone audio data. I took the following from the apple example for AVCaptureSession. AVCaptureSession *captureSession = [[AVCaptureSession alloc] init]; ...
zyeek's user avatar
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Call recorder without server

I searched the web, and found that there is no call recorder which records calls directly, all the apps call through server and store and play. Is there any clue, such that a call recorder without ...
Shikha Sharma's user avatar
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iOS get buffer while recording audio and play buffer

I want to play on voice call speakers my sound while recording but i dont want to save in file this duration and get buffer as byte array for keep on voip service. How to can i do this any ideas or ...
Erdi YILDIZ's user avatar
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iOS Swift2 recording preparation may create empty/unused files

Overview I found a lag after hitting my "Record" button, so I came up with a solution which causes other problems. My solution is to prepare the audio recorder very often, but this will always create ...
voiceGuy's user avatar
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Error - did not find required record type

So I feel as though I am close to cracking my first CloudKit practice but at the last moment Xcode is unable to find my record type: "DiningTypes". I have no errors or warnings in Xcode. My CloudKit ...
jonpeter's user avatar
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phonegap ios not playing recorded wav

I was successful recording But It failed to play the file. My xcode output message 'Finished recording audio sample' 'recording.wav' I think that the problem of the media path So I entered a variety ...
Seung Beom Kim's user avatar
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Swift audio recording and tableview display

I am having trouble recording audio and displaying it in a tableview. I am able to record and immediately play it back, but the audio doesn't seem to actually be stored to the device permanently, so I ...
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AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate not writing to file, Swift 2

My view controller contains a preview layer, which projects the image from my camera live. When pressing and holding a button, my code is supposed to record a video, and write it to a temporary file ...
sondrelv's user avatar
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The sounds work on my Simulator but not on my device... SWIFT

I have a annoying problem with my project here... When I record something and play it in my Simulator, it's all work fine. But when I play it in my iPhone the sound don't work... I searched for hours ...
Moussdog's user avatar
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How to record audio headphones connected?

i want to record my voice and music together which is playing background. Like a karaoke app. How can i do that when headphone connected. There are not any examples of how to do this.
deneme deneme's user avatar
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How can I record audio when I play a mp3 file on IOS

I want to play a music at same time record audio. Just like karaoke. Is this AVAudioEngine can do it or is there have some method to do it.
K2L's user avatar
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1 answer

Automatic Recording of an iOS app

Is there a way/service or a bunch of tools that enable to automatically traverse an iOS app and simulate taps AND record the screen in a video/gif? the app links can be through deep linking or any ...
Nick Ginanto's user avatar
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Is it possible to record mic input to MP3 playing sound?

I'd like to record my voice during the MP3 playing. At that time, "MP3 playing" means internal original sound not speaker out. Is it possible in iOS? If yes, how can I do that?
Won Young Lee's user avatar
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Audio recording failed when I use linphone sdk

I am developing VOIP application using linphone on IOS. I used [[LinphoneManager instance] startLibLinphone] function for linphone sdk initialization. And then I used below code for audio recording. ...
James Chan's user avatar
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Access iPhone voice call data

I am trying to figure out which framework should I try to hook to, so I can have access to the voice call modulated data. I have access to the data after the AudioUnit has processed them from the ...
John Bassos's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to set a 10 second limit to video recording and in real time remove the 10 seconds old film parts - Swift iOS

I can understand if the title is really confusing, but I'm going to do my best to explain more in detail! I have plans on an iOS Swift app that will record a video with a time limit of 10 seconds. But ...
Anton Lindroth's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is it possible to play the audio while recording [closed]

I am planning to develop an app for recording voice for iOS. The app should provide functions to record, stop, play, pause, rewind and fast forward on the user interface. When recording, the user ...
Jinu Joy's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Fetch records with CloudKit in Swift

i try to fetch records with CloudKit. I use the example from Apple. I can save records but i can't get them.. Here's the code to fetch the records saved : func fetchRecords(completionHandler: ((...
Anthony's user avatar
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1 answer

iOS How to play alert sound in speaker when recording

I want to manually trigger to play some alert sound during recording audio, and I want the alert sound be recorded. So I want the alert play loudly in speaker instead of Receiver during recording ...
user418751's user avatar
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AUIOClient_StartIO failed (-66628) while run on iPhone device

I am facing the following error in Audio unit in iOS7.1.1 (device: iPhone 5). AUIOClient_StartIO failing while attempting to play out in background ERROR: [0x3ce1a18c] 1202: AUIOClient_StartIO ...
user1625812's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11814 "Cannot Record"

It keeps on giving me the error: Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11814 "Cannot Record" I am not sure what the problem is? I am trying to record the sound right when the counter ...
Akbapu's user avatar
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iOS capture audio playback into a file

I'd like to know if it's possible to record an audio playback into a file in ios without using microphone. In another word, is it possible to capture the audio playback "raw data" into a file? I ...
Bagusflyer's user avatar
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Record and play simultaneously on iOS (Phonegap build)

I'm developing iOS and Android application using Phonegap Build version 3.3.0. Main focus of application is audio recording with another audio / music playing in the background. For both instances i'...
matjazu's user avatar
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iOS Cannot play on speaker and set Audio Session to record

Desired functionality: 1) play audio over headphones when plugged in, 2) play audio over speaker when headphones not plugged in, and 3) record audio either through headphones or internal mic. In ...
Jason's user avatar
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I can not update a record in Parse; Error: "object not found for update (Code: 101, Version: 1.2.16)"

I am using Parse as my backend for one of my native iOS app. I am not able to update a record on a table in Parse. First I query the object that I want to update it. So, "objects" array returns 1 ...
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How to get NSData from AVCaptureSession?

I am recording video in iOS using AVCaptureSession. -(id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { [self setCaptureSession:[[AVCaptureSession alloc] init]]; } return self; } -(void)...
user avatar
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Duplex Audio communication using AudioUnits

I am working on a app which has following requirements: Record real time audio from iOS device (iPhone/iPad) and send to server over network Play received audio from network server on iOS device(...
Aniruddha Joshi's user avatar
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Record application audio ouput on iOS

I've read some information about recording audio you play on the application (with buttons), but haven't really understood the basics. What do I need? Can I record audio being played in the ...
diogo.'s user avatar
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The Record Button is not Enabled With iOS Simulator

I've installed Monkeytalk on my machine, it has OS X 10.8.5 I had a successfully run an automatized test on Android with Monkeytalk, so I moved on X Code 5.0.2. Created a sample application (iOS 7.0),...
MMMM's user avatar
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iOS Dev - Hook to app audio output

is there a way to receive the audio output of an app vie another app (my app)? say for example, an app that record the audio of the YouTube app and save it into a file. oh and, of course, not using ...
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Use Kamcord on non Cocos2d app

I am implementing according to kamcord tutorial : My app is a simple ios app not using the cocos2d game ...
orthehelper's user avatar
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ios 7 - AVAudioRecorder or AudioToolbox for Record and Play - Not as file - as buffer

Untill ios6, i used to have audiotoolbox to have record and play (simultaneously) audio using buffers. I think, 'AVAudioRecorder' does recording into a 'file', not in a 'buffer'. in current ios 7, ...
ArunJTS's user avatar
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Play and Record audio Iphone, AudioUnit

I want to add to this example the recordCallBack: i add: recordingCallback: static OSStatus recordingCallback(void *...
phnmnn's user avatar
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4 answers

requestRecordPermission does nothing

Since the update of iOS 7 there has been some changes with recording applications. I have an app that used to work with iOS 5 and 6, but when I tried to run it on iOS 7 - recording didn't respond. I ...
Kevin Hury's user avatar
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Calabash: How to record touches on iPhone

I've recorded aand played back touches via IRB on the iphone simulator, but I couldn't find anything about how to record from an actual device. Is there any documentation to go through?
Marcus Toepper's user avatar
5 votes
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Show taps in iOS App Demo Video

I am making demo videos of my iOS apps, some of which I made with XCode and others of which I made in Unity3D. I plan to use the Elgato Game Capture HD to capture my demo videos but I am not sure how ...
Max von Hippel's user avatar
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How to record and replay the operations on ios?I do not mean the screen recording

How can I record the operations on iOS, such as touch, move, select, when they happened, the time, the position of action, the action type will be recorded.And then the record can be replay, the ...
Suge's user avatar
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How do I start a Record iOS audio session in the background?

I'm trying to start a kAudioSessionCategory_RecordAudio after my app is woken up in the background but not forefront (like during a significant location change, I have seen other apps in the store do ...
audioBackgrounder's user avatar