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Set default route after login to a CustomRoute?

How would I set a custom route as the default route in react-admin with msalAuthProvider from ra-auth-msal? It seems to default to the first Resource route I have defined, but I want it to redirect to ...
simonfanz's user avatar
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2 answers

react-admin not working if it is in other component and not app.js

I'm trying to integrate React-Admin AdminDashboard component into a larger React application that uses React-Router for navigation. However, I'm encountering issues where AdminDashboard doesn't render ...
husam saleh's user avatar
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2 answers

Issue with useNavigate() Hook in Custom React-Admin Application

I'm facing a challenging issue in my React-Admin application. When I try to use the useNavigate() hook within my custom login component (MyLoginPage), I'm getting the following error: [Route] is not a ...
Janus's user avatar
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How to create react-admin custom route?

I tried to create a custom route in my react-admin app, but I get an error when I try to load it. Here is the code: // src/pages/MyAdmin.tsx export const MyAdmin = () => ( <Admin ...
Martin Ruzek's user avatar
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React-Admin v4: how to set basename with keyword after /#/

I'm trying the simplest React Admin v4 setup to have a path structure such as /#/{project}/resource..., for instance /#/project_1/user/, /#/project_2/user/ etc... (I want everything under /#/ so I can ...
Max's user avatar
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nginx + react static build path can't be accessed on direct url hit

I'm trying to deploy a static build of my create-react-app using nginx. I've added homepage: "." as that is required. And the final output is quite fine, except I can't access some URL ...
Maifee Ul Asad's user avatar
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Custom Sign-Up page redirects to LoginPage in React-Admin

GOAL: A user clicks a link tag <Link> from Custom Login Page directing to a Sign-Up Custom Page. In Sign-Up page, after Form submission in OnSubmit, redirects the user to Login Page or any page ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Prevent copied url redirect to /

When we copied an url to our browser like localhost:3000/#/mypage we are redirect to the homepage /. When I look at the demo of react-admin the copy/paste for /page already work. So I wonder what I ...
Fanny Gaudin's user avatar
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Getting warning while adding noLayout prop to custom routes list in react-admin

How to remove following warning or any alternative way to add custom routes in react-admin without default appLayout? Warning: You should not use <Route component> and <Route render> in ...
Shilpa Shrestha's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Adding custom page without authentication in react-admin

I want to add a signup page to my react-admin web portal. Since react-admin do not provide a signup page, I created a custom page and added it to custom routes: customRoutes.js import React from '...
arpanmangal's user avatar
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I'm using react-admin framework where on login the page doesn't redirect to the lists page

instead it shows this on the console. Warning: Hash history cannot PUSH the same path; a new entry will not be added to the history stack The redirect is not working after successful login. Sometimes ...
Aman Chopra's user avatar