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Autorun script in Raspberry Pi 4

I am trying to autorun my Python script whenever my Raspberry Pi 4 boots up or when I start connecting it to a power source, but I already tried different methods but didn't work. By the way, my ...
Genesis Coronel's user avatar
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JavaFX not rendering properly on Raspberry Pi (aarch64)

We are trying to port a library of jars using JavaFX from Windows, where they currently run, to linux / aarch64. Goal: is to get them running on off the shelf ARM hardware, i.e. Raspberry Pi. (ideally ...
Florian's user avatar
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A2DP SINK no audio when making phone calls

I am running LineageOS on a RaspberryPI for a car stereo head deck which is working extremely well. I want to try to get bluetooth hands free working. I have enabled bluetooth settings which allow me ...
Dean's user avatar
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gpiozero combining button events in event driven code

I'm pretty new to the Python and Raspberry business and am currently working on my first major application. I like gpiozero and the ability to work with events throughout. I would like to make my code ...
MaxWeb's user avatar
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How do I correctly implement control for GUI in raspberry pi 4

Here I have these code: //the variables and struct I uses and struct definition int menu_flag = 0; // initialised menu flag to 0 int selected_item = 0; // selected item flag to 0 int ...
saltedfry's user avatar
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Start Address of rpi-4-b .dtb file

On the official website I can't find the "start address" it used for loading device tree blob file, so I decide writing a program traversal all of memory find the entry it stored the .dtb ...
Joseph Huang's user avatar
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Is it possible to use pins 32-53 as GPIO on a Raspberry Pi4

My scenario is that I have a raspberry pi 4 using GPIO 2-27, and I am able to freely set the pins as inputs or outputs print("Setting pins 2-8 as INPUTS with PUD_UP") for pin in range(2, 9): ...
Vanillaice's user avatar
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How can I set the display environment variable on a Raspberry Pi at boot?

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 with a 1280x800 display and no keyboard or mouse. I ssh into it remotely over WiFi and am coding it to display images, ultimately on its own without my ssh into it. I installed ...
Dribbler's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi Camera won't Initlize

I am trying to get the video feed off of my raspberry pi camera on to my laptop or a cloud server. My camera works, all of the packages are up to date, the preview also works but every time run the ...
1000 Nerd Street's user avatar
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Whenever i changing the widget i am facing the issue of delay in overall performance and user interface while using serial COM

I'm using this PyQt5 code on the Raspberry Pi 4. When I run the code, I receive and plot analog values on the plot_widget via serial communication. If I change the mode or widget, and then attach the ...
Thiru .N's user avatar
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Problem with server to capture and send video over TCP/IP from USB camera to capture video from USB camera "A4 Tech" connected to Raspberry Pi 4B: import cv2 import socket import struct import pickle import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging....
Nickvels's user avatar
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Adafruit fingerprint sensor library error on a Raspberry Pi 4

I'm trying to test my fingerprint sensor, it shows up on the terminal too, but when I run this code this error shows up: Traceback (most recent call last):   File "<string>", line 9, ...
Soham Bhole's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 Assembly Segmentation Fail

I trying to make a random number generator made using assembly. To make the file and run it I'm using vim and gcc but I keep getting a segmentation fail. .section .data seed: .word OxA5A5A5A5 // ...
Raging Storm's user avatar
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What OS can run the face_recognition library on the Raspberry pi 4?

I am having trouble finding an OS for the raspberry pi 4 that can run the face_recognition library, the ones I have used have not seemed to allow me download it, or the necessary libraries for it (...
ick1salvado's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 ADS1115 No Hardware I2C on (scl,sda)=(3, 2)

I'm trying to do voltage measurements with RPi 4 Model B, ADS1115 and a voltage sensor. RPi is running the default Raspbian system. Python 3.11 is installed on the system. I've created virtual python ...
KulaGGin's user avatar
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RFID 522 reader with RPi4 only reads sometimes

I have an RFID 522 reader connected with Raspberry Pi 4 and it only works sometimes. I followed the schematic from a tutorial and used the corresponding code. The reader works perfectly fine, detecing ...
Mourghe's user avatar
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How to detect if a USB flash drive was inserted on Raspberry Pi 4, and list all the files inside the USB flash drive using pyusb?

I am using Python 3.11 on Raspberry Pi 4. Say I have a USB flash drive connected on one of the USB ports of the Raspberry Pi 4. How do I get the path of the USB flash drive, so that I can list them to ...
Ron's user avatar
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Controlling raspberry pi bluetooth with a python script

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B running Raspberry Pi OS Lite 64-bit with Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (Bookworm) Kernel: Linux 6.6.20+rpt-rpi-v8. I have to control the Bluetooth of the ...
Plat00n's user avatar
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Is it possible to set a timeout property when connecting to a Raspberry Pi using pigpio

Pretty much when you try to connect to a raspberry pi remotely using pigpio, there doesn't seem to be an innate way of setting a timeout property in terms of how long should it attempt to connect to a ...
RedRum69's user avatar
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Problems setting up a simple RaspberryPi IRS in C++ using pigpio library

I want to make a simple Interrupt Service Routine on my RaspberryPi4 using the pigpio library This is my simple setup: Setup And Here is my simple code: #include <QCoreApplication> #include <...
Mads N's user avatar
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How do I run the following script in Raspberry pi 4 terminal as soon as it starts up?

I am currently running the program via VNC and after startup I open the terminal and run the following code cd home/documents/...... source venv/bin/activate python as soon as i run this, the ...
brijesh BHS's user avatar
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raspberrypi et opencv, missing libhdf5-103

I'm trying to install opencv in a raspberrypi 4. The os is raspbiam. The content of /etc/apt/source.list.d/raspi.list is: deb buster main When I try this search:...
anraT's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4: Uneven speed of GPIO bit-banging in C loop (RPi 4, 64bit)

I am trying to measure the data transfer speed achievable through GPIO bit-banging and recording the reading results in memory. I have created a writeup on the setup, it uses FPGA connected to GPIO 1. ...
Alexandr Savochkin's user avatar
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-bash: [email protected]:rekiiel/ No such file or directory

i try to install Forwardemail on my raspberry pi 4 with ubuntu server 23.10 64bit, so I followed the instructions but at step 5 [email protected]:forwardemail/ cd I ...
Rekiel's user avatar
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ERROR: Could not build wheels for opencv-python, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

I expected to download opencv-python on Raspberry PI 4, but found this issue. pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pip3 install opencv-python Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not ...
QG_office's user avatar
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I cant execute my firefox in kiosk mode in first plan

I'm working on a Django project using a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, and I want Firefox to launch automatically when the machine is turned on, but it always opens in kiosk mode and never comes to the ...
Dinis Leal's user avatar
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Installing wayfire-plugins-extra from github on Raspian "Bookworm"

I'm a total beginner with Linux. I have a RaspberryPi 4 running with Raspian "Bookworm" that I want to configure to show some website in kiosk mode. Right now I'm trying to hide the cursor ...
GuidoT's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 Kiosk Mode - Full Screen Browser minimises after TV Reboot

Evening! Rasp Pi 4 Raspberry Pi OS 64Bit Latest updates so config.txt is relocated to /boot/firmware/config.txt Trying to figure out a way i can stop Kiosk mode from coming out of fullscreen browser ...
Still Learnding's user avatar
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Importing Neopixel

I am working on a project that requires adafruit circuitpython neopixel. So I ran pip3 install neopixel It said I need to create a virtual environment so I did and ran the command in it and it said ...
Michael Guidice's user avatar
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How to make Raspberry Pi screen only take up a portion of the monitor

I need to make the actual screen of my raspberry pi 4 only have a display width of 600 and height of 480 on a 800x480 px screen. I have tried enabling overscan and setting left and right to 100 each, ...
James Gernuck's user avatar
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Integrating 2 Python Scripts - Flask & I2C on Pi4

I'm trying to write a script which will display which GPIO pins are connected to a common ground on a Pi. This should display on a web page using flask, which works perfectly. It should also display ...
CairngormStudios's user avatar
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flutter does not install on my raspberry pi

I: 1.installed raspberry pi OS on raspberry pi 400. Then: 2.installed snapd. Then: 3.installed snap-store. Then: 4.installed flutter. Then: 5.I ran this command: flutter doctor when I ran "...
RasooliAli's user avatar
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Operating 12v Solenoid with Rpi4 and IO Pi Plus

I am a noob, trying to operate a 12v Solenoid with Rpi4 + IOPiPlus + 12v Relay. Took the Blinking LED sample code and used it as-is for the 12v Solenoid. Quickly figured out I will need help, as the ...
user1860739's user avatar
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I2C Reads Returning Zero (RPi 4, SenseHat, Pi4J)

I am working on a project with a Raspberry Pi 4 and Sense Hat. I am trying to get the temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure readings from the Hat in Java. I don't want to use Python or other ...
WondrousBread's user avatar
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ST7789 TFT shows blank screen

I have ST7789 display and I am trying to connect it and manage from Raspberry 4B (python). I'm currently using ST7789 python library, but anything I do the screen is always blank. Screen is only light ...
kawopaj537's user avatar
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How to use the cl-pg package?

I have installed clisp and cl-pg on my computer (Raspberry PI 4B) to work with PostGres from a Lisp script. # apt install clisp # apt install cl-pg The few tricks I have tried starting with the ...
Michel's user avatar
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Common Lisp on Raspberry PI

I just installed Common Lisp on my Raspberry PI. It is running the last OS (2023-10-10 raspios arm64 lite). Here is what happens when I run a lisp program of mine: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ./testpic 10000 ...
Michel's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi camera image color are diffrent from real colors

I am new to Raspberry Pi and I am using a 5 megapixel Raspberry Pi camera version 1.3 and I have taken pictures with it. But the color of the pictures taken is different from the actual color of the ...
Amir133's user avatar
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Problem with ALSA with Raspberry Pi 4b and voice recognition

I get the following error: def recognizer(): try: with sr.Microphone() as voice: listen = sr.Recognizer() voices = listen.listen(voice, 2, 30) command = ...
Vector776's user avatar
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raspberry pi 4 - trying to emulate mouse and keyboard - BrokenPipeError: [Errno 108] Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown

I have a Pi4 running Bookworm with Kernel 6.1.21 and I'm tring to emulate the keyboard and mouse. I have a boot script running that looks like this one: Mouse emulation on Raspberry Pi 4 does not work ...
martinval's user avatar
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Understanding Size Discrepancy between Raw Array and Image from Raspberry Pi Camera

I am using a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 with an Arducam IMX230 camera to capture raw images. The camera is configured for a specific sensor mode, but the resulting numpy array from the raw capture ...
techguyimg's user avatar
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MySQL4 on a Raspberry Pi 4 B

I am using CAO faktura 1.4 which only works with mysql4, so I installed mysql4.1.22 on a Raspberry Pi 4 B which was a bit tricky but finaly I managed to configure and make install. Then I added to the ...
Louis Eiden's user avatar
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Chronic json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) on Raspberry pi 4

i could use some help with an issue I've encountered working on my raspberry pi 4 8gb. I am working on an app i want to leave to autorun with lxde-pi on boot, this app is started from the terminal ...
Diego Sanchez's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 Thonny Opencv

I cannot run my code that I wrote on python IDE 3.11 to the python Thoonny 3.9. I downloaded the opency libraty: I also used picamera2 ...
user22417774's user avatar
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Specific Tensorflow Deps on Raspberry

for a clients AI project I need to install specific tensorflow version and other requirements on a Raspberry Pi. Can you tell me if it is even possible to get this running or should I try to build ...
Aionly's user avatar
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Raspi Camera not detected

My camera is not being detected by my raspi. When running: vcgencmd get_camera in the terminal it outputs: supported=0 detected=0, libcamera interfaces=0 I am pretty confident it is plugged in ...
xampL's user avatar
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Psplash on Raspberry Pi blinks on boot

I have Yocto image for my Raspberry Pi 4B with HDMI screen connected. I'm using psplash to display splash screen on boot. But splash screen blinks twice on each boot. There is 10 seconds black screen ...
Thugmek's user avatar
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ChromeDriver in RaspberryPi 4

I am trying to use appium in a docker container runs on RaspberryPi4. But I encounter a problem regarding chrome driver. Apparently chrome drivers are not published for armv7l. I searched and found ...
FroMoSouOmou's user avatar
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${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS} not set after building OpenCV from source

I followed this tutorial to build OpenCV: It built and installed successfully, but trying to include opencv2/opencv.hpp is not working. The ...
01 Binary's user avatar
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