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AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'categories'

Modin DataFrame Merge Issue After dropna on Categorical Column: I'm encountering an issue when using Modin to merge DataFrames that contain categorical columns. The issue arose after I performed a ...
Sumukha G C's user avatar
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Correct way of using foreach_worker and foreach_env

I am quite new to Reinforcement Learning and can’t understand it. I am unable to update configurations for the batch data using PPO. I am using my custom-defined GYM environment, and want to train it ...
Abid Meraj's user avatar
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How to Parallelize a Flask App with Gunicorn and Distribute GPU Usage Among Workers?

I am building a Flask app to handle facial embeddings using DeepFace. My goal is to serve approximately 50 clients, with an estimated 10 requests per minute. Each request involves running deepface....
gpu-try-deepface's user avatar
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After ray.get a stored large object within a remote function I get Error

I used the following example code received from chatGPT when asking "error ObjectRef in ray.get after ray.put". The model suggested this code example should work, but it doesn't: import ray ...
mike's user avatar
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Getting Serialisation Error on Initial Call to Class Function Decorated with Ray.remote

I'm using Ray with ray.remote to define an InferenceActor class, which includes a method run_inference which contains one parameter (A list of strings) for handling model inference tasks. However, ...
Matthew Dickson's user avatar
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Pytorch + Ray Tune Reporting ImplicitFunc Is Too Large, No Idea Which Reference Is Large

Similar to this question, Ray Tune is reporting to me: ValueError: The actor ImplicitFunc is too large (421 MiB > FUNCTION_SIZE_ERROR_THRESHOLD=95 MiB). Check that its definition is not implicitly ...
Falcondance's user avatar
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How can I ensure that my Python logic runs exclusively on the Apache Ray Worker Nodes?

I am using Apache Ray to create a customized cluster for running my logic. However, when I submit my tasks with ray.remote, they are executing on the driver node rather than on the worker nodes I ...
Learnings's user avatar
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How to configure Ray cluster to utilize the Full Capacity of Databricks Cluster

I have a Databricks cluster configured with a minimum of 1 worker and a maximum of 4 workers, with auto-scaling enabled. What should my Ray configuration (setup_ray_cluster) be to fully utilize the ...
Learnings's user avatar
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Ridiculous VMEM usage when using Ray on a cluster

Initial Problem: I am testing out a multiprocessing Python package called Ray to parallelise my code. Original code works fine on my laptop, core-i7-13800H, 32GB RAM. When running on a local cluster ...
Bawb's user avatar
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Understanding the ray.get() method

I am fairly new to Ray and I am struggling to understand what the ray.get() function actually does. I found a small example online here that can help. @ray.remote class Prime: # Constructor ...
Kit Searle's user avatar
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inter core interconnect Checking in simple Slices of TPU

ICI (inter core interconnects) offers a very fast connectivity with TPUs (that is connected with different hosts) and thus also increase its total available memory for TPU calculations (I guess!). ...
Krishna Mohan's user avatar
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helm install raycluster kuberay/ray-cluster --version 1.1.1 stuck at pulling image

I follow the documentation to deploy a raycluster on kubernete, I already setup a Kubernete cluster, now I am deploy a Ray cluster on top of it.
Liang's user avatar
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Android sceneView 3D model HitResult

This is my first time trying 3D, I'm using SceneView <io.github.sceneview.SceneView android:id="@+id/sceneView" android:layout_width="match_parent" ...
WeiChen Chen's user avatar
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Policies' directory not present in saved checkpoint

I'm using RayRL Lib, and after switching to the new API version, the checkpoint directory no longer includes the policies folder. Why this might be happening? Currently, the checkpoints contain the ...
Khashayar Ghamati's user avatar
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What is `_serve_asgi_lifespan` in Ray Serve?

I'm trying to use Ray + vLLM and face AttributeError ('VLLMDeployment' object has no attribute '_serve_asgi_lifespan'). I would like to know how to solve this issue. Steps Download the Ray Docker ...
dmjy's user avatar
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How can I specify the port number of health check of Ray?

I have two windows servers ( and and try to run a Ray Docker container (image tag = 2.35.0-py312-gpu) on each server. Steps I run these two commands to start the Ray process....
dmjy's user avatar
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K8s Readiness probe failed: success for ray-worker, docs maybe unclear

I’m working on setting up a Ray cluster with a head node and worker pods. While the head node deploys successfully and functions as expected, the worker node fails with the error: “Readiness probe ...
zacko's user avatar
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How to make ray task async

I want to run a function (Ray Task) that may trigger another request afterward. For example, if I have 10 tasks but only 1 CPU, the system will process one task at a time since each task requires 1 ...
zacko's user avatar
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Using Ray and RayCast to look around in first person

I am currently working on a small project where you controll the character in first person mode, allthough this question is also relevant for third person. What I want to do is looking around by just ...
Oliver Hostettler's user avatar
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Discrepancies in Output with Ray Parallelization of ODE Propagation

I am using Ray to parallelize my ODE propagation code, which employs solve_ivp with the lsoda solver. For performance, the ODE code also uses Numba JIT. While the code runs correctly in a single-...
Peng's user avatar
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Slurm step failure capture via trap

I am trying to setup my ray cluster with a sbatch script. I am starting head & worker nodes as steps in my script. The worker nodes are expected to keep running till the job is alive. mysbatch....
DOOM's user avatar
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How to do distributed batch inference using tensor parallelism with Ray?

I want to perform offline batch inference with a model that is too large to fit into one GPU. I want to use tensor parallelism for this. Previously I have used vLLM for batch inference. However, now I ...
ganto's user avatar
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Ray + lightning prepare_data_loader MisconfigurationException

I am trying to start a training session with Ray on GPU but experiencing errors while on CPU everything works smoothly. The issues are raising from the data modules: I have the following class which ...
magzmag's user avatar
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utilize computer resources on RLLIB effectively

I am trying to learn what are the best practices for determining parameters that utilize computer resources effectively in RlLib. On my laptop, I have 16 cpu cores and 1 gpu. I tried running the ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Extending a Ray Actor or make a subclass be a Ray Actor

Look at the code below: class A: def __init__(self, n): self.n = n class B(A): def __init__(self): super(B, self).__init__(n=10) Adding @ray.remote at the beginning of any ...
Rick Dou's user avatar
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Pyarrow error with ray & lightning on databricks

I am trying to train a neural net with pytorch lightning on ray on a databricks cluster. As a start, I copied the example from
DataDiver's user avatar
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Memory Issue with Ray in Cluster Environment

I'm new to using Ray, and I've set up a workflow to read and process several .csv files using Pandas. Here's a snippet of my setup: with on_ray( num_cpus=6, object_store_memory=10 * 1024 * ...
Vgamero's user avatar
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When to apply backface culling, depending on the ray and material type?

I am currently implementing a ray tracer, which supports reflection and refraction. I have the following types of rays: camera rays shadow rays reflection rays refraction rays I have the following ...
Kotaka Danski's user avatar
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It is possible to set up ray cluster on top of p2p networks?

i am learning libp2p and ray. just wonder whether it is possible to get the IPs (reachable IPs among these nodes) of some nodes in p2p networks and then set up ray cluster on these nodes? here, we do ...
Chengcheng Pei's user avatar
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How to Forward gRPC Requests in a Proxy Server for Ray?

I am implementing a reverse proxy for Ray. The reverse proxy works well for HTTP requests, but some communications of Ray use gRPC. For example, the reverse proxy is getting requests like http://...
Emmanuel Murairi's user avatar
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Error: Missing argument 'CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE'. Ray GCP

I have created a GCP Ray cluster from the ray cluster dashboard within GCP, I have also created a Ray cluster locally via docker compose. Is there an easy way to generate the ray cluster config? For ...
jm-nab's user avatar
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How to implement ray server with multiple gpus?

I'm trying to implement a multi-gpu local server with ray and vllm. I have uploaded my full code and commands to this github repository. In short, I want to serve a big model that requires 2 gpus, but ...
Boyuan Chen's user avatar
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Overriding Ray dashboard url returned by ray.init()

I'm running a JupyterHub installation on Kubernetes (EKS) and an elastic Ray cluster automatically starts for each user when their notebook starts, and automatically stops when the notebook closes. ...
Igor's user avatar
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Ray logging is not working for calls in main or worker process

I am trying to set up a logger on Windows that can output messages to both a log file as well as stdout with different log levels. I am using ray to run a couple of remote worker processes so I would ...
altwood's user avatar
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Custom MLPPolicy issues in Ray RLLIB

I'm trying to create a custom MLP-based policy in Ray Rllib using this code below: python: 3.10 Rayrlib version: 2.23 class CustomMLPModel(TorchModelV2, nn.Module): def __init__(self, obs_space, ...
David's user avatar
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How exactly do Ray resource requests compare with K8s?

I'm reading Ray's Architecture doc, and it says: Note that because resource requests are logical, physical resource limits are not enforced by Ray. It is up to the user to specify accurate resource ...
Ovesh's user avatar
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Does Ray Offer any Functional/Declarative Interface to Map a Remote Function to an Iterator/Iterable?

My present Code #!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 """Demonstration of Ray parallelism""" import ray from typing import Iterator ray.init() @ray.remote def square(n:...
Della's user avatar
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Ray serve error: throws utf-8 can't decode byte 0xf8 in position 0 invalid byte

I am trying to run in my test method but when the test runs, it throws an error in this part of the code:, route_prefix=settings.app_root_url) ...
Jorge Cespedes's user avatar
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How do I access shared object with ray in python?

I got an issue while parallelizing the attached code. Unfortunately it seems that ray cannot access the object spe10. The error it gives is AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'Spe10' on <module '...
user24959319's user avatar
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How to properly clean up non-serializable states associated with a Ray object?

Suppose I have a Ray actor that can create a Ray object that associates with some non-serializable states. In the following example, the non-serializable state is a temporary directory. class MyObject:...
Yang Bo's user avatar
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!!! FAIL serialization: cannot pickle 'EnhancedModule' object. Problem: Ray Serialization

I've been running a Python task on Ray Cluster and AWS. I have some custom classes and functions and can't get past serialization. Receiving such errors: !!! FAIL serialization: cannot pickle '...
Tim Cvetko's user avatar
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How to parallelize a for-loop within a defined function using Ray in Python

I have been tasked with parallelizing a piece of code for a huge project I am taking a part in. The I have been tasked with the parallelization goes something like this: import numpy as np #...
user399840's user avatar
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ray failed to init on win11 in python 3.9 and raise a TimeoutError

Python 3.9.19 (main, Mar 21 2024, 17:21:27) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] ray.__version__: '2.10.0' platform:Win11 When I init ray as follows: import ray ray.init() it raise an error: Traceback (most ...
yichuan zhang's user avatar
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Ray error when trying to deploy Llama3 70b with VLLM with Vertex AI

Using Vertex ai custom container online predictions, i'm trying to deploy: meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct with vllm 0.4.1 on 8 NVIDIA_L4 gpus and gettings: /tmp/ray is over 95% full, ...
Tsvi Sabo's user avatar
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Loading pickle file in Mac after writing in linux causing issues

I am using ray rllib to save and load checkpoints. I am using the same version across Mac and Linux. I want to be able train on linux and infer on my Mac but I am getting the following error: ...
Prabhjot Singh Rai's user avatar
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In a Jupyter notebook, create an object from a class referenced using a string to use with ray

My 3.6.3 Jupyterlab notebook is running Python 3.10.11. I am trying to use Ray to implement some asymmetrical code. This would be simple, except that in my remote function I am trying to implement a ...
Calab's user avatar
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How to serialise a TensorFlow Hub "KerasLayer" to enable parallel computing with libraries like joblib or Ray?

To work within the constraints of a Kaggle competition, I'm using a pre-trained EfficientNetv2-m model that's loaded into my Kaggle notebook using TensorFlow Hub (I can't see another way of loading ...
user23798276's user avatar
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Small PyTorch networks take almost 3 GB of RAM to train on MNIST

I am running into problems using PyTorch. I have to run some experiments on PyTorch custom models, and given that I have to train a lot of them I tried to run them in parallel using ray[tune]. I have ...
Noumeno's user avatar
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GPU management using Tensorflow and Ray clients (OOM)

I am using Ray to simulate several clients learning with Tensorflow (for a federated learning task with Flower). Ray allows the GPU to be shared between the clients. The GPU is therefore divided into ...
Milodupipo's user avatar
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Ray tune checkpoints for training a YOLOv8 network

I've been trying to train my own fine-tuned network with the YOLOv8 architecture, and I also want to optimize hyperparameters and find the best parameters for data augmentation. Now, I'm seeking to ...
Jan's user avatar
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