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How to read SVG asset using react-native-svg-transformer with Expo

I tried to install react-native-svg-transformer into my Expo project, so I can load PNG and other image files from assets, transform SVG files, use @/src/... as alias. When I start the project, I ...
Oliver Hausler's user avatar
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2 answers

Cannot build my app on Expo due to dependency issue with React Native svg charts

I have recently made an app and I am trying to build it for TestFlight. In my app I started using react-native-svg-charts which uses react-native-svg. These are the version in my package.json: "...
S. N's user avatar
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React Native Remote SVG use

I am using react native 0.73 and trying to use remote svg images. SVG url this is the url which i am trying to use in my ...
Pawan Kumar Singh's user avatar
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Error trying to use react-native-chart-kit

I have this error every time I install react-native-chart-kit using expo and try to run the server ERROR Invariant Violation: Tried to register two views with the same name RNSVGRect, js engine: ...
RoAJ's user avatar
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Problem with `react-native-svg` in Expo app

I'm encountering an issue while using the react-native-svg library in my Expo app. The error message I'm seeing is: View config getter callback for component RNSVGPath must be a function (received ...
Takodana's user avatar
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Rotation Animation Issue in React Native SVG Pie Chart After Reloading App

I am working on a dynamic pie chart using react-native-svg where the stroke width varies based on the data value. The chart includes two animations: stroke width and rotation. While both animations ...
Sunnie Kapar's user avatar
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Cannot build EAS Project, Invalid regular expression: Range out of order in character class

I encountered an error while building my Expo application with EAS. I used the following command: eas build -p android --profile preview The error message is as follows: Loaded "env" ...
Papazy's user avatar
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java.lang.Double cannot be cast to Error when using svgs on Android

Waddup salty members of stackoverflow. I have a react-native app with expo and have been developing on IOS for some time. When I finnaly got around to getting an android phone to test on for android. ...
sebastian chapman's user avatar
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How can i resolve error with fill property after upgrading react-native-svg from 12.3.0 to 13.4.0?

I built React Native app, and I'm using Expo SDK 48 (requires [email protected]), after I upgrade react-native-svg package to the latest version, although I use the fill property correctly, I ...
Lazar's user avatar
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react native why my svg icon is not showing?

Why my paypal icon is not showing ? I have a SVG HTML code and I convert it into react component: Paypal svg <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC &...
localdata01's user avatar
2 votes
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React Native SVG loading indicator for remote SVGs

I am rendering SVGs from remote URLs: import { SvgUri } from "react-native-svg"; function RemoteSVG() { return ( <SvgUri uri={"
Pranava Mohan's user avatar
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SvgUri from react-native-svg is always undefined when importing

In a react native application, the import for SvgUri from react-native-svg always returns undefined throwing the following error: index.js:1 Warning: React.jsx: type is invalid -- expected a string (...
NewVigilante's user avatar
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How can I make this curved svg pressable?

I want to have a curved svg and want to ask you how to can I make this red circle pressable ? Curved Bar
universe11's user avatar
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Exception thrown while executing UI block: [NSNull doubleValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x204329c00

I am trying to display icon relative to specific coordinates on a map, but I keep getting this error thrown, followed by: removedChildren count(0) was not what we expected (1) This won't allow the ...
MK_Pierce's user avatar
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Detect all borders of the SvgText in React Native

I am creating an android/ios app. One of the features that I want to implement are drawing within the given shape (letter). Currently I got a component that puts random English alphabet capital letter ...
Karolis Kajenas's user avatar
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How to render labels along the circumference of PieChart component from react-native-svg-charts?

Here's a snapshot of my code: const data =, index) => { return { key, value: filteredValues[index], svg: { fill: colors[index] }, arc: { ...
Vold's user avatar
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The above error occurred in the </static/media/igesticon.731bb908.svg> component

I have a bug that has been giving me a lot of headaches, I intend to put .svg images into my project and I have tried several ways although it always gives me an error... I am using the lib react-...
Afonso Salvador's user avatar
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How to render a point on a gradient arc?

So I have an SVG component that renders an arc with a color gradient as shown below. Currently, it's just the arc but no grey point. What I want to do is programmatically pass values into the ...
locke's user avatar
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React native SVG onTouch functions vs onResponder functions

I am creating a mobile app with image editor. Right now I am using react native svg to draw lines on the image. I am wondering which built in gestures functions of SVG are more efficient, is it the ...
JAKE's user avatar
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ToolTip not visible on LineChart on React Native application

Background: Currently trying to implement a line chart with tooltip using react-svg-chart library by following this Tutorial. Problem: The onClick decorator shows up on my phone on the Expo app(This ...
Blake's user avatar
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Uncaught Error: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: React for react-native-svg on Expo

I want to render simple svg on Expo, but the below error code is shown. Uncaught Error: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: React My code: import * as React from 'react'; import { Component } from '...
sauceishere's user avatar
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Redirection fails : react-native-svg : React.createElement: type is invalid

I'm trying to understand an error. When I redirect my first screen on another one I get on the bundler : "Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in ...
Kimako's user avatar
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Exception thrown while executing UI block when using react-native-svg

My app suddenly started crashing and gave me that error: Exception thrown while executing UI block: -[__NSCFNumber firstObject]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xb553069cd18775de` After ...
Abdelrhman Elmahdy's user avatar
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react-native-svg ForeignObject element not found (React-Native + Expo + TypeScript)

I have a React Native project created with Expo. I also used the expo TypeScript configuration. I installed react-native-svg using "expo install." I currently have version 9.13.3 installed. Whenever ...
Jesse Sainz's user avatar
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How to fix TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_config.Svg.G')

I'm getting this error in an expo react native project I'm working on. I've updated all packages to match expo SDK 36, so I'm not sure where the error is coming from. TypeError: undefined is not an ...
Siddha Tiwari's user avatar
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getting error "requireNativeComponent: 'RNSVGLinearGradient' was not found in the UIManager..." while rendering Pie Chart using react-native-chart-kit

I have used react-native-chart-kit and react-native-svg in my project, initially I created my project in Expo, where it was working fine(the Pie Chart was rendering perfect with no issues) but when I ...
Anukool's user avatar
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5 answers

Expo 36: Unable to resolve "../../data" from "node_modules/css-tree/lib/syntax/default.js"

Got this error after upgrading expo 35 to 36. Unable to resolve "../../data" from "node_modules/css-tree/lib/syntax/default.js" I've tried to yarn add css-tree. This error was gone, but then module ...
stkvtflw's user avatar
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react-native-elements slider is laggy

The problem is that when I just use a slider only with no other code in the application only just implementing the slider then there is no problem in the slider. But when I use the slider along with ...
Rajat Verma's user avatar
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How to get x and y coordinate value with vertical and horizontal line marking the touch value with tooltip in react-native-svg-charts

How to get x and y coordinate value with vertical and horizontal line marking the touch value with tooltip in react-native-svg-charts. I just want to make same as given here in this link with react-...
Rajat Verma's user avatar
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Upgrade Expo react-native-svg dependency version

My Expo project requires the latest version of react-native-svg library to render my SVGs correctly. Currently it's version 9.3.5 From package-json.lock, I see that my current Expo SDK 32 has version ...
Augusto Samamé Barrientos's user avatar
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Expo SDK 31 react-navigation BottomTabNavigator with react-native-svg Icons Not Working

I use react-native-svg to create icons throughout my app including for tab navigators. Everything was working fine until I updated Expo SDK 30 to SDK 31 (same issue persists into SDK 32). It seems ...
jack kruso's user avatar