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2 answers

Make reactable resizeable with minimal witdth of column header

I'm creating a reactable table which is resizeable. The problem is that some column names are longer and are not shown at first because of the table being resizeable. Here is some simple reproducible ...
Quinten's user avatar
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Adding two button_extra() to one cell in reactable table in a Shiny app

Taking some inspiration from the answer to this questions: Add two links in the same cell of a reactable table? I tried to put an example together of using two button_extra() from the reactable_extras ...
Jochem's user avatar
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Call back reactable which included radio button by row

I am able to use DT table to create the table which contained three columns. I can call back the table to return the radio input. I am not sure how to call back in reactable. If anyone knows please ...
Ben's user avatar
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Change color of selected row in reactable

I have this Shiny app that displays a large table with reactable. I want to change the appearance so that the selected row gets a different color than the rest of the table. The code below works. ...
FilipW's user avatar
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How to retain custom cell specification using updateReactable and isolate?

Following up on a previous question on reactable and shiny, I'd like to implement the page jumping in that question with the use of custom icons. library(shiny) library(reactable) library(dplyr) ui &...
sonshine's user avatar
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How to jump to a reactable page upon modifying the underlying data?

I'm trying to use the reactable package to hop to a specific row index after a user modifies the data underlying the reactable. library(shiny) library(reactable) library(dplyr) ui <- fluidPage( ...
sonshine's user avatar
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How to ignore NA when using icon_sets() in reactablefmtr package?

I'm wondering if it is possible to ignore NA values in a given column when applying the icon_sets() function from the reactablefmtr package in R. In my very basic example below, the current code does ...
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Dynamically show/hide columns in reactable table based on external range

I would like to show/hide columns dynamically in a reactable table using an external range. I'm aware that long format is preferred, but I need to have the data in wide format. Here is my code so far: ...
Anna Rouw's user avatar
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How to use crosstalk, reactable, and plotly parcoords in R

I am trying to use reactable and plotly together with brushing. I would think something like this would work: library(plotly) library(reactable) library(crosstalk) library(dplyr) # Sample data (iris ...
JasonAizkalns's user avatar
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How to efficiently use pill_buttons() in reactablefmtr for multiple variables?

I have a data frame that contains ~15 variables of interest, and I'm aiming to conditionally fill the values based on some criteria using the pill_buttons() function in the reactablefmtr package. The ...
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Add a custom search field in reactable in R Shiny

I am developing an application in R Shiny that displays a table using the reactable package. I am trying to add a custom search field that searches all the columns in the table. Looking at Greg Lin's ...
Wardiam's user avatar
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Filtering data in reactable in R shiny. Reactivity and invalidatedLater

I have an R shiny app that works fine, but when I retrieve the data by pressing the ´Get data´ button all the components within the server function get executed twice, and I only want them to be ...
Tota Juliusdottir's user avatar
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Reactable with footer works locally but not on Posit Connect

This app works locally, but not when deployed to the shiny server. library(shiny) library(digest) library(reactable) ui <- fluidPage( mainPanel( reactableOutput("rt") ) ) server ...
paul79's user avatar
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Can reactable sort on rows?

I have a table in R that has the names of ML algorithms in the columns and features in the rows. The cells are holding the VIP variable importance rank if the algorithm used the feature. I would like ...
itsMeInMiami's user avatar
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How to add a date picker to filter a date column in a reactable table in R Shiny?

I would like to display a reactable table in an R Shiny Dashboard where the records can be filtered by column. One of the columns is a date. I would like to use a date picker that appears when you ...
Gurkenhals's user avatar
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Rmarkdown produces HTML-File with whole fontawesome library included

I have a reactable() table in which I want to use fontawesome icons as decoration. Although I only use 4 icons, the whole fontawesome library is included in the HTML file. This file then becomes very ...
MarkusN's user avatar
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How to make sticky columns in a nested table?

I'm trying to display a nested table using the reactable package. I'd like to have the first column be sticky, for both the main table and the table in the expandable rows. However, I'm not able to ...
Anna Rouw's user avatar
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How to extract filtered data from a reactable table?

In an R Shiny dashboard, I can display data from a dataframe in a table using the reactable package. The table includes filter options that allow the displayed observations to be restricted. Now, I ...
Gurkenhals's user avatar
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How to set default Reactable options?

Is there a way to set default reactable table options e.g. (compact = T and striped = T) throughout instead of copy/pasting the same options for each reactable table? It looks like you can set the ...
Jo Lo's user avatar
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Table disappearing if inputting special characters

I am using reactable with custom filtering/searching methods and regular expression patterns, and special functions to collapse rows if they are identical (to avoid repetition of the same rows, which ...
userq8957289475's user avatar
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How to show a ConditionalPanel when a row in a reactable table is selected?

I have a reactable data table containing mtcars and would like to show a table containing iris on the UI only when a row in the mtcars table is selected. The below condition is not working. library(...
Andrii's user avatar
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How to search for multiple strings with AND using JS filter in reactable?

My question is the following. I am trying to create a reactable with R, and I basically want the search bar to be able to global search for multiple strings separated by a whitespace; so for example, ...
userq8957289475's user avatar
1 vote
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How to link table panels in R Shiny Dashboard using datatable to filter data in table 2 based on click in table 1?

Is it possible to program a dashboard with the same functionality as in this example, but instead of using reactable, using the DT (DataTable) package? Requirement: Jump to Table 2 for showing ...
Gurkenhals's user avatar
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Can I use `reactable` with groupBy and span several columns?

My data set has only two columns, but with rather some rather long strings. For example, library(lorem) # for test data dat <- data.frame( group=c( # 2 groups rep(as.character(lorem::...
Karsten W.'s user avatar
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How to link table panels in R Shiny Dashboard using reactable to filter data in table 2 based on click in table 1?

I have an R dashboard with two panels. Each panel displays a table showing a different data frame. Table 1 shows all players with their team affiliation and total score. Table 2 shows the scores of ...
Gurkenhals's user avatar
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How to display a dynamic sum of filtered scores in a reactable footer?

I would like to display a data frame with scores for individuals using the reactable package in an R dashboard. The footer row should show the sum of the scores of the filtered options. In the current ...
Gurkenhals's user avatar
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Is it possible (and how) to make displaying details lazy loading in {reactable}?

I have a shiny app which stores a names of data frames. This names work as a SQL queries - when user clicks on the name, it should run the query and display result. I thought that I could use for that ...
gss's user avatar
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How to move horizontal scrollbar for reactable table to right?

I have reactable table that is very wide. Most of the time I am interested in the right-most columns and so would want to show them by default. This is typical for time series tables, where the most ...
toksing's user avatar
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SliderInput in Reactable not working when rendered using renderUI

I want to use a sliderInput within a reactable table. As the dimensions are only known at runtime (depend on other user inputs), I need to create the table using renderUI. When I create the reactable ...
David's user avatar
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How do I set the filterValue in a filterable reactable in r shiny?

This simple shiny app creates a two column table. I want to set the filterValue in the first column Name to Bob when I press the Set Filter button. At the moment, the table is displayed, but nothing ...
Tota Juliusdottir's user avatar
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How to display sparkline charts inside data frame cell values using reactable?

I have a data frame df that looks like Index Value1 Range 0.1 0.2 c(1,2,3) 0.1 0.2 c(8,2,6) I want to display the table using R Shiny such that the Range column is a sparkline line chart where ...
Siddharth Somani's user avatar
2 votes
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How to Retrieve the Last Reactable Object

I am currently working with reactable in R and I am trying to find a way to retrieve the last reactable object, similar to how ggplot2::last_plot() is used to get the last plot object. How can I ...
mat's user avatar
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R Reactable highlight entire rows based on condition

I want to highlight all rows in a reactable that meet a certain condition. Unfortunately, I have found neither an option nor a suggested solution for this on the net. Here is my reproducible example: ...
TobKel's user avatar
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How to render HTML tags inside a reactable?

I am trying to render HTML tags inside a reactable in Shiny. However the below example is not a shiny table. I have only kept the table in order to reduce the code. I am not able to render the button ...
rakfn's user avatar
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Add on-hover column descriptions for several tables on Shiny with reactable

The app will contains several tables. Some of the column names aro common among them, but some are different. I want to add a brief description of some columns that must show on hover over the column ...
Lev Michkin's user avatar
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R Get current state of all dropdown-inputs in reactable (created with reactable.extras)

I would like to use the packages reactable and reactable.extras in Shiny to create an interactive table in which users can select and update a cell element themselves via dropdown. However, I don't ...
TobKel's user avatar
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How to insert this JavaScript into my Quarto document?

I am experimenting with passing information back and forth between html widgets, but I don't know what I'm doing. I am using one function Reactable.onStateChange from this documentation: https://glin....
Arthur's user avatar
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R programmatically created reactable chunk won't show in Rmarkdown

I have this dataframe products <- c("Product1", "Product2", "Product3") departments <- c("Dept1", "Dept2", "Dept3") campaigns <- c(&...
prdel99's user avatar
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What is breaking the tooltips in this Quarto dashboard?

I have some sparklines embedded in html tables in my reports. I have been experimenting with using Quarto dashboards now for my reports. However, the width of the sparkline tooltip text blows up to ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Tooltips / Popovers in reactable cell with bslib

Since the bslib release 0.5.1 there is a feature to use bootstrap tooltips and popovers in shiny and markdown applications. This works fine and is really useful. Now I wanted to use it inside the ...
Tula's user avatar
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Using the Reactable R package, is there a way to created a nested table inside a nested table?

I am trying to create an interactive table for my R shiny app where the user can drill down into a table by clicking on the rows, I am able to do this using Reactable. The first level works fine ...
Owain2211's user avatar
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Refer to other columns in reactable groupby aggregate expression

I have a dataframe that I'd like to leverage reactable with expandable groupings. I know I can use the groupby argument and then specify the aggregation in the colDef for each metric however, in some ...
ben890's user avatar
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Both select and expand reactable rows when clicked

I have a reactable with expandable details and single row selection. The reactable package offers the onClick argument, which can be set to either "select" or "expand". The problem ...
parterre's user avatar
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How to style embedded plotly plots as pseudo-sparklines?

The reactable packages supports embedded htmlwidgets. I can include plotly plots inside the cells, but I haven't been able to size them appropriately. I'd like for them to be very compact and fine-...
Arthur's user avatar
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Row color formatting on reactable table appears for a second and then disappears

I want to make a reactable table with single-select rows in Shiny such that whenever I click on a row, the colors of the other rows on the table are formatted based on whether or not their values are ...
jjjjohnson's user avatar
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Format groupby rows in reactable

In reactable, is there a way to style the entire row of groupBy header? e.g. to add a border to the bottom like this: Code for table: library(reactable) data <- MASS::Cars93[10:22, c("...
Abigail's user avatar
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Do I have some sort of Shiny/Reactable/JavaScript conflict?

I have been working on a Shiny app and one part has been giving me trouble, and I was hoping to get a sanity check. At one point, I have a Reactable, where I would like a custom onClick JS function to ...
heladave's user avatar
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Add two links in the same cell of a reactable table?

I have a beautiful interactive table created with the R package {reactable}. I would like to put two links in the same cell, where the URLs come from data frame. Is this possible with the reactable ...
Daniel D. Sjoberg's user avatar
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How to trigger a modalWindow from a double click event in a reactable table

I'm trying to trigger a modalwindow with a doubleclick event on a cell in a reactable table. I also need the row index to display an image for the clicked row in the modal. The following code works. ...
Julie R's user avatar
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How to conditionally format multiple columns and specific rows in reactable table?

I have some example data below where I'm trying to conditionally format all numeric columns in my reactable table but only for row 1. For example, I'd like to use a traffic light system and assign the ...
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