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React-Admin List empty data placeholder not showed with "filterDefaultValues"

I have a List component with a custom component for "empty". Without filterDefaultValues, it shows it. <List filters={DataFilters} filterDefaultValues={{ statuses: ['All'] }} ...
Rodder's user avatar
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React-Admin styling issue with SingleFieldList and ChipField

I am working on React project based on React Admin 4.12.1. It worked fine before I update the packages by running yarn upgrade. The issue is that, I cannot see the text inside ChipField anymore. <...
thedev0226's user avatar
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DateRangePicker in a React-Admin application

I want to use material ui's DateRangePicker in my React-Admin app. But when i do an npm install @material-ui/pickers, I get: While resolving: [email protected] Found: [email protected] node_modules/react ...
Woodchuck's user avatar
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React-admin 4.1.0 - AutocompleteArrayInput and default value make search function not working

I'm using react-admin library version 4.1.0 AutocompleteArrayInput with defaultValue prop, its search function is not work. When typing any value to search, AutocompleteArrayInput will clear all. The ...
dtm's user avatar
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Conditional styling using `sx` in React-Admin

Since makeStyles is deprecated: I'm trying to implement new approach with sx prop. I'm having trouble understanding how to use it with React-Admin components. ...
vladsiv's user avatar
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Disable link for menuItem in React Admin

I have a react admin menu with a submenu, and I want the submenu to expand/collapse on click when you click the title OR the chevron. Right now, if you click the primary text, it triggers the navlink ...
maximosis's user avatar
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SelectInput in react-admin only shows last 20 items of list from resource

I have this code in a creation dialog <ReferenceInput source="id_activofijo" reference="activos/activosfijos" > <SelectInput label="Activo" optionText="...
Matias Nabarro's user avatar
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Set MUI icon color correctly

I have a functional component which should set some default values for react-admin's BooleanField like this: import ClearIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Clear' import DoneIcon from '@mui/icons-...
Heikkisorsa's user avatar
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Apply only one confirmation dialog for all file and image inputs

I have few ImageInput and FileInputs and a confirmation dialog. Is there a way for all ImageInput and FileInputs to use on one confirmation dialog only? Rather have to create many confirmation dialogs ...
DevNooby's user avatar
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BooleanField in V4 does not accept Mui Icons anymore

In react-admin v3 I used the following functional component: import ClearIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Clear' import DoneIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Done' import get from 'lodash/get' import { ...
Heikkisorsa's user avatar
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Storing array input using react admin without ArrayInput

I was wondering if it was possible to input array data without using ArrayInput. My data structure is the following: { id, data: { oilPrice: {day, price}[], gasPrice: {day, price}[]...
Oleksandra Krupnova's user avatar
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React-Admin custom data grid expand row event (v3.19)

I'm trying to use react-admin 3.19 following the custom datagrid example. I can't manage to get the expand to work. In the example below i ...
Hüseyin Z.'s user avatar
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React-Admin retrieve item on AutocompleteInput onSelect

I've got the following code in React-Admin v3 <AutocompleteInput onSelect={(value) => { setCurrentCategory({ reference: }); }} After ...
André Ricardo's user avatar
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How to open a URL in a new tab in React Admin? [duplicate]

I have the following 'Button' component: <Button variant="contained" label="START" color="secondary" size="large" onClick={handleClick} /> ...
Eshaan Gupta's user avatar
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How to update dependencies of dependencies using Yarn

I use react-admin v3.1.4 and I tried to upgrade to v4 but it was to hard. So, while trying to go back to the previous version, I found a problem that didn't run. This is a problem caused by the ...
Lucy's user avatar
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How to parse and format data with ReferenceArrayInput and AutocompleteArrayInput

I work around react-admin 4.13. I have a problem transforming some data with parse and format when I use it to parse it also changes properties in fetch request and the error occurred. <...
Peam's user avatar
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Set maximum form field length in React Admin

Is there some way to set a field in a SimpleForm within React-Admin to limit the number of characters a user can type into that field? Based on the docs, the React-Admin framework itself does not ...
Woodchuck's user avatar
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Can not show image in react-admin

I can not understand why react admin refuses to show pictures This is the code of the component const RecipeShow = (props) => { const controllerProps = useShowController(props); return ( <...
Tanya's user avatar
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How to override the TextInput from React-Admin

I only want to override the specific fields. Setting the custom theme will override the other fields too. Tried using useStyles but didn't work and tried using direct style props but that also didn't ...
Akhil Rana's user avatar
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Deactivate Pointer-Events of material-ui Edit Icon

I'm trying to deactivate the pointer-events on an material-ui Edit-Icon. (My goal is that 'the hand' dissappears when hovering over the icon.) import EditIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Create'; import {...
Jenny's user avatar
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react-admin add font with override MuiCssBaseline @global @font-face not working

I am trying to add the NotoSansSC-Regular.otf from Google to react-admin so that the default font for simplified Chinese will be that. I have successfully got it working if I do a CSS include of the ...
AntonOfTheWoods's user avatar
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Material UI TextField with type datetime-local date picker with seconds

I am using react-admin and want to edit date and time including seconds using DateTimeInput. However, I am not able to do that. I tried following: Option 1: <TextField id={id} {...input} step=...
Aby's user avatar
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Set icon in React Admin ChipField conditionally

I have a ChipField in my Datagrid in my React Admin App which shows a text property. Now, I'd like to add an icon to that ChipField by using the icon prop. Since the ChipField can have one of five ...
padmalcom's user avatar
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How to edit React-admin MuiTableCell or other Mui components?

I'm building an Admin with React-Admin, and its documentation quite lacks clearance on how to edit the tables grid or other components. I need to edit the padding of the MuiTableCell. Currently, it ...
theKid's user avatar
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How to use react-admin with material ui version 5

How to use react-admin with Material UI version 5. Is it possible to make it independent from material ui 4?
Oki's user avatar
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Is there any quick way to implement a Material-UI theme?

I am aware of custom theming process within react-admin. I was wondering if in react-admin it is possible to implement a custom theme without needing to go component by component and theming them ...
Tule's user avatar
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How can I remove the navbar from React-Admin?

I'm having some issues trying to delete/remove the default navbar from react-admin. As you can see, my original Navbar is at the bottom of the react-admin navbar which if I inspect and remove it, it ...
theKid's user avatar
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how to handle the method type in ListItem of type button in react-admin?

In raect-admin I have thomething like this: <ListItem button to={`/XXX/${}`} component={Link} key={} > when clicking on the link I want to ...
R H's user avatar
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React-Admin CSS theme overrides are placed earlier in <head> and getting overwritten by MaterialUI

After upgrading to React-Admin 3.15 (and @material-ui/core 4.11.4 (styles as well)) we're running into some issues with styles. For example - for our sidebar <MenuItemLink /> elements we've ...
Lukáš Stuchlík's user avatar
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Custom Components in a Custom Layout in react-admin e.g. appbar, sidebar doesnt' don't show the correct theme colours for all page types

What you were expecting: When you are dynamically pick a theme object in a custom layout based on the URL/history in react-admin resource, the correct theme is used on the every page type e.g. List, ...
cordial's user avatar
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How do you change the primary colour on a resource basis in react-admin?

I have various resource components that sit inside the react-admin Admin component. The admin component has a custom layout. Each of the resource screens has a different primary colour though, to ...
cordial's user avatar
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React-admin Datagrid: expand all rows by default

I have a react-admin (3.14.1) List using a Datagrid, where each row is expandable. Does anyone know how to expand all the rows by default? Or expand a row programmatically? I've checked the Datagrid ...
chichilatte's user avatar
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react-admin: <Show> component elements not rendering when wrapped inside divs

I'm currently working on an admin portal using react-admin, and I've been able to seamlessly style it using MaterialUI, specifically its makeStyles hook. The way I've done it is I'd import my ...
sizreem's user avatar
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How to prevent entering wrong dates in react-admins DateInput?

How to prevent user from manually entering wrong dates like 30.Feb.2020? import { DateInput } from "react-admin"; const validateDate = (value) => { console.debug('value of the ...
mcfly soft's user avatar
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How to disable manual editing of react-admin DateInput

I try to simply disable the manual editing of the DateInput of react-admin. I just want to be able to pick a date (green) insteed of allowing the user to enter the dates (Red) So the control should be ...
mcfly soft's user avatar
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Material-UI : How to replace backgroundImage css in react admin <Login />?

I am reading the following documentation : React-Admin customize login background: Material-UI customize theme: https://...
Dimitri Kopriwa's user avatar
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Appending MenuItems to Material-UI Select Input in React

So I'm not great with react or even javascript, but what I'm trying to do is take this react element: const selectItem = ( <Select defaultValue="" id="type-select" ...
Joe Fedorowicz's user avatar
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How can i override the overflow property in material UI MuiCard-root class

This is my styles: const styles = (theme) => ({ panel: { position: 'absolute', zIndex: 10, }, setLink: { display: 'inline', textDecoration: 'underline', cursor: 'pointer', ...
Michy's user avatar
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material ui auto complete ID with using onChange

I am trying to get the id of tag whenever onChange is fired. However the id I get from onChange function is different from the id i have used in the tag. Here is the code: <Autocomplete id="...
Salman's user avatar
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React-Admin - adding material ui theme overrides specific css selector as a global

In React-Admin, I'm trying to apply certain css code inside my Material UI theme as a global attribute. Right when I'm creating my theme, I've been added those lines inside my overrides: overrides: { ...
Tal Sahar's user avatar
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Custom react-admin drag & drop list

It can't drag. What is wrong with it? I'm using react-sortable-hoc with material-ui to custom react-admin list page with drag & drop sortable. Demo :
Rahat Sarawasee's user avatar
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React admin custom input component with text input base style

I created a DateTimePicker component for my react-admin project: import { DateTimePicker, DateTimePickerProps, MuiPickersUtilsProvider } from "@material-ui/pickers"; import { FC } from "...
Soullivaneuh's user avatar
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React-admin unhandled rejection in fetching data when it should not be

I'm writing custom data provider. If I throw an error from data source method, e.g. delete('resource', options) I see error properly logged (react-admin uses showNotification for that internally) and ...
VitoMakarevich's user avatar
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How can I use show component inside a ListItemText?

I used the ListItemText to display the list and my goal is to use the show component in the react-admin when each row of the list is clicked, but the function related to the display is not executed? ...
Iman Jalali's user avatar
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How i can set user Image & avatar in the list, if user upload image then show user image otherwise its show the avatar

const ImageDetail = ({ record = {} }) => { return ( <div> <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: colour() }}> {record.MemberFirstName && ...
Lawrence's user avatar
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RaFormInput width always seems to be 256px

I have the below tabbed form and no matter what I set as far as content (grids, boxes, etc) the width of the parent form is always 256px The html element is MuiContainer-root RaFormInput-input-61 but ...
nwood2009's user avatar
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Change the link colors in Material UI Sidebar (Drawer) in a Reactjs app

I tried using different properties in the sidebar style to override the link color but nothing is working. Default style/color of Sidebar drawer (before overriding the style) MySidebar.js // ...
Yusuf Alii's user avatar
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react-admin without Material UI

how can i use react-admin without material UI? I want to use react-admin without material example: replace it with a boostrap or another design library
SARR's user avatar
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Is there a possibility to override the react admin pagination for the List Component to add an input to let the possibility to choose our page?

I would like to know if actually react admin does let us override the actual Pagination in the List Component to add an input at the place of the "..." and enter a page number directly ...
QuentinUbi's user avatar
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How to show up DeleteButton in react-admin? And not only the last stuff loading from database?

I started using javascript and React for a small project based on REST. So I tried to show some datas from my database in a browser, but only the last Product shows up 7 times (only 7 products are in ...
DorianHUN's user avatar