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2 answers

How to tryCatch in R cfa of lavaan library (and inspect errors, but get variable)?

I do simulation research and create different datasets for different CFA models. During a series of simulations, I would like to handle errors resulting from e.g. randomization. Specifically - I would ...
kwadratens's user avatar
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Loop with Lavaan in R couldn't find the variable

I was running the following code so that my Lavaan Model can test different predictors. However, the error says it couldn't find my "predictor". I need to keep that "paste" row so ...
Xian Zhao's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I extract one specific coefficient from multiple lavaan models?

I wrote a function to run several lavaan models at once (from 5 different datasets). In the output I get the 5 different outputs. However, I would like to extract one specific estimate from each of ...
Dominique Maciejewski's user avatar
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1 answer

Loop or Function in R that for Multiple Analyses with Similar Variables

Relatively new to r, and I'm trying to figure out how to run an identical analysis for two different sets of variables. This isn't my data, but here's how my code looks right now: library(lavaan) ...
Jonathan D.'s user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

R loop for several dataframes using Lavaan

I'm currently working on data with 8 waves, each wave is for now stored in it's own dataframe. I've done most of the data cleaning with a lot of repetition, since I couldn't figure out how to make R ...
Eva Billen's user avatar
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1 answer

Loop over combinations of column names with lavaan syntax

How can I loop over rows of a data frame containing variable names permutations when running a mediation analysis with lavaan? Say I have 4 variables var1, var2, var3, var4: df<- data.frame(var1 =...
blazej's user avatar
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